Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Political Correctness Kills Another Southern Tradition

Another southern tradition has been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. Soon there will not be any such thing as a southern tradition or heritage, which is just what the PC crowd wants.

It is so sad to watch a region of the country which is steeped in so much history and rich in traditions just disappear. For some it is all about race, but it goes far beyond that.

This week it is the University of Mississippi which has been ordered to quit playing their signature piece "From Dixie With Love". The genteel people just couldn't allow the band to continue performing a song with the word Dixie in the title and was a blend of the two anthems of the Civil War: Dixie and the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

So another piece of southern culture and tradition disappears just like the Buddhas in Afghanistan that were destroyed by the Taliban.

Here is the University of Mississippi band performing, unbeknownst to them, From Dixie With Love for the last time.

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