Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot at a Tucson event Saturday morning; five others have been reportedly killed.This may be just a coincidence, but a Daily Kos blogger posted this Thursday:
Arizona state Sen. Linda Lopez, who is at University Medical Center in Tucson, said she spoke to Giffords' parents and that they said she is in the emergency room undergoing surgery and is in very serious condition.
But conflicting reports abound: CNN, FOX and NPR news, as well as KOVA-TV in Tucson, report that the congresswoman is dead; but MSNBC interviewed the Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and he said as of 12:25 p.m., she was still alive.
At least four people are dead, University Medical Center spokesman Darci Slaten said. They were among five to seven people who were being treated.
The NBC affilliate in Tucson reports that the FBI has taken over the investigation.
The Pima County Sheriff's Office confirmed that it is investigating a multiple shooting at a Safeway in northwest Tucson at Ina and Oracle roads.
A man who works at Sprint store nearby told CNN he heard 15 to 20 shots, and there are two bodies on the ground in front of the Safeway. He said people were screaming that "Gabrielle Giffords has been shot."
Giffords, 40, a Democrat, serves the 8th Congressional District.
My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is dead to me now. I won't lift a finger, make one phone call, nor will i EVER vote for her in the future. And why did she do this? Giffords never told me she was conservative Democrat. And her voting record is okay. Damn.A suspect is in custody and Fox is reporting there is a possible second suspect.
Update: That Daily Kos post went down the memory hole before I got a screen shot.
Michelle Malkin has a roundup.
Update: Thanks to Drew M on Twitter, here's the screen shot.

Kos, of course, blames Sarah Palin. A web cache version of the item is here.
Update: Suspect ID'd as Jared Laughner.
I have screen grabs and the entire page saved. Contact me if you want it.
I managed to get it, J.R., thanks.
JWF: Google cache is your friend -,+make+one+phone+call,
Hey Jammie, I nailed his Youtube channel and vids.
Some lefties are trying to walk back their accusations against the Tea Party as more info about the shooter emerges. Make sure all of it is properly documented before they try to throw it down the memory hole.
The Daily Kos is also now blaming Sarah Palin for the shooting.
AZ State Senator Linda Lopez said she'd heard "it was an Afghan War Vet". Nice...His youtube posts and reading lists looks like a garden-variety lunatic
teach history here in Germany. Those people who think that words and incitement to violence can be fobbed off and taken lightly should come to visit and learn what their country fought against. I fear what's going on in America where people's ideas are not debated, but instead the people themselves are attacked. Already last week one guy was using the media to argue that Michael Vicks should be executed (no doubt given his race). Palin has constantly used this language which appeals to the type of ignorant, disadvantaged and uneducated group of people that makes up her base and has never been called for it. The irony is that Giffords had, and look where she is now (although she herself was an advocate of gun ownership). If Palin's incitement is no big deal then why did she wait until someone was attacked to delete the image?
( Vick dog, with drainage tubes )
Football is a core, working class sport. Americans really like dogs. A lot. Further, all professional athelites have a taint about them as pampered, overpaid, uneducated spoild brats. Vic was and is disliked because he was sickly crewl. Litterally tortoured the animals.
It was dumb of the NFL( National Felons Legue ) to let him back, but they had to, and were scared not to, and greedy. They had to because about half the leage are convicted felons. They were scared to because of racial political correctness. ( Low rent, low class thug black behaviour can not be described in public in America ), and of course greed. The core value in selling products in America is not to offend anybody.
I am interested in performing a reverse cell number search by going online. I'm receiving all of these cell phone calls by someone that I don't know and am curious who they think they're contacting. Various crazy texting and messages are being left on my voice mail and it's starting to drive me nuts. And so, where can i locate these reverse cell research services?
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