Poor Jonathan Papelbon. Getting taken deep by a scrub from the Mets has him coming unglued. A shame he can't accept defeat like a man.
Talk about your sore losers!Ouch.
Boston Red Sox closer Jonathan Papelbon took out his frustrations on Post photographer Anthony Causi Saturday night, hurling a towel at the lensman after blowing a save opportunity against the Mets.
Papelbon had just surrendered a two-run homer to backup catcher Omir Santos -- leading to a 3-2 Amazin' victory -- when Causi had the audacity to do his job and photograph the closer as he sulked in the Sox dugout in the bottom of the ninth.
Papelbon screamed, "Don't take my f- - -ing picture," according to Causi, before throwing his towel at him
It should be noted: Papelbon missed Causi.
"I guess he missed with two pitches that night," Causi cracked.
Papelbon ought to grow up and act like a professional.
Causi contrasted Papelbon's behavior with that of Yankee closer Mariano Rivera. The fotog recalled taking a picture of Rivera last month at Fenway Park just after the ace reliever blew a save against Boston.
"He knew I was shooting him, and he didn't say a word," Causi said. "A true champion realizes you got to take the good with the bad."
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