On this lovely bipartisan note, I suppose Joe Biden expects House Republicans to actually give a rip about whether Harry Reid or Barack Obama will sign off on their lackluster budget cuts.
What, they do?!
Vice President Joe Biden, speaking at a fundraiser in Philadelphia Friday, compared Republicans in Congress to people who excuse rapists by blaming their victims.Wasn't home in time to make the dinner?
The vice president, known for speaking his mind and at times putting his foot in his mouth, said that Republicans who want to cut spending while at the same time cutting taxes for the wealthy are similar to rape apologists.
In setting up his comparison, the vice president explained to the audience that before the Violence Against Women Act that he championed was passed into law, “there was this attitude in our society of blaming the victim," according to a press pool account of the event.
“When a woman got raped, blame her because she was wearing a skirt too short, she looked the wrong way or she wasn't home in time to make the dinner,” Biden said.
“We've gotten by that,” he said. “But it's amazing how these Republicans, the right wing of this party – whose philosophy threw us into this God-awful hole we’re in, gave us the tremendous deficit we’ve inherited – that they’re now using, now attempting to use, the very economic condition they have created to blame the victim – whether it’s organized labor or ordinary middle-class working men and women. It's bizarre. It's bizarre.”Good call there, Mr. President. Single best decision you ever made.
President Obama has tapped Biden to be his lead negotiator with congressional Republicans on the budget.
h/t: Amanda Carpenter.
I wonder if someon from the White House press corps will bring this up at the next press conference...bwahahahahahaha...sometimes I make myself laugh.
"There's no fool like an old fool." [Ben Franklin in the 1700's, still true today!]
Biden will be hitting seventy very soon, but compared to Ronald Reagan, the Vice d-bag is over 100 years old.
Rape apologists? You mean like Paula Jones, you stupid jackass.
Hey Joe, go take a train ride and STFU
How does one explain the pretzel logic of a clown such as Biden. Hussein Omama selected him to be VP because he will act as the lightening rod the dems knew they were gonna need once the Omama Regime went online. He (Biden) is doing wonderfully - don't you agree? Think about it - someone as stupid as Joe Biden can make even Hussein Omama look smart.
That's why Donald Fagen and Walter Becker of Steely Dan fame call it "Pretzel Logic".
How does one explain the pretzel logic of a clown such as Biden. Hussein Omama selected him to be VP because he will act as the lightening rod the dems knew they were gonna need once the Omama Regime went online. He (Biden) is doing wonderfully - don't you agree? Think about it - someone as stupid as Joe Biden can make even Hussein Omama look smart.
That's why Donald Fagen and Walter Becker of Steely Dan fame call it "Pretzel Logic".
that pic was when he was asked about his sooper-high IQ
I can see and hear the carpet munchers of NOW as I type. They're protesting Biden's "her dress was too short" type of logic that gets women sexually assaulted all the time. Yep - I can see it now. The Hags of NOW are actually attacking a democreep because of his mysogony. I didn't think I'd live this long.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..... Holy Shit! My alarm just went off and now I'm up late for an appointment. That Joe Biden phantasm was one scary dream!
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