Once again today, Barry O decided to show just how bipartisan he is by making mention of seven Republican senators who at one time endorsed a deficit cutting commission, but then ultimately voted against it.
He made these comments in New Hampshire at a speech that was supposed to be about jobs, but seems like it was nothing more then another campaign stump speech by candidate Obama.
While he will get the soundbite on the evening news about those evil Republicans, the truth is this whole commission was a not so carefully crafted trap by the Democrats in an attempt to give them some political coverage in upcoming mid term massacre that they see on the horizon.
Democrats are candid, at least in private, about the kind of the deal they have mind this time around. Democrats would agree to means-test entitlements, which means that middle and upper-middle class (i.e., GOP) voters would get less than they were promised in return for a lifetime of payroll taxes. Democrats would also agree to cut appropriations by two or three percentage points and live under pay-as-you-go budget rules—the same rules Democrats promised to live by in 2006 but have since violated routinely.For somebody who is whining about not getting any support from the Republicans he sure is doing his best to continue antagonizing them. Making petty comments like this makes him sound like the losing coach in the Super Bowl blaming the ball boy for not getting the ball into play quick enough.
In return, Republicans would agree to an increase in the top income tax rate to as high as 49% and in addition to a new energy tax, a stock transaction tax, or value-added tax. The Indians got a better deal for selling Manhattan.
Barry, it is time to man up, and if your guy from Vegas can't get it done then gripe at him and quit blaming the opposition. Maybe if the Democrats would quit trying to scam everybody they could restore a little faith in their negotiations.
The fact is the Dems are so full of half-truths and outright lies that only a fool would take them at their word. It means nothing since if the last year has taught us only one thing, it is that their vote is sold to the highest bidder, and they will say anything and do anything to hold onto their taxpayer-funded government job.
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