How's that driver's licenses for illegals plan working out, Mr. Steamroller?
The latest numbers are out on public support for Gov. Spitzer's executive order allowing illegal aliens to obtain New York state drivers' licenses.Indeed, the State Legislature appears ready to kill this idiotic plan.
Read 'em and weep, Eliot.
In a Siena College poll released yesterday, 72 percent of New Yorkers oppose the gov's license plan - while only 22 percent support it.
Opposition to Spitzer's plan runs across the board: Even 52 percent of his fellow Democrats think he's wrong.
To underscore that fact, Assembly Minority Leader James Tedisco yesterday released a list of 34 Democrats among 200 public officials opposed to the plan - including a former mayor of New York, a county executive, two members of Congress, seven members of the state Legislature and 17 county legislators.
In other words, it's hardly just the "rabid right" that opposes this lunacy, as Spitzer so intemperately claimed last week.
Indeed, a full 64 percent of those polled by Siena agree that the Spitzer proposal would create a national-security risk.
And by a 66-25 percent margin, New Yorkers aren't buying the governor's rationale for the plan: that it would lower insurance rates by reducing the number of unlicensed drivers.
Any way you look at it, those numbers add up to a political disaster for Eliot Spitzer.
UPDATE: Bryan at Hot Air links. Thanks!
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