Sunday, March 13, 2011

Breaking: Bill Clinton Diagnosed With Psychiatric Disorder

This explains so much.
Sex addiction might have once been seen as an excuse for high profile philanderers, but the condition is about to become formally recognised as a psychiatric disorder.

The ‘addiction’, in which sufferers have relentless sexual urges that feel out of one’s control, is being discussed by experts for inclusion in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) publishes the manual, which is considered the definitive guide to what constitutes a genuine psychological disorder rather than an imaginary one.

Despite recognition by the APA, the NHS does not currently recognise sex addiction in Britain but some British psychiatrists have reported seeing up to three ‘sufferers’ a year.
Researchers, meanwhile, have uncovered a new disorder called megalo-narcissism, which causes those in power to casually ignore the pain and suffering of allies while they go golfing and watch basketball around the clock.


Just A Grunt said...

Isn't this just another way of saying men?

N8 said...

I wonder what medicine they will prescribe for this, lifetime channel?

aquila6 said...

Marie Antoinette, circa 18th century: "Let them eat cake."

Barack Obama, circa 2011: "Let them drink sake."

Granny Jan said...

<span>While Japan Burns Obama Golfs - You Tube</span>

Ken said...

no one is to blame for anything anymore. its all a Psychiatric Disorder.

The Watcher said...

And, once again, the APA writes a group-excuse which has no expiration date.

Proof said...

<span>"megalo-narcissism" </span>

But only if Michelle lets him!

Rose said...

"Researchers, meanwhile, have uncovered a new disorder called <span>megalo-narcissism</span>, which causes those in power to casually ignore the pain and suffering of allies while they go golfing and watch basketball around the clock."

No, this is MALIGNANT Megalo-Narcissism.  Trust me!