Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Maybe They Can Come to Broadway...

Sharia law is alive and well in Nigeria and the American left in Hollywood needs to wake up and pay attention.

Nigerian Sharia court bans play
An Islamic court in Nigeria has banned a satirical play written by a rights activist about corrupt politicians in states run under Sharia law.

Shehu Sani's play Phantom Crescent lampoons officials who use Sharia laws to help them plunder state funds.

A court hearing is scheduled for Tuesday; meanwhile a performance on 23 October has been postponed.
So, Islamic officals are banning a play that lampoons Islamic officials. Gee, I wonder what the Islamic dominated court will decide. Wait, there's more.
This latest act of censorship comes after the authorities in Kano State suspended all filming in August for six months after a video clip of popular actress Maryam Hiyana having sex with a married man.

Officials said that in future actors and directors would need a licence to make films and production companies would have to meet strict criteria before being be allowed to do business.

Sharia courts use an Islamic system of law based on the ancient verses of the Koran and they run concurrently in northern Nigeria with the national civil system.
You would think that the Hollywood left would wake up and realize that they are the first ones the Islamic extremists want to line up against a wall.

Previously at JWF:
'Sharia is Often Perceived as Oppressive and Brutal by Westerners'

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