The attempted arrest and subsequent shooting of Luqman Ameen Abdullah by FBI agents in Detroit this week has once again picked at a scab that has for too long has been covering a festering sore in America's culture. The issue is the radical ideology of prison converts to Islam in this country.
In the wake of this recent event we have now found out Luqman was an acquaintance of one Jamil Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, one of the founders of the original Black Panthers in this country.
Ummah believes that a separate Islamic state in the U.S. would be controlled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, who is serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Colorado for shooting two police officers in Georgia in 2000, Leone said.What else has been uncovered in all of this is an unholy alliance between several prominent Muslim groups in this country and their association with various radical groups, which all have a history of violence or at the very least advocating violence?
To understand this connection you have to understand the life of Al-Amin/Rap Brown. Daniel Pipes does an excellent job of this in a piece he wrote in 2001, shortly after the arrest of Al-Amin for the murder of an Atlanta policeman and the wounding of another while they were attempting to serve an arrest warrant on him.
In 2000, four leading Muslim organizations - CAIR, the AMC, ISNA and the Muslim American Society - issued a joint statement: "The charges against Imam Jamil are especially troubling because they are inconsistent with what is known of his moral character and past behavior as a Muslim." Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam visited Al-Amin in his jail cell, as did CAIR's executive director.CAIR is well known for their grievance-mongering on the behalf of Muslims, normally with the accompanying faux outrage, that is so typical of their tactics.
ISNA and MAS (Muslim American Society) are powerful presences on college campuses through their student organizations and have been very successful in bullying college administrations into dropping invitations for speakers or events that they feel are pro-Israel.
These organizations are also the very same ones that many law enforcement agencies and our government turn to when seeking advice on how to be sensitive to Muslim society. Just like ACORN has been able to infiltrate the highest levels of government and gain credibility, so too have these Muslim organizations. The danger here, while similar, is far more serious. While ACORN is interested in simply bilking taxpayers out billions of dollars to promote a socialist political agenda, these Muslim groups wish to impose their version of Islamic utopia through the use of sharia law. Both are equally dangerous and both have proven their ability to get officials elected to the highest level.
CAIR has a Congressman--Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) and ACORN has the president, along with quite a few Congressmen.
By tapping into and promoting a sense of hatred against American institutions through the use of these jailhouse converts, these various Muslim groups give themselves at least one level of separation and thus what is commonly known as plausible deniability. The target audience of both ACORN and the Muslim groups is the African-American community who continue to cling to their feelings of oppression and a sense of victimhood that is reinforced by these groups, which is then exploited by them for their goals.
What we have is a very complex problem that is going to have to be addressed. It is time for people in positions of power to start calling out these groups and recognizing the threat they pose to our republic. It is time for the African-American community to shed the shackles of victimhood and to quit being used by these groups to attain their goals and not the goals of the African-American community.
Who will have the stones on the national stage to stand up and say we will no longer be tools of these groups, or will they continue to be cowed into submission by their fear of speaking up? Will our leaders continue to be puppets of these groups or are they willing to speak truth to power?
Or do those in power, who owe their current position to these groups, instead want to continue to reinforce the power of these groups because in the end they don't disagree with them, rather they feel it is their job to obtain the objectives these groups espouse?
Someone, somewhere, sometime once said "You are either for us or you are against us."
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