With his sustained blitz of television appearances and speeches, former Vice President Dick Cheney has established himself as perhaps the leading Republican voice against President Obama.If anything, it'll have the left freaking out for some time. In fact, they already are just at the mention of it.
Not a bad time, then, to be in the market for a multimillion-dollar book contract.
Mr. Cheney is actively shopping a memoir about his life in politics and service in four presidential administrations, a work that would add to what is already an unusually dense collection of post-Bush-presidency memoirs that will offer a collective rebuttal to the many harshly critical works released while the writers were in office and beyond.
Already working hard to meet publishers’ deadlines is an informal writers’ workshop of historic proportions: President George W. Bush; Laura Bush, the former first lady; former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; former Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr.; former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld; and Karl Rove, the former presidential political mastermind.
Members of the Bush group are in regular contact as they seek to jog their memories, compare notes and trade stylistic tips in their new lives as authors, according to friends and current and former aides.
The coming crush of books reflects what former Bush officials describe as a desire to produce their own drafts of history after gritting their teeth for so long over the works of the journalists and disgruntled colleagues who penned the first, second and third drafts before them.
Adding to the eagerness is that Mr. Bush and his team had no vocal defender in the presidential campaign last year, when even the Republican nominee, Senator John McCain of Arizona, often attacked their stewardship.
“This is a group that kept their powder dry for a long time,” said Ed Gillespie, the former counselor to Mr. Bush, who stays in close contact with his colleagues. “People will get a firsthand account of the real nature of the decisions and the choices this administration had to make, and maybe there are some things people weren’t free to say at the time that they can say now that can shed some light on some things.”
Speaking of which, the left apparently can't handle the fact Liz Cheney gets to speak her mind.
You mean to tell me that big, bad, macho, scary,soothsayer of doom Dickless Cheney has to have his DAUGHTER go on tour to defend him?!! Oh, how appropo is that? Letting daddy's little girl go out and fight daddy's fight. Dick proves yet again yet a cowardly, rank hypocrite and toothless bastard he is. Quick DICK, go hide yourself away again in an undisclosed location for a few years. Running and hiding, getting the women in the family to fight and defend him. Not that women aren't as capable, if not more so, than a man. But coming from him, Mr. Scary Macho Mephistopheles himself. C'mon sheeple, wake up!! This man is a war criminal, death profiteer, craven, soulless, arrogant, selfish bastard that is using the people of this nation to feed his own bottomless pit of ego and greed.Wow, these people are just a little paranoid, no?
Posted by: In what respect, Charlie? on May 22, 2009 at 12:03 PM | PERMALINK
What no one seems to understand is that a lot of this Cheney offensive is about Liz Cheney. As someone who knows them, I can tell you that the Cheneys have enormously high hopes for Liz -- even to the White House. Yeah, I gag, too. This critique of Obama is only partly about refurbishing the Bush-Cheney legacy. It is primarily about Cheney re-establishing his own identity as the leading bad-ass of Republican politics, which will sell well in a large portion of the party. And it allows Liz Cheney a large number of platforms to defend her father's view, establish her own identity nationally, win admirers (yeah, I'm gagging again) and prepare for her own political future. Liz will run for either the Senate or a governorship within the next two election cycles and after that watch out -- she has her eyes on the prize of the presidency in 2016 or just beyond -- and no I am not kidding. (Final gag.)
Posted by: Scott on May 22, 2009 at 3:04 PM | PERMALINK
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