Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Edwards: From Cheater to Wife Beater

I always took John Edwards as way too dainty and delicate to raise his hand to a woman, let alone a man. But lately we've found out what an absolute piece of human garbage he is, so I tend to believe this story.
Disgraced former presidential candidate John Edwards reportedly beat his cancer-stricken wife during a horrific marriage-ending fight.

"John lost his temper big time," a close friend of Elizabeth's revealed to the National Enquirer. "She has the divorce papers drawn up, but she can amend them to charge John with domestic violence."

The couple's furious confrontation was the "final straw" in Elizabeth's decision to end their 32-year marriage after it was revealed that he had fathered a child out of wedlock with his ex-mistress Rielle Hunter, the newspaper revealed today in a bombshell report on its Web site.

"When [John] made the decision to hit me, it was over,"
a friend said Elizabeth told her.

Last month, Edwards finally admitted that he had fathered Hunter's 2-year-old daughter Frances.

Another friend revealed that Elizabeth sometimes also phycially [sic] attacked her husband when talking about his affair with Hunter.

"She was so tormented by John's cheating and lies that she lashed out physically at him many times, even slapping him," said a friend. "On a couple of occasions, when the fights became heated, she grabbed him by the shoulders and screamed, 'Why, why, why?!'
Any casual observer of the scene knew what a greaseball Edwards was when he first ran for office, an ambulance-chasing fantasist who was able to con jurors and then gullible voters. The media pretended never to notice since he was a Democrat, one of them. Now the entirety of the Washington press corps sits there wondering "Gee, if I had a shred of decency, I could have exposed this guy and made a bundle," but they sold their souls to the Democratic Party, so too damn bad for them.

Edwards should forever be shunned, but there'll always be an outlet of gullible dupes there for him. Kind of like MSNBC. The people watching know it's nonsense, but they can't shake their thirst for the Kool-aid.

Edwards was right in one instance: There are two Americas. One is where men are decent human beings, respect their marriage vows and don't hit women. Then there's the dark, seamy underbelly occupied by scumbags like Edwards.

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