Saturday, June 14, 2008

Spellcheck Smears Obama

Maybe they can add this one to the ludicrous Obama Smears website.

For a guy who wants to be President, he's got incredibly thin skin.
For months, Barack Obama's campaign has repeatedly tried to swat away references to Barack "Osama," the mutating of the candidate's name into the similar-sounding moniker of the world's most-wanted terrorist.

One mix-up, with potentially vast effect, gained wide currency this week: The spell-checker in Microsoft's Hotmail e-mail software recommends users replace the word "Obama" with "Osama."

The glitch, which a Microsoft spokeswoman said the company is trying to fix, was brought to light by Minnesota political adman Bill Hillsman, who said the e-mail wrinkle "opens a whole can of worms again that the Obama campaign desperately wants to stamp out" - including the misconception that the candidate is a closet Muslim.

Hotmail has an estimated 260 million users worldwide.

Microsoft spokeswoman Melissa Lawson called it a mistake.
I just ran spellcheck in my Blogger application and possible replacements for Obama were ABM, IBM and AMA. Sadly, no Osama.

For the record, and people seem to conveniently forget this while trying to portray this guy as a victim, it was Senator Ted Kennedy who first made reference to "Osama Obama" when he flubbed his lines three years ago.

These people really have to stop being so damn whiny and sensitive. Maybe they can use George W. Bush as a role model. Nobody has even been more maligned and ridiculed while in office and do we ever see him sniveling and crying over it? No, we don't.

My advice to Obama: Grow a pair and man up.

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