Sunday, October 14, 2007

When Stupid Met Silly

New York Times hack Maureen Dowd turns her column over to alleged comedian Stephen Colbert, with entirely predictable results.

She's usually unintentionally funny, while he tries to be amusing and usually fails.

Must be a desperate attempt for the Times to reach a new audience: Twenty-something know-nothings.
I was in my office, writing a column on the injustice of relative marginal tax rates for hedge fund managers, when I saw Stephen Colbert on TV.
Sorry we had to miss out on such a stimulating column. Instead the readers are served up this tripe.
For instance, Hillary Clinton. I can’t remember if I’m supposed to be scared of her so Democrats will think they should nominate her when she’s actually easy to beat, or if I’m supposed to be scared of her because she’s legitimately scary.

Or Rudy Giuliani. I can’t remember if I’m supposed to support him because he’s the one who can beat Hillary if she gets nominated, or if I’m supposed to support him because he’s legitimately scary.

And Fred Thompson. In my opinion “Law & Order” never sufficiently explained why the Manhattan D.A. had an accent like an Appalachian catfish wrestler.
Guffaws all around. The only thing is, it's the readers laughng at this incredibly cheesy stunt.

The Times can't be bothered to mention Michael Murphy, but they can give an idiot like Colbert op-ed space.

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