Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Heh: Rangel Now Giving Weiner Advice

It's come to this.
Rep. Anthony Weiner got some advice on what to focus on during this scandal from fellow New York Democrat, Rep. Charlie Rangel, on Wednesday.

"His most serious problem is keeping his wife and family together at this time," Rangel said in an interview on Fox Business Network set to air Wednesday evening.

Rangel's comments come as Weiner is facing increasing pressure from Democrats to resign in the wake of Weiner's admission that he had had "inappropriate" correspondence with "about six" women including sending a photograph of his underwear-clad waist area to a woman in Seattle. Weiner admitted to the correspondence at a press conference on Monday after initially denying that he sent the photo to the woman through his Twitter account.

To add to the drama, Weiner's wife is reportedly in the early stages of pregnancy.

In the same interview, Rangel, who was censured last year by the House for 11 ethics violations including failing to pay taxes and not reporting income, said it's possible that Weiner would have to face ethics hearings.

“They may do that, and God knows, I know what people feel they have to do as politicians to protect themselves. It’s totally unbelievable, but it happens," Rangel said. "They love you, but they love themselves better and they make political decisions not to how it affects you, but to how it affects them and their reelection."
Some thanks Weiner gets for voting against Rangel's censure.

1 comment:

OxyCon said...

What's Rangel going to tell Weiner? Call eveyone a bunch of anti-Semites?