Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Epic Failure: Obama-Backed Solar Firm Collapses, 1100 Jobs Not Saved or Created

Uhh, the future was here or something

Can't wait for that big jobs speech next week. Lots of goodies about clean energy in there I bet.
Solyndra Inc., a renewable energy firm that became a darling of the Obama Administration, shut the doors of its California headquarters Wednesday, raising fresh questions from critics about political favoritism and wasted money in the federal loan program.

The manufacturer of rooftop solar panels opened its doors in 2005, and in 2009 became the first recipient of an Obama administration energy loan guarantee – a $535 million federal commitment that helped minimize the risk to venture capital firms backing the solar start-up. Obama visited the factory last year to herald its future.

“The promise of clean energy isn’t just an article of faith — not anymore,” the president told Solyndra workers then. “The future is here.”

The government loan guarantee was supposed to spur 1,000 fulltime jobs once Solyndra’s solar plant was fully operating. Instead, as the company announced Chapter 11 bankruptcy Wednesday, reports surfaced that 1,100 would lose their jobs.

Yet the company’s collapse is sure to rekindle questions about how well the Department of Energy vetted the company before putting taxpayer dollars on the table.
Indeed, it would be nice if there was some oversight on this corrupt administration. But that would obviously be racist.

Here's the hapless Obama speaking at Solyndra. Good times, good times.

Obama Schedules 'Jobs' Speech to Coincide with GOP Debate

As Mark Halperin would say, he's being a dick.
President Barack Obama will make his long-awaited speech about jobs Wednesday night to a joint session of Congress at the same time that the Republican presidential candidates are scheduled to debate at the Reagan Presidential Library in California.
Long-awaited? Huh? Since when, 10 days ago?
While the debate isn’t the first Republican debate of the cycle, it is the first since Gov. Rick Perry entered the presidential contest, and polls have shown him taking a commanding lead in the race for the GOP nomination. Political observers have said that the debate could provide crucial insights into how Mitt Romney’s and Michelle Bachmann’s campaigns plan to deal with Perry’s surging candidacy.

In his letter to House Speaker John Boehner requesting the joint meeting of both houses of Congress, Obama wrote that he will unveil a series “bipartisan proposals” that Congress can take up immediately to “rebuild the American economy.”
Boehner should tell him to pound sand.

How Gracious of Them: Wisconsin Labor Goons Will 'Allow' Republicans to March in Labor Day Parade

Faced with the prospect of having to foot the tab, the union goons cave. Typical. Slap the bully and they go all weak in the knees.
The organizers of the Labor Day parade in Wausau have changed their position and are now welcoming Republican lawmakers to the event.

According to the Wausau Daily Herald, Marathon County Labor Council President Randy Radtke sent an email late Tuesday saying everyone will be permitted to march in the parade "because we don't want to have community groups and school bands affected."

“We didn't start this fight in Wisconsin, but were responding to anti-worker positions and policies supported by local Republican politicians, including those who have complained about not being invited,” Radtke’s statement read. “With the track records that Pam Galloway, Sean Duffy, Scott Walker, and Jerry Petrowski have all put together this year, they should be ashamed to even show their faces at a Labor Day parade.”
Fascists really hate it when they don't get their way.

Exclusive: Obama Announces Listening Tour of Flood-Ravaged Northeast

Oh, wait. I got things mixed up. He's announced a series of glitzy Silicon Valley and Hollywood fundraisers. Let those folks flooded by Hurricane Irene fend for themselves.

First Obama will hit Silicon Valley on September 25.
Let the games begin: President Barack Obama is hitting two California fundraising gold mines for his seventh trip to the state later this month -- including a Sept. 25 stop in Silicon Valley, we've learned.

And there will also be a two-fundraiser stopover the next day to the Los Angeles area.

So far, there are not a lot of details on the Northern California event, but area Obama supporters and donors were told about the date and advised this week to put it on the calender.

This much is known: Obama hits Los Angeles on Sept. 26 for a pair of entertainment-related events in which tickets will range from $250 to $35,0000, according to The Hollywood Reporter, which broke the news last night.

The first Los Angeles event, aimed at entertainment industry bigwigs, is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. at the House of Blues on Sunset Blvd, the Reporter said. "A mere $250 will get a single person in the door, while $10,000 is the cost to take a photo with the President,'' the paper reported.

An evening event will be held at the Fig & Olive Restaurant on Melrose Place, where $35,000 "allows you to bring a date'' or you can go solo for $17,500. That event "will be a chance to participate in a Q&A with the President,'' the paper said.

No wonder all the attention to the movie industry folks: the Center for Responsive Politics has reported the entertainment industry pulled in $2.53 million of the nearly $40 million collected by Obama in the first six months of the year.
Obama seems awfully slow in declaring New Jersey a disaster area.
Members of the state’s congressional delegation, including U.S. Sens. Frank Lautenberg and Robert Menendez, have urged Obama to quickly approve the state’s request.

“Many residents will not be able to rebuild their lives on their own,” the Democratic senators wrote to the White House. “Hurricane Irene caused extensive damage to public infrastructure such as roads, bridges, public parks and government facilities, and local governments will face enormous challenges as they try to rebuild.”
He has no plans to show up here, but will be sending Janet Napolitano. That should really help.

Democrat Congressman Frank Pallone has asked Obama to visit the sttae but he's too busy campaigning and arranging fundraisers, apparently.
U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) on Monday requested that President Obama personally visit New Jersey, but no plans have been announced.
Meanwhile, I've yet to see any plans for benefit concerts to help aid those suffering in the aftermath of Irene. In fact, there hasn't even been a comment from those heroes of the middle class and New Jersey residents Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi. Maybe they've lost power and are unable to update their websites.

Unexpected: Private Sector Job Creation Slows

Well, it's only unexpected if your a media lapdog desperate to prop up the failed president and his clueless party.
The private sector created 91,000 jobs from July to August, a shade below expectations, according to a report from ADP that sets the stage for a likely weak report on nonfarm jobs the government will release Friday.

ADP and Macroeconomic Advisors said service-sector jobs rose 80,000, down from an average increase of 115,000 over the past two months, while the goods-producing sector saw a gain of just 11,000.

Consensus estimates are that the government will show the economy created about 80,000 jobs overall in August—including the public sector—though some economists say the report actually could show a loss of jobs.
Actually, according to that last link, it could well show an overall job loss for August, which Obama will just blame on Hurricane Irene, Libya, the Arab Spring, the Japan tsunami and the pending deportation of his Uncle Omar.

Speaking of job loss, June's unexpectedly bad numbers were unexpectedly revised downward.
The ADP report showed that June's estimate of 114,000 jobs created was revised down to 109,000.

Quinnipiac: Obama Tied With Romney, Leads Perry by Three

Fourteen months out from the 2012 elections and the president is in deep trouble. Meanwhile there's some good news for both Rick Perry and Mitt Romney in a new Quinnipiac national poll. Perry has surged to the head of the GOP pack but Romney currently fares better when matched against Obama.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has zoomed to the front of the line of GOP presidential candidates with a 24 - 18 percent lead over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney among Republican voters, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today. Romney and President Barack Obama are in a dead heat while Perry trails the president by 3 points in 2012 matchups.

Republicans and Democrats are tied 38 - 38 percent when the independent Quinnipiac University survey asks American voters who they would vote for in the 2012 races for U.S. Congress - the so-called "generic ballot."

The percentage of all registered voters who say President Obama deserves a second term in the Oval Office has fallen to a negative 42 - 51 percent, matching a 41 - 50 percent all-time low
reading on whether he deserves another four years in office from a March 30 survey.

"Gov. Rick Perry has sprinted out of the gate as a candidate for the GOP nomination," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "Being the new kid on the block has benefitted Perry. But with prominence comes scrutiny and both his Republican competitors and the Democrats are doing their best to convince voters he's not Mr. Wonderful. The next few months will be a race between Perry and his Republican and Democratic opponents to define him for the vast majority of the American people."

Among Republicans and independent voters leaning Republican, Perry gets 24 percent to Romney's 18 percent, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's 11 percent, Minnesota U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann's 10 percent, Texas U.S. Rep. Ron Paul's 9 percent and businessman Herman Cain's 5 percent. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gets 3 percent, while former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, former Sen. Rick Santorum and Michigan U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter get 1 percent each.

If Palin doesn't run, Perry leads Romney 26 - 20 percent with Bachmann at 12 percent.
Let's be blunt: Things are bleak for this failed president.
"The president is now dead even with one top Republican and just inches ahead of the other. He needs to improve his standing among men, whites and independents to ensure his re- election," said Brown.
He'll be going 0-for-3 with those groups.

Obama's Drunken Alien Uncle First Came to USA in 1963

It's not clear that this criminal has been here the entire time since 1963, but we do know for sure he was ordered deported in 1992 and for some odd reason is still in this country. If the president, who is sworn to uphold our laws, actually enforced our laws, his "long lost" Uncle Omar would be on the next flight back to Nairobi.
The uncle of President Obama arrested here last week on drunken driving and other charges has been a fugitive from deportation since 1992, according to two federal law enforcement officials with knowledge of the case.

Onyango Obama, who is from Kenya and is known as the president's Uncle Omar on his father's side, had lived a quiet life in Massachusetts until last Wednesday, when police said the car he was driving darted in front of a police cruiser, nearly causing the officer to hit his car.

The federal officials, who spoke about Obama's immigration status on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak about the case, said Obama had been told to leave in 1992, but he did not go.

Obama is the second relative of the president to have defied a deportation order, reigniting debate over illegal immigration and raising questions about how a man who had lived in the United States illegally for years had managed to secure a job, a Massachusetts driver's license, and apparently, a federal Social Security number, without being detected by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been ordered deported and just ran off and nobody's looking for them," said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors strict controls on immigration.

Onyango Obama's sister, Zeituni Onyango, also faced deportation before a Boston immigration judge granted her asylum last year. She, too, had avoided the spotlight, living in public housing in South Boston despite a deportation order. Her immigration status was leaked to the media days before her nephew's historic election in 2008.
here's the Boston Globe, finally reporting on this story after a week, and they again have to remind us of the "historic election" of 2008. Well, at this rate Obama will be facing a "historic defeat" in 14 months.
Yesterday, a portrait of his life emerged on the residential street where he lived, surrounded by other immigrants and young families.

Onyango Obama is the younger half-brother of the president's father, Barack Obama Sr., a scholar from Kenya who was rarely in the president’s life. The president's father came to the United States to study, but he was also a heavy drinker with a chaotic personal life. He died when he rammed his truck into a tree stump in Kenya in 1982, according to a new book, "The Other Barack: The Bold and Reckless Life of President Obama's Father," by Globe reporter Sally H. Jacobs.

According to the book, Onyango Obama came to the United States in 1963 as part of Tom Mboya's airlift helping Kenyan students study in the United States. It was Barack Obama Sr.'s brotherly duty to help him, and with help from a friend, his younger brother was accepted at a boys' school then known as Browne & Nichols, in Cambridge, Jacobs's book reported.
Then it all becomes very sketchy. Obviously officials later figured out he was no longer here legally and ordered him deported, but since Massachusetts is apparently a sanctuary for illegal Obamas, he's still here.

Ironically the discovery of yet another illegal Obama in our midst (how many others are out there, by the way?) should lay waste to any push for amnesty or so-called immigration reform. How credible can Obama be when even he doesn't know how many of his family members are here living on the dole?

Meanwhile, nobody knows anything.
Mark Hinkle, spokesman for the Social Security Administration, said legally admitted immigrants can obtain a Social Security number. But he would not answer questions about what happens to that number if the immigrant is ordered deported.

He referred questions to the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees ICE, which enforces immigration law.

ICE spokesman Brian P. Hale said the agency does not comment on specific cases.

The federal immigration court, which is under the Department of Justice, also declined to comment, in contrast to 2009, when the court provided detailed information on his sister's case.

Lauren Alder Reid, counsel for legislative and public affairs at the Executive Office for Immigration Review, which runs the immigration courts, said she could not comment without a privacy waiver signed by Obama or his representative.
Maybe one of Obama's media lapdogs could query the president on this. Although I suspect he would have no comment. The least he could do is call for a beer summit at The Chicken Bone.

NY Judge to Photographer: 'Get the F--k Away From Me or I'm Calling the Police!'

Curiously this story doesn't mention any party affiliation as I suppose judges are supposed to be non-partisan or something. But I have this sneaking suspicion this beast leans to the left side.
The rookie Bronx judge who has been allowing violent criminals to walk free without bail despises her job -- and hopes she'll force a transfer from the rough-and-tumble Criminal Court to the cushier civil division, a well-placed source told The Post.

Carol "Set 'Em Free" Feinman, 57, was elected as a $125,000-a-year civil court judge, but was bumped to criminal court immediately after her Jan. 3 start date because of a heavy backlog of cases.

"She's unhappy on the criminal side," the law-enforcement source said. "Most of the judges who get transferred step up to the plate."

Feinman had no criminal-law experience before she was elected, having served 25 years as an administrative-law judge, earning nearly $87,000 in that job in 2009.

Cops and Bronx prosecutors are outraged that Feinman has free rein to let dangerous perps walk free, beholden to no one except voters in 2020.

A source said no complaints have been filed against the judge and it is unclear if any action could be taken against her if they had.

Court spokesman David Bookstaver declined to comment on Feinman's status -- but suggested a transfer is possible.

"The decisions about judicial assignments for next year will be addressed in the fall," he said.

Feinman -- a longtime West Village activist and former chair of Community Board 2 -- yesterday snapped at a Post photographer outside her apartment.

'Get the f - - k away from me or I'm calling the police!" she snarled.

Among her rogues' gallery of freed thugs is Ramon Barroso, 45, an ex-con with four burglary convictions since 1985.

The career thug was charged with breaking into the Miracle Provider City Church in The Bronx on June 29, after cops matched his DNA to a sample from a safe.

Barroso told cops he was an expert safe cracker who would have worn gloves.

At his arraignment, prosecutors asked for $50,000 bail -- but Feinman incredibly declined.

"I am going to release the defendant," she said. "I think his past history would indicate that if he were to commit a burglary, he would be smart enough to wear gloves."
We suggest Barroso locate the address of this hag and help himself to her belongings.

But make sure to wear gloves.

Incivility: Obama Targets GOP for Fall Offensive

In this new age of civility and decorum, isn't such military jargon sending the wrong message to the children? Well, I guess all that goes out the window when your approval rating is 38% and fading fast.
President Obama is preparing to fight a political war this fall on two fronts -- the first against Republicans who want his job and the second against Republicans who want to make his job more difficult.

Obama is taking dead-aim at the latter group, targeting Congress in a fall offensive that the president’s reelection campaign hopes will bruise the overall GOP image beyond repair.
Geez, such violent language. I'm quite troubled by this.
When GOP lawmakers return, the president and his team are ready to deliver a flurry of attacks, castigating Congress for inaction on jobs, being on the wrong side of taxes and eager to destroy social safety net programs. If Obama and his team have their way, Americans will come to see every Republican as a Tea Party extremist.
And if Obama doesn't have his way, fanboys like Sam Youngman will be sure to keep repeating the weak assertions as they try to prop up their hero, while making sure to squeeze every last hackneyed cliche out of his cub reporter handbook.
The president is getting ready to use the House GOP as a punching bag.

And by working that body, he’s hoping to ultimately knock out, or at the very least bloody, the would-be head of the Republican party as well.
Meanwhile an Obama pal, racial arsonist and illiterate MSNBC star Al Sharpton, promised a gun fight.
Perry, Sharpton said, “is looking to go to the O.K. Corral and start shooting. … Rather than the left get caught sleeping, we better load up, because he is bringing it.”
Well, both sides can punch back. Bring it on.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

About That Morning Cup of Coffee: None For You, California

Earlier today I found out that Dunkin Donuts was offering K-cups for their coffee products. For those not familiar, K-cups are the individual containers of coffee that go into Keurig coffee makers. They make one cup of coffee with no muss and no fuss. You just pop the little cup into the coffee maker, hit the button and once the process is complete about 30 seconds later you simply lift it out and toss it into garbage. I have had a Keurig coffee maker for a couple of years now and just love it because besides coffee there are also teas and hot chocolate cups available.

Anyway, enough about my coffee maker. When I went to the Dunkin Donuts website to check on the price of the K-cups I was greeted with this little disclaimer at the bottom of their shopping page.
Important Notice: We are temporarily suspending the shipment of orders to California while we work to comply with Proposition 65 with the State of California. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Ooh, sounds scary. So I decided to find out what this Proposition 65 was. It is basically a list of ingredients in products that the loopy liberals in California find to be dangerous for one reason or another.
In 1986, California voters approved an initiative to address their growing concerns about exposure to toxic chemicals. That initiative became the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, better known by its original name of Proposition 65. Proposition 65 requires the State to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. This list, which must be updated at least once a year, has grown to include approximately 800 chemicals since it was first published in 1987.

Proposition 65 requires businesses to notify Californians about significant amounts of chemicals in the products they purchase, in their homes or workplaces, or that are released into the environment. By providing this information, Proposition 65 enables Californians to make informed decisions about protecting themselves from exposure to these chemicals. Proposition 65 also prohibits California businesses from knowingly discharging significant amounts of listed chemicals into sources of drinking water.
That list is currently now 22 pages long and basically includes everything you come into contact with by doing such things as breathing. Among some of the dangerous substances listed are aspirin, caffeic acid, cocaine, various food colorings, marijuana smoke, oral contraceptives, testosterone and the list goes on and on.

I find it highly ironic that the state which has legalized marijuana sold on every street corner also lists marijuana smoke on their list of dangerous chemicals. Too bad they don't treat dope smokers the same way they treat tobacco smokers. The fact that testosterone is on the list really isn't surprising given the general population in the state. Just sayin' and not that there is anything wrong with that.

So California, instead of getting your morning started with a cup of hot coffee, enjoy your tofu colada or whatever the hell you are allowed to drink while you try to figure out just why businesses are leaving your pathetic little fascist state faster then a NASCAR driver on a qualifying run.

Shots Fired at Texas Democrat's Office

Must be one of those radical tea partiers we keep hearing about. Or maybe not, but surely our friends on the left will shoot first (so to speak) and blame them anyway.
An investigation is underway after someone fired two shots at the windows of Congressman Gene Green’s office Tuesday morning, a spokeswoman for the congressman says.

There were no injuries, and the congressman was not in his office at the time.

Police were called just after 11 a.m. to the 200 block of North Sam Houston Parkway East, the spokeswoman said.

Workers in the building originally thought they heard a car backfiring. That's when they discovered the broken window.

It did not immediately appear Green was a target.

The Houston Police Department and the Harris County Sheriff’s Department responded to the call and are investigating.

HPD tells FOX 26 News they are not ruling out the possibility that the gunshots may be the result of a BB or pellet gun of some kind. The original caller did not state that they heard gunshots.

Green, a Democrat, is the U.S. Representative for Texas's 29th congressional district.

Obama's Illegal Alien Uncle Has SS Number, Driver's License Dating to at Least 1992

I guess someone will eventually get around to blaming then-GOP Governor William Weld for this.
President Obama’s accused drunken-driving uncle — who was busted after a near collision with a Framingham cop — has had a valid Social Security number for at least 19 years, despite being an illegal immigrant ordered to be deported back to Kenya, the Herald has learned.

The president’s 67-year-old uncle, Obama Onyango, has had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license and Social Security number since at least 1992, said Registry of Motor Vehicles spokesman Michael Verseckes.

Onyango, whose sister, Zeituni Onyango, made headlines when it was revealed she was an illegal immigrant living in public housing in South Boston, was wobbly legged, “slurring” and had “red and glassy eyes” when he was pulled over at 7 p.m. Wednesday on Waverly Street in Framingham.

A marked cruiser pulled him over just past the Chicken Bone saloon, about a mile from Onyango’s single-family home. Onyango, the half-brother of the president’s father identified in some press accounts as “Uncle Omar,” initially denied drinking but admitted having “two beers” after police said they smelled booze on his breath, according to a police report.

“It was clear that he was moderately unsteady on his feet,” Framingham Officer Val Krishtal wrote.

Onyango’s white Mitsubishi SUV was pulled over after the vehicle made a sudden right turn in front of a cruiser at a stop sign, causing Krishtal to slam on the brakes to avoid a collision. Onyango blew a .14 on the Breathalyzer and continually interrupted the officer, the report states.

“(Onyango) spoke English well, albeit with a moderate accent. I detected what I believed to be some slurring as he spoke,” Krishtal wrote.

Onyango was ordered held without bail on a federal immigration warrant after his arraignment Thursday in Framingham District Court. Court papers show he was the subject of a previous deportation order. He was being held in the Plymouth House of Correction last night.

Mike Rogers, a spokesman for Cleveland immigration attorney Margaret Wong, who is representing Onyango, said he “wouldn’t know how” Onyango obtained a Social Security number.
Probably wherever his nephew got his Connecticut-issued Social Security number.

Meanwhile, back at Chez Onyango, neighbors says what a great guy he is.
No one in the Onyango household was interested in talking about it yesterday. But neighbors were stunned to learn the president’s uncle was living among them, in their working-class neighborhood.

Jennifer Jimenez, 26, affectionately referred to him as the “old guy” while growing up.

“He’s just a normal guy. He’s always saying hi to us. He’s very nice,” Jimenez said. “He’s like the big guy of the house. He takes care of everybody.”

Longtime resident Roger Small said, “He’s cordial, neighborly. You see a lot of the neighborhood kids in their back yard.”

Yesterday, SUVs lined the driveway of Onyango’s home. A young man mowed the lawn, and a girl on the porch was staring intently at her laptop.

To think, this humble Framingham household is just one degree of separation from the White House. It looked exactly like a little slice of the American Dream . . . except for Onyango, it is illegal.

White House Helpfully Issues Guide on How to Behave on 9/11

It's all about The O.
After weeks of internal debate, White House officials adopted the communications documents to shape public events and official statements, and they sought to strike a delicate balance between messages designed for these two very important but very different audiences on a day when the world’s attention will be focused on President Obama, his leadership team and his nation.
Wait, what? The world will be focused on Obama? Really? His leadership team? Huh? What leadership? His nation? What, does he own the United States or something?
Copies of the internal documents were provided to The New York Times by officials in several agencies involved in planning the anniversary commemorations. “The important theme is to show the world how much we realize that 9/11 — the attacks themselves and violent extremism writ large — is not ‘just about us,’ ” said one official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe internal White House planning.
It's not about us, it's just about Obama, his leadership team and his nation.

Remember, it's now his nation. Not our nation.

Expects some revisions to this drivel once the excrement hits the fan today.

Well, At Least Someone Still Likes Obama

Most of America may hate him, but Dear Leader is still relatively popular with Muslims.
A majority of U.S. Muslims are content with the nation's direction in contrast to many Americans and few Muslims believe there is support for Islamic extremism here, a survey released on Tuesday found.

With the 10th anniversary of the al Qaeda attacks on New York and the Pentagon approaching, the Pew Research Center found that most Muslims felt ordinary Americans were friendly or neutral toward them.

In contrast to the majority of the general public dissatisfied with the nation's direction, 56 percent of the estimated 2.75 million American Muslims said they are satisfied, the survey showed. Seven out of 10 view President Barack Obama's tenure favourably.

"On a variety of measures, Muslims in America are very content with their own lives and with the communities where they live," Pew researcher Greg Smith said in an interview.
So much for that rampant "Islamophobia" we keep hearing about.
Only 6 percent of Muslims in the survey of slightly more than 1,000 surveyed by telephone between April and July said they there is a great deal of support for Islamic extremism in Muslim-American communities. Another 15 percent said there is a fair amount of support among U.S. Muslims of extremism.

Among the general public, four in 10 believe extremism is supported in the Muslim American community, researchers said.

Pew last surveyed American Muslims in 2007, and researchers compared their attitudes in light of various disputes over mosque building, attacks on Muslims and mosques, a heating up of the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan and hearings in the U.S. Congress about the threat of home-grown Muslim terrorism.
Um, where exactly are these so-called attack on Muslims and mosques?

'I Have Women Who Come in With Photos With the Face Cut Out Sometimes'

"Hey, I know this woman is crazy because all my friends and the media tell me so, but I'd so like to look like her!"

Apparently this is what's going on in New York salons as women are looking for the Michelle Bachmann hairdo. Or at least that what this halfwit is telling us.
Top stylists from New York to Hollywood told me their liberal clients are guiltily requesting the Bachmann Look.

"A lot of clients have asked for Sarah Palin hair in the past four years, and now, it's Bachmann," says Andi Scarbrough of Byu-ty Hair Therapy in L.A. "Politicians are the new celebrities, because they're real. They didn't just spring up out of the red carpet."

However, she admits, "I have women who come in with photos with the face cut out sometimes."

"She has great coppery color that warms her up a little bit," said Angelo David at his E. 43rdSt. salon, who confirmed a spike in copycat requests for the candidate's look. "Not everybody wants to look like Kim Kardashian."

Bachmann's style "is safe, but not soccer mom. It's sexy," said Alma Qeraxhiu at her AlmaG Salon and Spa on E. 21st. St.

"I have found it a little bit amazing how many women have been coming in asking for her hair style, even though they don't agree with her politics."

They might agree more with Hillary Clinton, who has always been criticized about her hair.
Indeed, I never notice many women looking like Hillary or, say, Janet Napolitano. Still, some may want to look like Bachmann yet are still trembling in fear over her.
"A look like Bachmann's would run you $150 to $300" - higher if the stylist comes to you," as in Bachmann's case, said Angelo David.

And you'll be in the chair for about two hours, and you've got maintain it every six weeks.

Most liberals just don't have the time. They're too busy protecting us from airheads like Bachmann.
These people need "protecting" from Bachmann?


Monday, August 29, 2011

Auntie Zeituni on Her Brother the Drunk: 'Why Don’t You Go to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C. and Ask Your President?'

It sure doesn't sound like Auntie Zeituni will be sending her nephew Barack any Christmas cards this year. Wait, does she even celebrate Christmas?
An illegal immigrant from Kenya busted for drunken driving after nearly striking a cop car in Framingham is the uncle of President Obama, the Herald has learned.

Obama Onyango told cops he wanted to “call the White House” after he was nabbed for OUI Aug. 24 after nearly plowing his SUV into a police cruiser. He was arraigned Thursday and was ordered held without bail because he was wanted on a federal immigration warrant, officials said.

Mike Rogers, a spokesman for Cleveland immigration attorney Margaret Wong, who is representing Onyango, confirmed that the 67-year-old is the president’s uncle. Wong is the same lawyer who represented the president’s aunt, Zeituni Onyango, in her fight to win asylum last year.

Reached at her apartment in a South Boston public housing complex today, Zeituni Onyango said of her brother’s arrest: “Why don’t you go to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washintgon, D.C. and ask your president? Not me.” She then hung up on a reporter.

The White House also did not respond to a request for comment.

Zeituni and Obama Onyango are brother and sister, Rogers told the Herald today.

The two are the children of the president’s grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama, and his third wife, Sarah, according to the London Times.

The Times also reported that Obama Onyango is the man referred to as “Uncle Omar” in the president’s 1995 book, “Dreams from My Father.” In the book, President Obama writes about his Uncle Omar as “the uncle who had left for America 25 years ago and had never come back.”

Obama's Drunken Illegal Alien Uncle Has Social Security Number, MA Driver's License

I caught this listening to Howie Carr minutes ago and he says he got the information from the vehicle registry outfit in Massachusetts.

Since the media is largely ignoring the fact the president has an illegal alien uncle sitting in jail right now, we may as well get the word out.

Some transcript via Free Republic.
"If you go to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and try to get a license and don't have a valid SSN, you have to get some kind of become a refugee and you're automatically entitled to the had to come up with an excuse. But he had a social security number from more than 20 yrs ago even though he's an illegal alien. His nephew wasn't pres. 20 years ago..."
Commenters there note it was during the Dukakis administration that illegals received Social Security numbers.

Obama Nominates 'Crazy Eyes' Krueger as Top Economist

Remember that offensive cover from Newsweek showing Michelle Bachmann in such as unflattering way? I wonder if Obama's latest appointee will get the same treatment? Somehow I doubt it.
President Barack Obama on Monday plans to nominate Princeton University's Alan Krueger to be chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, a White House official said.

If confirmed by the Senate, Mr. Krueger, a labor economist, is likely to provide a voice inside the administration for more-aggressive government action to bring down unemployment and, particularly, to address long-term joblessness.

Mr. Krueger, 50 years old, returned to Princeton a year ago after serving as assistant Treasury secretary for economic policy during the first two years of the Obama administration—which means he has recently cleared the sometimes treacherous Senate confirmation process.

He would succeed Austan Goolsbee, who left earlier this month to reclaim his teaching post at the University of Chicago.

Mr. Krueger has been on Princeton's faculty since 1987, the year he earned his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University. He did a stint as chief economist at the Labor Department during the Clinton administration.

The work he has done in academia ranges from attempts to explain why job growth wasn't stronger during the 2000s, to findings that increases in the minimum wage don't depress employment, to a work showing that terrorists often come from middle-class—and often college-educated—backgrounds.

While at Treasury, Mr. Krueger worked on analyses of a variety of programs, including tax incentives to encourage employers to hire the employed, the "cash for clunkers" initiative to jump-start auto purchases and Build America taxable municipal bonds.
Ah yes, "cash for clunkers," one of those famed Obama economic strategies.

President Downgrade Grasping At Straws On Jobs

I was hoping this Georgia jobs training problem would be dismissed by the feds, but apparently I failed to factor in how desperate this empty suit in the White House is to appear to be doing something about employment in the country without blaming all of his feel good economy destroying plans.

CNN is stepping up to the plate to provide some cover and is another example of how media can report facts while painting a different picture from what the reality is. This little bit is from the CNN article.
Since the inception of Georgia Works in 2003, more than 23,000 participants have completed training programs at more than 16,500 employers. A quarter of them were hired at the firm by the end of the eight weeks, while nearly 60% were employed somewhere within three months of completing the program, state labor officials said.

Sounds great, right? Until you discover that the unemployment rate in Georgia has been above the national average for about 18 straight months. Current state unemployment rate is 10.1% while in Atlanta it is around 10.4%. Now look at the little phrase I put in bold. Notice it uses the year 2003 as a starting point. The program is far less effective then that since President Downgrade has taken over.
New Labor Commissioner Mark Butler, who took office in January, swiftly reinstated the original rules. Since then 1,400 people have received training, 197 of whom were hired.

That works out to about 1 in 10 actually getting a job. The state actually suspended the program for a while because of the cost, something Barry O never worries about, but should be a warning to taxpayers everywhere.
Whatever its value, the program has proved too costly for the state to sustain in the face of Georgia's stubbornly high unemployement. In September, [2010] Thurmond opened up the program to anyone who registered with DOL for employment services. Before that, it had been limited to people receiving unemployment compensation.

The fact is there isn't any jobs to be had, regardless of how much training you have. That little fact seems to keep slapping the eggheads in Washington upside the head but they still can't figure it out. They would rather halt energy production in west Texas to preserve a lizard or ruin the farming industry by forcing farmers to get CDL licenses or cutting off their water to save a fish or raid guitar manufacturers who don't make the right political donations.

NY Times: It's Times to Make the Ugly a Protected Class

Apparently, this isn't satire.
Why this disparate treatment of looks in so many areas of life? It’s a matter of simple prejudice. Most of us, regardless of our professed attitudes, prefer as customers to buy from better-looking salespeople, as jurors to listen to better-looking attorneys, as voters to be led by better-looking politicians, as students to learn from better-looking professors. This is not a matter of evil employers’ refusing to hire the ugly: in our roles as workers, customers and potential lovers we are all responsible for these effects.

How could we remedy this injustice? With all the gains to being good-looking, you would think that more people would get plastic surgery or makeovers to improve their looks. Many of us do all those things, but as studies have shown, such refinements make only small differences in our beauty. All that spending may make us feel better, but it doesn’t help us much in getting a better job or a more desirable mate.

A more radical solution may be needed: why not offer legal protections to the ugly, as we do with racial, ethnic and religious minorities, women and handicapped individuals?

We actually already do offer such protections in a few places, including in some jurisdictions in California, and in the District of Columbia, where discriminatory treatment based on looks in hiring, promotions, housing and other areas is prohibited. Ugliness could be protected generally in the United States by small extensions of the Americans With Disabilities Act. Ugly people could be allowed to seek help from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and other agencies in overcoming the effects of discrimination. We could even have affirmative-action programs for the ugly.
Just what we need: Making Uglo-Americans a protected class. Obviously this would cover the overwhelming majority of liberals, including most of the columnists at the Times.

American Media Largely Ignores Arrest of Obama's Drunken Illegal Alien Uncle

Do a Google search on the name Onyango Obama and ask yourself where the media coverage is. Save for a few American news outlets, the story of Barack Obama's "long lost uncle" being arrested for DUI on August 24 is being ignored.

Why is that?

Well, at least some foreign media is interested.
BARACK Obama's long-lost "Uncle Omar" has been arrested for alleged drink-driving outside Boston and detained as an illegal immigrant, The Times can reveal.

The arrest ends a mystery over the fate of a relative that the US President wrote in his memoir had moved to America from Kenya in the 1960s, although the circumstances of his discovery may now prove to be an embarrassment for the White House.

Official records say Onyango Obama, 67, was picked up outside the Chicken Bone Saloon in Framingham, Massachusetts, at 7.10pm on August 24. Police say he nearly crashed his Mitsubishi 4x4 into a patrol car, and then insisted that the officer should have given way to him. A report filed with the Framingham District Court said that a breathalyser at the police station registered his blood alcohol at 0.14mg/100ml of blood, above the state limit of 0.08mg.

According to a local newspaper, Mr Obama was charged with driving under the influence and driving to endanger, as well as failing to use a turn signal. He was detained as an illegal immigrant because the US Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement has an outstanding warrant for him because he was previously ordered to be deported to Kenya.

The Times has established from his birthdate that Mr Obama is the Uncle Omar mentioned in President Obama's best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father. In the 1995 book, President Obama writes of "the uncle who had left for America 25 years ago and had never come back".

In 2008, The Times mounted a search for Uncle Omar. Instead of finding him, we discovered his sister, President Obama's Auntie Zeituni, who was living as an illegal immigrant on a Boston housing estate. Uncle Omar and Auntie Zeituni are the children of President Obama's grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama, by his third wife Sarah, the woman President Obama calls "Granny", because she raised his father, Barack Sr, who was Hussein Obama's son by Hussein's second wife, Akumu.

The 2008 investigation unearthed public records naming an O. Onyango Obama, born on June 3, 1944, living at a house in the Boston suburbs, where he was known as Obama Onyango. Framingham police records list the man arrested last week as Onyango Obama, with the same birth date, June 3, 1944.

According to local reports, Officer Val Krishtal and another driver had to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting Mr Obama's car, which rolled through a stop sign and took a quick left turn. Mr Obama allegedly told the officer he had right of way and said he doubted the officer was forced to brake hard as he did not hear his brakes squeal.

Mr Obama pleaded not guilty at his remand hearing, but was held in custody because of the immigration warrant. He now faces a legal battle. His sister Zeituni eventually won the right to live in America despite an earlier deportation order. Margaret Wong, the Cleveland lawyer who successfully represented Zeituni, confirmed through a representative last night that she has also been retained to defend Mr Obama.

Classy: Politico Headlines Story 'Is Rick Perry Dumb?'

Just pathetic. Not even trying to hide the bias any more.
Another Texas governor who drops his “g’s” and scorns elites is running for president and the whispers are the same: Lightweight, incurious, instinctual.

Strip away the euphemisms, and Rick Perry is confronting an unavoidable question: is he dumb - or just misunderestimated?

Doubts about Perry’s intellect have hounded him since he was first elected as a state legislator nearly three decades ago. In Austin, he’s been derided as a right-place, right-time pol who looks the part but isn’t so deep – “Gov. Goodhair.” Now, with the chatter picking back up among his enemies and taking flight in elite Republican circles, the rap threatens to follow him to the national stage.

“He’s like Bush only without the brains,” cracked one former Republican governor who knows Perry, repeating a joke that has made the rounds.
Would these schmucks ever ask if Obama is dumb? Of course not, although there's plenty of evidence to suggest he's a blithering idiot.

Obama was prompted to write by an earlier letter from a Mr. Jim Chen that criticized Harvard Law Review's affirmative action policies. Specifically, Chen had argued that affirmative action stigmatized its presumed beneficiaries.

The response is classic Obama: patronizing, dishonest, syntactically muddled, and grammatically challenged. In the very first sentence Obama leads with his signature failing, one on full display in his earlier published work: his inability to make subject and predicate agree.

"Since the merits of the Law Review's selection policy has been the subject of commentary for the last three issues," wrote Obama, "I'd like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works."

If Obama were as smart as a fifth-grader, he would know, of course, that "merits ... have." Were there such a thing as a literary Darwin Award, Obama could have won it on this on one sentence alone. He had vindicated Chen in his first ten words.

Although the letter is less than a thousand words long, Obama repeats the subject-predicate error at least two more times. In one sentence, he seemingly cannot make up his mind as to which verb option is correct so he tries both: "Approximately half of this first batch is chosen ... the other half are selected ... "

ESPN Star Donates $35,800 to the Obama Victory Fund

Whatever you do, if you work for ESPN, do not goof on Obama or there will be repercussions. Of course other ESPN employees can give a public tongue-bath to Obama and that's just peachy.

So if ESPN is interested in objectivity (wink, wink), will they have anything to say about one of their on-air personalities maxing out in contributions to Obama?
Desmond Howard, a Heisman Trophy winner and Super Bowl MVP, is also supporting Obama. In early June, Howard -- who is now an ESPN analyst -- donated $35,800 to the Obama Victory Fund.
I wonder if another ESPN personality donates the maximum to a Republican and it's known to the public would that person be long for ESPN?

'If the Election Were Next Tuesday He'd Lose. That's How Bad It Is'

You know what this mean, right? It's time for the media to to an Obama Makeover. Let's pretend he's competent and if that doesn't work, blames the Republicans. And who better to get the ball rolling that slobbering fanboy Sam Youngman.
President Obama arrived back in Washington after his August vacation to deal with a hurricane, but Irene was only the first of many tests awaiting the embattled commander-in-chief.

With his approval ratings at the lowest point in his presidency, Obama returns to face a restless Congress, a hurricane that tore up the East Coast, continued unrest and uncertainty in the Middle East and an ailing economy that is not expected to improve much before the 2012 elections.
Hurricane Irene is already a built-in excuse for future failures. That didn't take long.
"If the election were next Tuesday he'd lose. That's how bad it is," says a Democratic strategist.
Translation: The media's got a lot of work to do the next 14 months.
And the president's vacation turned out to be a political liability as he attracted criticism for relaxing in ritzy Martha's Vineyard amid the economic downturn.

In between meals and golf outings, Obama was briefed on an earthquake that hit the East Coast, Hurricane Irene and the ongoing strife in Libya as rebels appeared to be close to toppling Moammar Gadhafi.

The Gadhafi news was a clear victory for Obama, especially in the wake of critics from both sides of the aisle about U.S. involvement in Libya.
A clear victory? Really? So, um, where's Gadhafi?

He was briefed on the earthquake? Well, golly gee. Yet he never left the damn golf course to even feign concern.
All of this comes as Republicans looking to unseat Obama next year ramp up their operations and their rhetoric, piling on a president who at this stage in the game looks vulnerable to the point of being an underdog against an unknown opponent.
All together now: Awwww. They're piling on poor Bammy!

More like Tiger Beat teeny-bopper Sam Youngman piling on the lame cliches.

Facing defeat in 2012 means one thing for sure: Lots of photos of Obama pretending to work.

'He Wanted To Go From Bozo of the Blizzard To Hero of the Hurricane'

If by showing up on television seemingly every hour on the hour for three days running makes one a hero, then so be it. Most of us call this doing your job.
In sharp contrast to the bruising Bloomberg took as the city struggled to dig out from the debilitating post-Christmas blizzard, Hizzoner was lavished with praise yesterday from even his toughest critics.

"I'm not a critic today. I'm a fan," said City Councilwoman Letitia James (D-Brooklyn), who last spring conducted what some called the "Mother of all Hearings" into the city's disastrous blizzard response.

"I'm sorta disappointed. I emailed some of my colleagues today and said, 'Damn! I missed my opportunity to have the Mother of All Hearings, Part II.'"

Last winter, elected officials from across the city said they spent the days after the blizzard fielding furious complaints from constituents and getting no response from the administration.

This time they were invited to frequent conference calls and meetings ahead of the storm.

Top city officials responded to emails and calls as the winds and rains pelted the city.

And by yesterday, James said that when she notified the administration of downed trees in her central Brooklyn district, "they responded with the cavalry."

Maybe it was a little too much, some acknowledged.

Maybe some New Yorkers were inconvenienced by the forced evacuation or alarmed by the panic.

Surely many are steamed at Gov. Cuomo and the MTA for yanking the crucial lifeline of the city's public transit system for nearly two days, but, this time, no one could complain that their mayor was AWOL.

"He wanted to go from bozo of the blizzard to hero of the hurricane," said Baruch College political science Prof. Doug Muzzio.

Instead of swooping back into the city from Bermuda as Bloomberg did just before the blizzard, New Yorkers could barely turn on their TVs over the weekend without seeing the mayor giving a briefing or inspecting the troops.

"This was Michael Bloomberg saying, 'You know what, nothing else is going to happen on my watch,'" said Councilman Domenic Recchia (D-Brooklyn), who helped evacuate thousands of people from his Coney Island district.

"Some people are going to say he overreacted, but you know what? It's better to be safe than sorry."
What we could have lived without was the cringe-worthy Spanglish portion of each press conference, which naturally has spawned a hilarious Twitter feed. The latest:
Los offices del la cuidad will be opentado mañana. El commuto el mucho tough y mucho slow. Que crowding!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Obama Returns to DC, Approval Rating Falls

Now at 38% according to Gallup, down a few points since their last release. Disapproval up four points to 55%.

No wonder he tried to pretend as if he was doing something yesterday.

How's this for a laughable headline?

Obama takes charge at hurricane command center

Obviously nobody could get the job done until The One showed up.

Libyan Rebels Ignore Request to Extradite Lockerbie Bomber

By all means, let's send them billions of dollars and pretend they're going to have a democratic form of government.
The Libyan rebel government will not deport the man convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, its justice minister said Sunday.

New York senators on Aug. 22 asked the Libyan transitional government to hold Abdel-Baset al-Megrahi fully accountable for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103, which killed 270 people.

But the transitional government Justice Minister Mohammed al-Alagi told journalists in Tripoli that the request by American senators had "no meaning" because al-Megrahi had already been tried and convicted.

"We will not hand over any Libyan citizen. It was Gadhafi who handed over Libyan citizens," he said, referring to the government's decision to turn al-Megrahi over to a Scottish court for trial.
A shame al-Megrahi didn't die two years ago like he was supposed to.

'You Know, Illegal Immigration Didn’t Kill This Person'

Just imagine the reaction from the left if a tea partier killed an illegal alien.
My guess is that Hurricane Irene is going to kill a lot fewer Americans in Massachusetts this year than illegal aliens are. But don’t tell that to Gov. Deval Patrick — he doesn’t want to talk about dead Americans and the drunk Ecuadorians who killed them.

On Friday afternoon, on live statewide TV, the governor went on and on at the MEMA bunker in Framingham about emergency preparations and mobilizing the National Guard, etc. But just as he was wrapping up, Jon Keller of Channel 4 decided to get in a question about Matthew Denice, the 23-year-old Milford motorcyclist run down and killed by an allegedly drunken illegal from Ecuador a week ago last night.

Deval had spent the week hiding behind a written statement from his flack about this latest illegal-alien atrocity. So Keller figured he’d get something on videotape from the undocumented workers’ best friend in Massachusetts.

“Well,” Deval began, “first of all it’s a terrible, terrible tragedy for that family and my heart goes out to them and my prayers to them and the community who are outraged.”

Notice, he didn’t name the family, or the community, even though he attended a hearing in Milford on Secure Communities, the program to round up criminals like the accused Ecuadorian. Naturally, Deval vehemently opposes Secure Communities, and next he explained why.

“You know, illegal immigration didn’t kill this person. A drunk driver killed this person.”

Suppose an American had so brutally killed an illegal alien, dragging him down the street as he screamed, and then delivered the coup de grace by backing over him. You can bet Deval would not only have known the illegal’s name, but would have visited his family, cameras (and interpreters) in tow. But with only an American taxpayer dead, the governor wanted to keep the subject on drunken driving.

“And, uh, we have laws about that.”

Yeah, and despite what Marsha Coakley says, we also have laws about being in this country illegally. Not to mention laws against driving without a license, and assaulting police and firefighters, all of which this illegal alien is accused of violating with impunity.

This Ecuadorian roofer’s name is Nicholas Guaman, and he’s not to be confused with another Ecuadorian roofer named Luis Guaman, who’s accused of murdering a mother and her child in Brockton in February and then fleeing home.

By the way, this little scene took place in Framingham, where another illegal alien was arrested for drunken driving Wednesday night. This invader was from, of all places, Kenya, and his name is Obama. I’m not making this up — Onyango Obama, age 67.

Obama almost sideswiped a Framingham PD car, and then he had the nerve to tell the cop that he had, in effect, acted stupidly. The cops took Obama back to the police station, where cops said he blew a .14 on the Breathalyzer.
Yes, the criminal Obama is related to the Obama who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
A number of media outlets have already reported that an illegal immigrant from Kenya by the name of Onyango Obama, 67, was arrested last week on Wednesday after he rammed his SUV into a police car in Framingham, Massachusetts.

He was later charged with DUI among other violations. I spoke to Framingham Public Information Officer Lieutenant Delaney who told me that when Onyango Obama was asked at booking if he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail, the Kenyan immigrant replied: "I think I will call the White House."

It should be noted that the Times of London, highlighted an Onyango Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign, when the British daily found President Barack Obama's “Aunt Zeituni” living in Boston illegally.

'For All Our Ingenuity We Still Cannot Control the Power and the Force of Nature'

Did Bob Schieffer unwittingly remind us that we can't control nature? The global warming alarmists must be in high dudgeon.
It was to have been a wonderful day in Washington where people from all over the country were gathering to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. on the anniversary of his "I Have a Dream" speech.

But that was all blown away - canceled - as the hurricane roared through, reminding us that for all our ingenuity we still cannot control the power and the force of nature.

So the massive statue stood alone in the storm, to be dedicated and celebrated another day.
We cannot control the power and force of nature, but hey, we can still have cap and trade and carbon taxes!

Figures: Biden Prepped for Hurricane By Golfing

Bet his boss is really envious. Obama at least pretended he was concerned by showing up at a hurricane center.
Delaware was pounded by Hurricane Irene on Saturday night, but Vice President Biden got in one last round of golf in his home state before the heavy stuff started coming down, Fox News has learned.

Biden played golf at a Wilmington-area course on Saturday morning, according to two sources familiar with his schedule.

Asked directly whether Biden played golf on Saturday, Biden's office would not comment to Fox News.

Biden's official schedule released Friday showed him spending down time at home in Wilmington after a 10-day official trip to Asia.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sorry Barry, I Ain't Playing This Year

Barack is once again taking to the airwaves and attempting to turn the commemoration of the attack on 9/11 into one big national community organizing day. In his weekly address this week he led off with the reason that 9/11 holds a dear spot in the heart of Americans and then goes into talking about all of the great efforts and acts of volunteering and giving that went on in its aftermath completely oblivious to the irony of those statements. None of those acts were the result of any government program or mandate. They were organized and executed by private businesses, citizens, and charity groups. In the age of government intervention into everything from lemonade stands to guitar manufacturers it makes one wonder if such actions could be carried out today.

I refuse to let the day be turned into some sort of touchy-feely volunteer service day. There are good organizations and people who do this sort of thing on a daily basis and don't need that one special day of the year to carry out their acts just to fulfill some sort ego attention gratification. Groups I especially like are those like the Wounded Warrior Project and Soldiers Angels, since I have a strong affinity for the military community.

For those seeking some sort of attention and their 15 seconds of fame on the local newscast, go for it. Mug for the camera, say something pithy and then make sure to get copies of footage so that you can show it to family and friends to show them that for one day out of your life you were somebody. For those that do this daily, unseen and without much fanfare, you have my deepest appreciation and I hope that you will be able to continue to do your good work without fear of our Department of Justice also carrying out a raid on your charity or business because it is discovered you didn't contribute to the 'right' political people.

Highlight of Hurricane Irene: Bare Ass and Full Frontal on the Weather Channel

We saw this as it happened on a remote from Virginia Beach and safe to say it was the highlight of our dreary preparation for Hurricane Irene. Bare ass and full frontal around the 20-second mark on the right side of the screen.

Drunken fratboys, no doubt. It's not on this clip, but the looks on the faces of the folks back in the studio was priceless.

Not safe for work, obviously.

Heartache: Prisoners Not Being Evacuated From Rikers Island

Oh, the humanity.
“We are not evacuating Rikers Island,” Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a news conference this afternoon. Bloomberg annouced a host of extreme measures being taken by New York City in preparation for the arrival of Hurricane Irene, including a shutdown of the public transit system and the unprecedented mandatory evacuation of some 250,000 people from low-lying areas. But in response to a reporter’s question, the mayor stated in no uncertain terms (and with more than a hint of annoyance) that one group of New Yorkers on vulnerable ground will be staying put.

New York City is surrounded by small islands and barrier beaches, and a glance at the city’s evacuation map reveals all of them to be in Zone A (already under a mandatory evacuation order) or Zone B–all, that is, save one. Rikers Island, which lies in the waters between Queens and the Bronx, is not highlighted at all, meaning it is not to be evacuated under any circumstances.

According to the New York City Department of Corrections’ own website, more than three-quarters of Rikers Island’s 400 acres are built on landfill–which is generally thought to be more vulnerable to natural disasters. Its ten jails have a capacity of close to 17,000 inmates, and normally house at least 12,000, including juveniles and large numbers of prisoners with mental illness–not to mention pre-trial detainees who have yet to be convicted of any crime. There are also hundreds of corrections officers at work on the island.
The comments are a hoot.

Meanwhile, the silliness as already begun.
“Irene’s got a middle name, and it’s Global Warming,” environmental activist Bill McKibben wrote Thursday night in The Daily Beast. He argued that this year’s hot Atlantic Ocean temperatures and active spree of hurricanes — coupled with droughts, floods and melting sea ice elsewhere on the globe — are “what climate change looks like in its early stages."

Nevada Sen. Heller: Obama's Economy Has 'Failed Miserably'

I'm thinking this guy might be a blog reader.
“There is no question that the status quo of dysfunctional government must end. People from all over the country are struggling just to get by and are desperate for real solutions,” Heller said.

“Unfortunately, job creation and economic growth has taken a back seat to political posturing and grandstanding in Washington,” he added.

Heller said administration’s approach to economic recovery has “failed miserably,” and claimed that “out of control” spending, the healthcare law and federal regulations are stifling growth and costing jobs.
Failed miserably? Hmm.

Via Johnny, via AoSHQ

An American-Murdering Dictator Turns To His Friends

The once arrogant dictator of terrorist-sponsoring state of Libya is presumably on the run and like all dictators before him probably hiding in a hole somewhere in the desert, but he still managed to get word out to his friends in the United States in an attempt to get out of the country with his head still attached. So who does he reach out to? Why none other then that wonderful, progressive, Department of Peace advocate, Dennis Kucinich (D-Land of Oz).
Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who has been one of the most outspoken critics of the Obama administration's military intervention in Libya, confirmed Friday that he was invited to visit the North African nation in an attempt to end months-long conflict between the Qaddafi regime and the rebel forces who have been aided by NATO air strikes.

The Guardian first reported that the Qaddafi regime offered Ohio Democrat an all-expense paid trip Tripoli as part of a hastily arranged “peace mission.”
When the enemies of your country are reaching out to certain people in a desperate plea for help it tells you two things. One is that they have a friendship that obviously spans the years, and two, when a bloodthirsty American-murdering dictator reaches out to somebody it's somebody who probably ought to be on a terrorist watch list and not an elected member of Congress.

But don't fear, Dennis has friends in other places. Like Syria.
But Kucinich, who was worried about security, declined the offer and visited Syria instead.
So Dennis, besides working tirelessly for years to get rid of the United States military, cavorting with known terrorists and brutal dictators, just what have you done to make us safer, or were you hoping to one day pull a Bashir and become leader of your own little kingdom?

That was one stellar class of presidential hopefuls the Democrats fielded in 2008. John Edwards, the womanizing good hair playboy who ditches his terminally-ill wife to father babies; Kucinich, who sucks up to Middle Eastern dictators who just happen to have him on speed dial, and, of course, the degenerate who wound up winning and thereby turning the rest of us into losers. I guess if you are all about the destruction of the United States you just keep on voting Democrat.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Study: Sex With Cavemen Gave Humans an Immune Boost

Sex with cavemen, three words I never thought I'd write.
Sexual encounters with archaic humans like the Neanderthals produced children who inherited key genes that have helped modern humans fight illness and disease, a study has found.

"The cross-breeding wasn't just a random event that happened, it gave something useful to the gene pool of the modern human," said Stanford University's Peter Parham, senior author of the study in the journal Science.

Equipped with knowledge of the genome of the Neanderthals and the Denisovans, of whom a tooth and a finger bone were discovered in a Russian cave last year, researchers scoured the data for hints of what genes crossed over.

Christie to NJ Residents: 'Get the Hell Off the Beach'

I feel safer knowing the Baddest Governor on the Planet has my back. And even in times of trouble he still manages to be funny.
"I saw some of these news feeds that I've been watching of people sitting on the beach in Asbury Park -- get the hell off the beach at Asbury Park and get out," Christie said. "You're done. It's 4:30 -- you've maximized your tan. Get off the beach."

Comedian Al Gore: Climate Scientists Not Motivated by Money

These frauds would be out of business if they weren't living off government grants to peddle their junk science. But the chief hoaxer, Al Gore, says financial motivation has nothing to do with it.

How is it Gore became so wealthy?
Al Gore on Friday bashed the notion that climate scientists are manipulating data for financial gain, a charge levied by global warming skeptics, including GOP White House hopeful Rick Perry.

“This is an organized effort to attack the reputation of the scientific community as a whole, to attack their integrity, and to slander them with the lie that they are making up the science in order to make money,” Gore said in an online interview.

“These scientists don’t make a lot of money. They are comfortable, as they should be, but they don’t make a lot of money. That is not their motivation for doing what they do,” Gore added.
If anyone is really being slandered, why do they choose not to pursue it legally?

As Gore is fond of saying: Bullshit.

ESPN Buttkissers Scold Paul Azinger for Goofing on Obama

Like most of the nation, golfer and ESPN analyst has little use for Barack Obama. He dared to express his opinion on Twitter Thursday.
Facts: Potus has played more golf this month than I have: I have created more jobs this month than he has: #Marthasvineyard
Well, the bumkissing rumpswabs at ESPN, who fawn shamelessly over Obama as he embarrasses himself each year with his March Madness idiocy, have admonished Azinger.
ESPN is coming down on Paul Azinger for mocking President Barack Obama on Twitter. The golf analyst tweeted Friday that the Commander-in-chief plays more golf than he does -- and that Azinger has created more jobs this month than Obama has.

ESPN has 'reminded" Azinger his venture into political punditry violates the company's updated social network policy for on-air talent and reporters issued yesterday.

"Paul's tweet was not consistent with our social media policy, and he has been reminded that political commentary is best left to those in that field," spokesman Andy Hall told Game On! in a statement.
It's OK for them to slobber over Obama, but one of their employees dares to make a joke and that's forbidden.

Vacationer-in-Chief to Advise People on Hurricane Preparedness

Never let a crisis go to waste. Obviously he plans on getting some more golf in before he flees Martha's Vineyard.
The White House says President Barack Obama will make a statement Friday on Hurricane Irene from his vacation rental on Martha's Vineyard. It comes as rain from the storm's outer bands begins to hit the Carolinas.

Obama has been getting regular briefings from federal officials about the storm, and the White House has warned the public to follow emergency officials' instructions.

The president is not expected to change his schedule as a result of the storm. He was already scheduled to leave Martha's Vineyard Saturday.
Apparently he's finally relaxed.

Unexpected: GDP Craters to 1%

Can we blame tea partiers for this?
The U.S. economy grew much slower than previously thought in the second quarter as business inventories and exports were less robust, a government report showed on Friday, although consumer spending was revised up.

Gross domestic product growth rose at annual rate of 1.0 percent the Commerce Department said, a downward revision of its prior estimate of 1.3 percent. It also said after-tax corporate profits rose at the fastest pace in a year.

Economists had expected output growth to be revised down to 1.1 percent. In the first quarter, the economy advanced just 0.4 percent. The government's second GDP estimate for the quarter confirmed growth almost stalled in the first six months of this year.

The United States is on a recession watch after a massive sell-off in the stock market knocked down consumer and business sentiment. The plunge in share prices followed Standard & Poor's decision to strip the nation of its top notch AAA credit rating and a spreading sovereign debt crisis in Europe.
Don't "expect" things to get any better any time soon.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Perils of Facebook

So you're lamming it with your gangster fugitive boyfriend, just as you're about to give birth.

So you think to yourself, hey, this seems like a good time to snap a photo in front of an easily identifiable location. What could go wrong? Then your tiny brain says hey, why not be like millions of imbeciles around the world who post every minute detail of their lives on Facebook and get these online right away?

One of Italy's most-wanted Mafia mobsters has been arrested after his blundering girlfriend posted pictures of them on Facebook.

Salvatore D'Avino, 39, was traced by detectives after they spotted the snaps of his heavily pregnant girlfriend Brada Hint in front of sign giving the name and location of a Spanish restaurant.

Italian police alerted the Spanish authorities who traced the couple to their hideout in Marbella on the Costa del Sol and arrested D'Avino.

D'Avino is said to be a member of the Giuliano clan of the Naples mafia which is known as the Camorra and had been on the run for almost ten years.

He was listed on the Italian police's top 100 most wanted and had several convictions for drug trafficking.

Italian police said he had also been arrested in Spain on drug charges and was said to be part of a plot to flood Marbella with more than 250,000 Ecstasy tablets.

Police said he had been hiding in Morocco for years and travelled to Spain by boat a few days ago and his Moroccan companion followed him under a false name as she was about to give birth.

Hint, 31, published several photos on Facebook of her outside upmarket Marbella nightspot Nikki Beach Club where the couple were staying and police swooped as D'Avino was filling up his car with petrol.
Clearly he's thrilled to know how things went down.
Marshall Angelo Mazzagatti, of the Naples police who led the operation said: "He couldn't believe it when police arrived and arrested him. He thought after nearly a decade on the run he was home free.

'When he asked how we had found him and we told him he was not at all happy with his girlfriend who is heavily pregnant and about to give birth.

'When we saw the pictures on Facebook we could not believe his girlfriend had been so stupid. It was very easy to track them down as she was stood in front of a restaurant sign in Marbella.'

Rutgers Poll: Majority in NJ Say Obama Doesn't Deserve Re-Election

Reality has begun to creep in here in New Jersey.
The majority of voters in New Jersey say President Obama does not deserve a second term, according to a new Rutgers poll.

Only 43 percent of New Jersey voters in the poll said Obama deserves to be reelected, while 47 percent said he deserves to be voted out of office.

Those findings are a troubling sign for Obama, since New Jersey has traditionally been a stronghold for Democrats. In an earlier Rutgers poll taken in February, only 39 percent of New Jersey voters said he did not deserve reelection.

The poll comes on the heels of a Quinnipiac poll last week that showed New Jersey voters disapprove of Obama’s job performance by a 52 percent to 44 percent margin, the president's lowest score ever in the state.

“The continuing economic climate, coupled with voter frustration at Washington, has created feelings of discontent that are clearly hurting the president’s chances for reelection,” said David Redlawsk, a professor of political science at Rutgers University. “The dramatic decline in support for Obama comes mostly from independents."
I wonder how well those indies will take to being called racist?

I think we all now realize what a SCOAMF we have on our hands.

Behind the Scenes With Tea Party Terrorists

A truly disturbing look at the greatest threat facing America.


Actual Headline: 'President Works in Golf During His Working Vacation'

Boy, they're really trying to stick with this working vacation theme, huh? Yes, I know, presidents are never really on vacation, but can we stop pretending the guy has anything other than golf on his mind?
Maybe he slept in, then rambled around Blue Heron Farm in his presidential pajamas. In any case, President Barack Obama didn't emerge from his vacation digs Wednesday until mid-afternoon, when he chased birdies at Mink Meadows Golf Club in Vineyard Haven.

Of course when you're the big cheese, you can't sit around daydreaming, even on vacation. According to press reports, the president was briefed Wednesday on Libya, Hurricane Irene and the economy, and he chatted on the phone with General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt and American Express CEO Ken Chenault.
Maybe he could ask Immelt why he was shipping all those GE jobs to China just as were announced.

Funny, but I never recall the media noting Bush was on a working vacation when he was down at his ranch. You know, a place he actually owned.

Ironic: Federal Government Screws Goat Herders

If you happen to notice that your neighborhood Border Collie looking a little more refreshed then normal with a Bluetooth stuck in his ear while walking the neighborhood you can thank the Obama administration.
The Obama administration is setting new workplace regulations to assist foreign workers who fill goat herding positions in the U.S. , including employee-paid cell phones and comfy beds.

Well I guess technically these new rules would only apply to Australian Sheep Dogs working in the US.

Talk about big brother besides cell phones and beds it also details what constitutes adequate lighting to how food must be prepared.
The new lighting standards say that in areas where it is not feasible to provide electrical service such as tents or mobile trailers, lanterns must be provided. “Kerosene wick lights meet the definition of lantern,” the regulations say.

How did these poor goat and sheep herders with centuries worth of practice and knowledge ever manage to bring a herd in without the assistance of the all-knowing and all-seeing federal government must be some sort miracle. Federal government. Is there anything it can't do?

I don't want to even know how many of these new rules this group of herders are violating.