Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's About Time: Environmental Wackos on the Defensive

Now that Americans have an awareness that environmental nutcases, Democrats and their willing media accomplices are responsible for the increases in energy costs, it's time for them to change their strategy.
The environmental movement, only recently poised for major advances on global warming and other issues, has suddenly found itself on the defensive as high gasoline prices shift the political climate nationwide and trigger defections by longtime supporters.

Opposition to offshore drilling -- once ironclad in places like California and Florida -- has begun to soften. Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida on Tuesday eased his opposition to new energy exploration off the coast.

"Floridians are suffering, and when you're paying over $4 a gallon for gas, you have to wonder whether there might be additional resources that we might be able to utilize to bring that price down," said Crist, a Republican.

At the same time, pressure to drill is mounting.

President Bush today is expected to call on Congress to lift the ban on new offshore drilling, and a House committee will consider a proposal to relax the moratorium.
As elections cycles fluctuate, issues rise to the top, and public anger of gas prices has now reached a crescendo.

The candidate who capitalizes on this now has a solid chance at winning in November. There's nothing in Obama's record (oh yeah, what record?) that he'll do anything to reduce prices and John McCain has long flirted with the environmental movement and the global warming hoax. But if he has half a clue, he'll know to latch on to drilling here and drilling now.
President Bush today is expected to call on Congress to lift the ban on new offshore drilling, and a House committee will consider a proposal to relax the moratorium.

John McCain, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, opposed new offshore drilling in his 2000 presidential campaign. He said Tuesday that he now supported lifting the long-standing ban.

"I believe it is time for federal government to lift these restrictions and put our own reserves to use," the Arizona senator said in a Houston speech on energy security.
Obama's name is entirely omitted from the Los Angeles Times story and for good reason. He has no plan other than raising taxes and gouging the oil companies. After all, he wants higher prices.

Next time you encounter an zombified Obamaton babbling about hope and change, ask them how they'll be affording $10 a gallon gas once he's in office. The reaction will be interesting.

Drilling on our own land will do nothing to advance global warming, since that's a hoax to begin with. But the benefits are enormous. It will help ever sector of our economy while at the same time sending a clear message to other oil-exporting nations that the days of our reliance on them may come to an end.

Which is why you'll see them all hoping Obama wins.

They know an easy mark when they see one.

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