Monday, April 09, 2007

Meeting of the Morons

I haven't bothered wasting time on Don Imus and his idiotic comments last week, but earlier today he really dug himself a hole and then later did a radio spot with the racist thug Al Sharpton.
Don Imus lashed out at the Rev. Al Sharpton and the chairwoman of the congressional black caucus today, telling them: "I can't get any place with you people!"

The besieged radio shock jock had spent most of his syndicated morning radio show apologizing for calling Rutgers women's basketball players "nappy-headed hos" last week.

Imus' contrition campaign skidded off the road in a horrific foot-in-mouth crash on Sharprton's [sic] radio show a few hours later.
Hot Air has video of his spot with Sharpton. Meanwhile, calls for his firing continue.
James E. Harris, president of the New Jersey chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, demanded Sunday that Imus "resign or be terminated immediately."

Allison Gollust, a spokeswoman for MSNBC, said the network considers Imus' comments "deplorable" and was reviewing the matter.

Karen Mateo, a spokeswoman for CBS Radio - Imus' employer and the owner of his New York radio home, WFAN-AM - said the company was "disappointed" in Imus' actions and characterized his comments as "completely inappropriate."
The low-rated MSNBC is probably reveling in the attention, considering some of the addlebrained morons they employ in their "news" division.

UPDATE: He's been suspended by MSNBC.

More from Michelle Malkin, Captain's Quarters, Sister Toldjah, baldilocks, Ed Driscoll.

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