Tuesday, November 17, 2009

EPA Lawyers Challenging the White House 'Truth' Machine

Dare to oppose the party line? Prepare to have your life and liberties turned upside down. Dissent is to be crushed. I don't care if you are Fox News, a health insurance company, or simply private citizens who question the propaganda coming out of this administration.
Laurie Williams and husband Alan Zabel worked as lawyers for the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, in its San Francisco office for more than 20 years, and they know more about climate change than most politicians. But when the couple released a video on the Internet expressing their concerns over the Obama administration’s plans to use cap-and-trade legislation to fight climate change, they were told to keep it to themselves.

Williams and Zabel oppose cap and trade -- a controversial government allowance program in which companies are issued emissions limits, or caps, which they can then trade -- as a means to fight climate change.

Here is the video that Williams and Zabel produced that is causing all the hand-wringing and the attempted denial of First Amendment rights of these two EPA lawyers.

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