I first got this as a tip from a "tweet" from a CNN reporter.
CNNRick CNN confirms Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon indicted on corruption charges. She'll hold a news conference to reax this afternoon at 4p est.I immediately went to work to see which party Mayor Sheila Dixon belongs to. As soon as I started playing the "Name That Party" game, I had a good idea.
First off here's an article which outlines some of the issues that she was being investigated for. No mention in the entire two page article.
Then I went to her web site. Wait, what is that I see? A picture of her at an Obama rally. Still no mention of what political party she belongs to.
I saw the link to endorsements on the main page and sure enough, she has all the union endorsements a good Democrat would want.
At this point I am willing to go out on a limb and say she is a Democrat.
Here is the press release of sorts from the Maryland Prosecutors Office.
The State Prosecutor's Office says a grand jury has indicted Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon on 12 counts, including perjury, theft and misconduct in office.The hits just keep coming for the Democrats but where is all the media coverage?
The prosecutor's office announced the indictment on its Web site on the final day of a four-month grand jury session in which a City Council member and a prominent developer who once dated the mayor were indicted on public corruption charges.
Here is Mayor Dixon's statement on this matter.
"There is something I want to tell the citizens of this great city about the charges that the state prosecutor has brought against me today.
For the past two years, I have done my best to serve the city of Baltimore as mayor, and I will continue to do so. I will not let these charges deter me from keeping Baltimore on the path that we have set, or from carrying forward the significant progress we have made thus far.
I am being unfairly accused. Time will prove that I have done nothing wrong, and I am confident that I will be found innocent of these charges. But, for the moment, I cannot comment further on the allegations that have been made against me. Instead, my attorneys will address these matters on my behalf.
I want to make it clear, though, that I will continue to put all of my energies into running the city of Baltimore during these perilous economic times. And with God's grace, I am confident that the city, my family and I will weather this storm."
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