One of the great intellectual conflicts of the early part of the 21st century concerns the role of man here on planet Earth. Some, like the followers of Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich--author of The Population Bomb--hold that mankind’s role boils down to that of exploiter of the Earth’s resources and despoiler of its natural beauty.Meanwhile, Fergie, Britney Spears and Lady Gaga all promise to go dark for an hour. We suggest they go dark permanently. Would anyone really miss them?This view, widely accepted in western political, cultural, and academic circles, is most commonly expressed by the so-called environmental movement in proposals that are antitechnology, antiprogress and, if fully implemented, will lead to a reduced standard of living in the developed world.
It is an antihuman, antihumanist view, one that decries human achievement rather than celebrating it. And those who believe this way are once again calling on people to turn off their lights in observance of “Earth Hour” on March 26.
It’s a once a year event, one the so-called environmental community regards as a symbolic act urging businesses, individuals and lawmakers to take action in support of efforts to combat global warming, err, climate change.
The proponents of “Earth Hour,” the Competitive Enterprise Institute says, want “laws and sanctions to prevent individuals from freely using earth’s resources.” But, because the folks at CEI believe human progress and technological innovation have made life better, they are encouraging everyone to mark March 26 as “Human Achievement Hour.”
“The result of the environmental movement is a limitation on our ability to create the future wave of technologies and a hindrance on our ability to produce the current products that benefit or everyday lives.”
“You can sit in the dark and join them or you can join people around the world who plan to leave their lights on, affirming their appreciation for human inventions like electricity, indoor plumbing, mass food production, heat, transportation, and computers,” CEI says, asking people to--through their actions--cast a vote “against environmental alarmism” and in favor of “human achievement.”
In the UK, they're celebrating a return to the Stone Age, calling it “an inspiring display of international commitment”. Maybe they should turn off the alarms to Buckingham Palace while they're at it, just so they don't offend any potential thieves.
Over on Twitter they're suggesting everyone go dark, but to keep tweeting, which seems to defeat the purpose.
"Support Earth Hour. It's not for the record, but an action to show that we still care and love our vulnerable planet," "Reminder: Tomorrow - Saturday 26 March - is Earth Hour. It starts at 8.30pm," "Apparently during Earth Hour Amish people celebrate by turning all the lights on..." So do climate change skeptics!" and "I will not celebrate Earth Hour.... Its just for those who need to be reminded that we need to take care of our mother nature..." tweet people using the "Earth Hour" trend.I think I'll double up on my tweets during this time, just to annoy people.
In case you weren't aware, MySpace is still around, and over there smoking hot5 Victoria's Secret babe and part-time Miranda Kerr is reminding us to save the planet or something. As Laura Ingraham might say, just shut up and show us the lingerie.
Even the diminutive celebrities are getting in on the act.

“Earth Hour brings attention to the need for environmental action. I believe that each one of us has the power to do more, especially in areas such as the conservation of our planet’s finite resources. I will go beyond the hour this year by replacing all the light bulbs in my home with energy efficient lighting. Make your footprint on this planet as small as mine,” Troyer said.I hope Giselle Bundchen and her boytoy have enough staff ready to power down their mega-mansion.
Troyer joins present and previous ambassadors for Earth Hour including: The Most Reverend Archbishop Desmond Tutu, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, actress Cate Blanchett, Brazilian supermodel Giselle Bundchen, singer Tom Jones, Coldplay’s Chris Martin, Chinese Actress Li Bingbing, model Miranda Kerr, Pakistan’s cricket legend Wasim Akram, actor Edward Norton, DJ Ferry Corsten, and international footballer Franceso Totti.
Well what does one expect from greenpeasers. They also love islam and think sharia law is just fine! Morons the lot of them!
Sorry, I don't "love our planet". Who could love something that trys to kill us on a daily basis in many different ways.
Hollywood celebrties pointing fingers again at everyone and telling them how to live. I'm sure getting tired of that bullshit. And BTW, the next one of these nitwits start in with the preaching, point them to this link. It's the homes of some of these very celebrities. Carbon Footprint my Ass! Check out the homes of Lada Gag-gag and Cheryl "one sheet" Blow. Can you say opulent? Fucking hypocrits. Click on the link above if you want to see some huge waste of resources.
Chinese Actress Li Bingbing!? Yet, we're derided when we say ching-chong...
Anyway, I always turn my lights on for Earth Day because all that unused electricity is a big waste. The coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear electricity producing plants are not shut down and turned off; by necessity, they continue producing electricity that literally goes to waste because it's neither used nor stored. So, I use more than my fair share in a feeble attempt at maintaining equilibrium in the power grid.
What the environazis don't know is that the sudden power surge after that one hour of Gaia worship is the one moment the whole power system is the most vulnerable to failure and harm.
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