Sunday, April 08, 2007

Iran Warns of More Kidnappings

Hey, they've gotten everything they wanted and more out of doing it already, why not continue?

Buoyant Teheran warns of further kidnappings
Hardliners in the Iranian regime have warned that the seizure of British naval personnel demonstrates that they can make trouble for the West whenever they want to and do so with impunity.

The bullish reaction from Teheran will reinforce the fears of western diplomats and military officials that more kidnap attempts may be planned.

The British handling of the crisis has been regarded with some concern in Washington, and a Pentagon defence official told The Sunday Telegraph: "The fear now is that this could be the first of many. If the Brits don't change their rules of engagement, the Iranians could take more hostages almost at will.
Via Jihad Watch. Meanwhile, they have a big celebration planned tomorrow.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit the Natanz nuclear facility in Iran and announce the beginning of operation of 160 additional centrifugues, Israel Radio reported on Sunday.

Natanz is one of many nuclear facilities Iran is building, mostly with Russian aid.
Also at Strata-Sphere.

UPDATE: Lawhawk has an Iran roundup. Also check out Kharnival of the Humiliations at Forward Movement.

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