Wednesday, April 09, 2008

One nutty Canadian wages war on conservative bloggers

There is a clown in Canada who has decided to start suing conservative bloggers north of the border for anything and everything under the sun to try and silence their voices.
The suit names:

• Ezra Levant (famous for his stirring YouTube video of his confrontation with the Canadian Human Rights tribunal after he published the “Mohammed Cartoons”)
• (Canada’s answer to
• Kate McMillan of
• Jonathan Kay of the National Post daily newspaper and its in-house blog
• and me, Kathy Shaidle of

The clown in question is Ricard Warman, who used to be on Canada Human Rights Commission. I guess conservative bloggers aren't human.
Ezra Levant who has already pwned the Human Rights Commission once is taking the lead on this case also.
So why is it always the liberals who try to shut up voices they disagree with? Sounds more like communism.

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