Sunday, January 14, 2007

Climate Trumps Terror in Europe

I see dumb people.

If you need any indication how ingrained leftwing propaganda is, look no further than this story, which notes how Europeans are supposedly more concerned with the myth of global warming rather than the reality of terrorism.

Next time a major terrorist attack takes place, I'll be waiting for the breathless reports of climate change being responsible. When they're living under Sharia law, I doubt the temperature will be noticed.
A European Commission proposal to slash greenhouse-gas emissions by the end of the next decade has highlighted a growing trans-Atlantic split over global warming that is further stressed by a recent poll that shows Europeans are more concerned about climate change than terrorism.

In a major package of measures aimed at combatting global warming last week, the European Union's executive arm urged the bloc's 27 member states to unilaterally cut emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, by one-fifth by 2020 compared with 1990 figures.

It also called on the United States -- which has rejected mandatory curbs on emissions -- and developing countries such as China and India to join it in signing up to a 30 percent reduction in greenhouse gases by the same date.

"Europe must lead the world into a new -- or maybe, one should say, post-industrial -- revolution: the development of a low-carbon economy," Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said while announcing the plan in Brussels on Wednesday.

"We have already left behind our coal-based industrial past. It is time to embrace our low-carbon future," he said.

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