Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Michelle Obama: My Inept Husband Has Done a Phenomenal Job or Something

I guess she doesn't read the polls. Who can blame her?
First lady Michelle Obama says President Barack Obama "has done a phenomenal job," but that people have a right to criticize him.

In an interview broadcast Tuesday on ABC's "Good Morning America," she said getting things accomplished in heavily politicized Washington is "a constant struggle."

She said her husband has been staying on course, "looking his critics in the eye." The first lady added that he understands people are still suffering amid high unemployment. She also said, "Every day our president wakes up serious and focused and committed to pushing this stuff through. We had hoped that more progress would have been made."
Uh, Mrs. O, maybe you don't realize this but his numbers are so anemic because of the stuff he's "pushing" through.

Meanwhile, in an effort to give themselves something to do, the two of them are wasting some of our money today to tackle childhood obesity or something, apparently since America's parents are too stupid to manage their own kid's lives.

As part of this lame campaign of hers, she promises to stop tormenting her kids by dressing up as a quadruple layer cake.

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