Wednesday, September 16, 2009

San Bernardino II: Hannah Giles and Her 'Girltalk' With ACORN Freakazoid Tresa Kaelke

After the first video from the San Bernardino ACORN office went public yesterday, Tresa Kaelke lamely tried to spin her way out of it.

This video demolishes that lie.
After Talking with Jim Miller (the man across the street), Tresa and I ended up talking by ourselves for several minutes. She gave me some advice on locations for my underage brothel (based on the political arena) and said that I should have a separate savings account for a lawyer so that if I do get into trouble with the authorities, having a high class lawyer will help my reputation.

Then we moved into the personal side of things.

She went on to talk about how one day, my character (Eden), would break James’ heart. He would be devastated and I need to be careful not to make the wrong person mad, especially since he is a future lawyer and has political aspirations.

She wasn’t fearful. She was bored.

When James came back, she stopped talking about how I was going to break his heart. She switched gears and went on to tell James he has the look of royalty. I thought it strange and was trying to figure out where she was going with the conversation, but then I realized she was trying to help me with the break up process. She was doing this to boost his ego so that heartbreak wouldn’t hit hard, setting me up for an escape from the relationship. A man with confidence and ego is less likely to relish the wounds of heartbreak and rejection… so I jumped in and called her a “fox.” We all laughed, and chatted some more. She gave James some sage wisdom, telling him, “If you love something, let it go.”
Meanwhile, the media's lack of attention to this scandal is so pathetic, even Jon Stewart is now laughing at them.

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