Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ohio wants to force parents to volunteer in schools

Now isn't that the biggest oxymoron you have seen? I guess that means all those guys who were drafted during the Vietnam War can now be considered volunteers.
In stumbling across this story I couldn't discern the party of the state representative who is proposing this bill, so using the standard rule of journalistic integrity we are all too familiar with I assumed it is a Democrat.
The bill, introduce by state Rep. Sandra Williams, would require parents to volunteer for a minimum of 13 hours each year or pay the fine, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported Tuesday. School districts reportedly would be responsible for telling the Ohio Department of Education which parents did not donate their time.

The fine is $100.
So I went searching in the Cleveland Plain Dealer to see if I could get more information an yup there it is in the middle of the story.
House Bill 519 was introduced by Rep. Sandra Williams, a Cleveland Democrat, and co-sponsored by six other lawmakers including Rep. Stephen Dyer, a Democrat from Green, and Rep. Barbara Boyd, a Cleveland Heights Democrat.

The comments left by the readers are priceless. It seems many of the citizens are in possession of some common sense, so I don't know what happens in the voting booth.

But along the way I came across this story also. That is the funny thing about doing research you never know what you will stumble across.
Cities, schools stung by higher election costs

The headline had me scratching my head. How could election cost sting schools?
The Board of Elections charged municipalities and school districts a total of $5.8 million for 2007 elections - about $4 million more than the last round of costs passed on to cities and school districts.

I still don't see the connection to schools.
The increased costs are the result of a new state law that directs boards to pass along labor costs for temporary help. The 2007 charges also are higher because it is the first year costs associated with electronic voting have been passed on.

Y'all keep voting Democrat, Ohio. But in the meantime quit your belly aching about your taxes and the burden government imposes on you.

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