Nice attitude, eh?
This genius' name is David Carr, and he apparently writes a column for the New York Times. An unbiased one, no doubt.
Based on the slope of his forehead, I'm guessing he's from...Minnesota.
Via Breitbart.
Larwyn’s Linx: From Profanity-Chic to Terrorist-Porn
17 hours ago
I beg to differ. David Carr types in the NY Times.
This is actually dangerous.
I assume you've been checking out Drudge lately. There've been racial mob assaults against whites ongoing for some time now. While this has been going on, there have emerged recent studies that we are part Neanderthal (5% is the figure I see around the place; for what it's worth, I accept this).
Carr is saying that prole whites are subhuman cavemen. But he's just saying it for "laughs", right?
Off with Carr's head.
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