Friday, June 06, 2008

Border Patrol Doing Its Job

Immigrants fear ID checks aboard ferry

That is the headline of the AP story. We all know what the truth is, but it isn't until four paragraphs into the story that we get the truth that is self evident to anybody with two functioning brain cells.
Perez - who does odd jobs, mostly landscaping - is one of perhaps dozens of illegal immigrants on the islands who have been essentially trapped since February, when the U.S. Border Patrol began checking IDs on ferry runs from the islands to the mainland.
Prior to this admission in the article they paint 'ol Pedro, er, excuse me, Perez as a law abiding citizen just trying to provide for his family and decrying his inability to get to the mainland for shopping and healthcare. They miss the part where he shouldn't be shopping or using American healthcare facilities in the first place since he is here illegally. He should be using those fine facilities in Mexico.

The Border Patrol began a crackdown in Feb on the illegals they catch on the ferries so at least something is working half assed right.
Others have taken the risk and paid the price: As of late May, 49 people had been arrested by the Border Patrol and face deportation. All but one were Latin American
Just go ahead and read the whole liberal-slanted, gut-wrenching, tear-jerking propaganda piece that is weak on factual information but chock full of sympathy for the illegals. Not that a newspaper would promote an agenda somewhere other then their editorial pages.

So take a minute to dab at the tear forming in your eye, and then send a letter of support to the Border Patrol and let them know you appreciate the good job they are doing and encourage to continue doing exactly what they are doing.

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