Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Media Bias? What Media Bias?

See if you can spot the codewords in this DNC press release disguised as news.
Right wing purists egged on by Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin fought to capture an upstate House seat Monday and electrify their drive to purge moderates from the Republican Party.

With Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman jumping to the lead in a new poll, the hard-core right smelled a chance to remold the GOP in the image of raucous town hall protests and "tea party" rallies of the summer.
This is supposed to be a straight news story, not an opinion column. Yet all the typical talking points one would expect from a far-left blogger or MSNBC host magically find their way into the story. We've mentioned this before as well: Would it hurt the editors of newspapers to use a current photo of Rush Limbaugh? I know they all watched him on Fox the other day. In case they haven't noticed, he's not that fat any more.

Anyway, can you imagine the Daily News churning out a story if the party roles were opposite?

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