Thursday, September 10, 2009

MSNBC Newsroom Also Booed Bush During SOTU

The left are getting the panties in a knot today over South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson calling Obama a liar last night despite Democrats themselves booing and disrupting George W. Bush in 2005.

Well, not only did Democrats interrupt a past Bush State of the Union (never mind their freakazoid minions from Code Pink), but also let's remember that a certain arm of the White House and Democratic Party were also exposed as booing Bush during a SOTU.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: There was a story out of Seattle, and the reason I love it is that it's transparency in the news. You have an editor who was actually outing his own people. The Seattle Times newsroom broke into applause when Karl Rove resigned. And of course that's bad. What I like about it is that the editor actually wrote about it and went in and told the people in the newsroom that was unacceptable.

And I've got to say, my first night here at MSNBC was the President's State of the Union address in 2003, and I was shocked because there were actually people in the newsroom that were booing the president actually from the beginning to the end. And I actually talked to [NBC/MSNBC executive] Phil Griffin about it, and he said "how was it last night?" Because he was the one that called me out of the Ace Hardware store, got my vest on. He said "how was it last night?" I said "well, it's OK, I understand it's a little bit different up here than it is down in northwest Florida, but you had people in the newsroom actively booing the President of the United States. Phil turned red very quickly. That didn't happen again.
Now there is a difference. Wilson should have showed proper decorum and he's apologized. Fair enough. But these allegedly objective members of the media just give it all away with their own partisanship. It's worth noting this incident dates back to 2003 and in the six-plus years since MSNBC has gotten infinitely worse in the bias, as we all know.

Ironically, MSNBC gets reaction over Wilson from that most respectful member of Congress, Maxine Waters.
"Everybody was stunned," Rep. Maxine Waters, a California Democrat, said of Wilson's eruption. "It was just something that nobody had ever witnessed before. We all felt embarrassed."
I guess Waters was asleep while her fellow Democrats were booing Bush in 2005.

You can expect MSNBC to milk the Wilson affair for all it's worth, especially since actually critiquing Obama's speech is well above their pay grade.

Joe Biden says Wilson "embarrassed the institution" with his remark. Apparently, Biden had no problem with Democrats embarrassing the institution back in 2005.

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