Wednesday, April 09, 2008

China faces Muslim resentment in the west

As if the problems in the Tibet region and all of the problems it is causing for their hosting of the Olympics wasn't enough there is a growing discontent among the Muslim population inside of China. So far no reports of burning cars.
"The Chinese are too bad, really bad," said Hama, who added that the Chinese had broken up a protest of about 200 people last month. He put his wrists together as if handcuffed. "I can't say more or I'll get arrested."

The Muslims also live in the western part of the country. The area borders Afghanistan, Pakistan and Russia.
Such clashes are growing as the Olympic Games approach, with the world's spotlight on China and its human rights record. However, the situation with the Muslim minority Uighurs (pronounced "Wee-gers") is even more complicated because China worries about separatist sentiment and brands more militant Uighurs terrorists.

You have to love this part. They adopt western names rather then using Chinese or even more common Muslim names.
But the Uighurs often show the same disinterest in the Chinese. One Uighur university student who would only give his English name, Steve, said he didn't have to go to class last Friday because it was a national holiday — Ching Ming, a day when Chinese clean their ancestors' graves.

"I don't know what the holiday is called or what it's about," the 20-year-old student said. "It's a Chinese holiday. It has nothing to do with me."

But most Chinese are less then impressed with them.
"They have no culture and they don't try to study and improve themselves," said a Chinese delivery driver who would only give his surname, Wang, because he said the government didn't want him to speak ill of the Uighurs. "Most businesses don't want to hire them. That's why they hire Han Chinese. Their religion, Islam, it's no good. It fills their heads with nonsense."

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