The new Wonder Woman costume is causing a stir - and it's nothing to with the tight-fitting, low cut design.Not to mention that most all-American attribute: enhanced breasts!
Instead is it the loss of the patriotic American stars and stripes from the outfit which is causing some controversy.
Adrianne Palicki is seen wearing the number in a still released by NBC for its remake of the 1970s series.
And rival TV network Fox were quick to take issue with it in an article published on its website on Friday.
Part of the story read: 'The new and allegedly improved Wonder Woman (a.k.a Diana Prince) has been given a head-to-toe makeover by artist Jim Lee, replacing her signature American flag decorated briefs with skintight…pants and purging the super hero of all her trappings of Americana.'
There have also been murmurings on Twitter about the new ensemble, with one shocked fan, YonathanS, tweeting: 'Can't tell what I think about the new Wonder Woman costume. No stars and stripes?'
A spokesperson for the heroine’s creator, DC Comics, has defended the new costume, telling the Fox : 'The latest evolution of Wonder Woman’s iconic costume is a central part of the latest comic book storyline.
'All of the classic symbols – patriotic (stars, eagle) and heroic (lasso, bracelets) – are ever-present.'
Here's a shot of her from her IMDB page. We like.
<span><span>That's my wife, who I have seen naked. Yeah, that's the ticket!</span></span>
Wait, notice the big red commie star between her...........what was I saying?
Erm..... Why would she be patriotic? She's not American. She does have an awesome rack though, which I consider to be close enough. Frankly, that should be on the citizenship test.
The movie-makers are probably looking at the international market & don't want to put off foreign movie-goers. Hollywood will bear conservative disapproval like a badge of honor, but will soil themselves if the film tanks overseas.
Correct- the artillery does appear to be American in origin as well as spirit lol
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