Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nanny Bloomberg Has Godzilla-like Carbon Footprint

New York City Mayor and fulltime scold Michael Bloomberg loves to talk the green talk, but his opulent lifestyle is leaving even Al Gore choking on his fumes.

This clearly makes him the frontrunner for the 2008 Nobel "Peace" Prize.

America's greenest mayor generates enough greenhouse gas to choke the Lincoln Tunnel.

Mayor Bloomberg - who has advocated everything from ditching incandescent light bulbs to taxing Midtown commuters to clean the air - produces 364 tons of smog-inducing carbon dioxide a year, according to a Post analysis of the billionaire's trans-Atlantic real estate portfolio and travel style.

That's a carbon footprint larger than what's produced by 18 average Americans, 53 Europeans or 404 Guatemalans. It's equivalent to keeping 69 cars a year on the road or lighting the Empire State Building for 4½ days.

Besides his spacious Upper East Side townhouse, the mayor owns five homes: a country house in Armonk; a farm in North Salem, both in Westchester; a four-bedroom condo in Vail, Colo.; a palatial flat on London's posh Cadogan Square, and a sprawling, 6,000-square-foot beachfront spread in Bermuda.

Together, the properties boast enough square footage to swallow two mansions like the 10,000-square-foot one owned by former Vice President Al Gore, one of several leading climate-change critics rapped lately for being voracious energy users themselves.

Bloomberg's carbon footprint swells to epic proportions when you include his penchant for reaching his far-flung getaways by one of the handful of private jets owned by his financial information firm, Bloomberg LP.

In 2004 - before he took steps to conceal his weekend travel from the press - Bloomberg was averaging one four-hour round trip to Bermuda each month in his sleek Dassault Falcon 900.

Twelve such flights in a year would spew 40 tons of carbon emissions into the atmosphere, roughly as much as two Americans would produce in a year.

Bloomberg's carbon footprint could actually be much larger. The Post did not have enough information to estimate pollution generated by Bloomberg's four personal cars, the propeller-driven airplane he owns, or the company helicopter he's said to use.

Bloomberg has recently become one of the nation's chief proponents of green living.
What a hypocrite. He does a few photo ops every now and then riding the subway, then flies around the globe any chance he gets.

Not for a second do I begrudge the man living his lavish lifestyle.

Just don't lecture the rest of us while you're living large.

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