Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Teachers Get Stimulated, Nobody Else Gets A Tingle

The jobs numbers from Georgia that were supposedly saved, created, or imagined as a result of the stimulus money they received is exactly what the mayors were complaining about at their recent convention.

Of the 24,103 jobs supposedly created, 20,007 of them were government related.
State government agencies accounted for $457.4 million of Georgia’s stimulus funds during the quarter and 20,007 of the jobs, mostly for teachers, college professors, police officers and other public positions.
The stimulus has done nothing to inspire private sector job creation nor has it done anything to improve our economic situation.

The Dems are too busy however, blaming all of this on Bush while conveniently ignoring the fact that a) They controlled the House of Representatives for the last two years of the Bush presidency and b) merely throwing money at something doesn't make it better; in fact it may make it worse.

The other big cause for outrage, at least here in Georgia anyway, is the fact that while school administrators got big pay raises thanks to the funds, the average teacher got little.

I am pretty sure the story is likely the same elsewhere in the country.

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