Sunday, September 05, 2010

Now It Can Be Told: 'George W. Bush Was Very Smart'

Gee, he wasn't really dopey chimp whose puppet strings were pulled by the evil Darth Cheney? You mean a guy who flew fighter jets and ran businesses isn't really the dolt portrayed by the media elites?

FORMER British Prime Minister Tony Blair said US President George W. Bush was "very smart," but his predecessor Bill Clinton was the smartest politician he ever met.

Speaking on This Week with Christiane Amanpour, Mr Blair was asked to talk about his relationships with Mr Clinton and Mr Bush.

Ms Amanpour read a section of Blair’s new memoir entitled A Journey in which the former prime minister wrote: "George W. Bush was very smart. He had an immense simplicity in how he saw the world. Right or wrong, it led to decisive leadership."

In response, Mr Blair said: “Yes, it did. And I think, you know, it's easy to mock that simplicity. And it's easy to ignore the strength that sometimes comes with that.”

But when it came to Mr Clinton, he was even more effusive in his praise.

Asked if Mr Clinton was one of the smartest political minds he had ever come across, Mr Blair replied: “Oh, he's phenomenally smart. I mean, I think the smartest politician I ever came across, yes, I would say, Bill Clinton, yes.”
No doubt the reaction of the left will entail ridiculing Blair's intelligence for his assessment of Bush.

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