Friday, February 05, 2010

Stunner: Taliban Reject 'Peace' Deal

Some genius there, figuring you could have peace with these 7th century savages. Oh well, I guess we'll just need to eradicate them entirely.
THE Taliban have said they will not enter into any "deal" with the Afghan Government or the West to bring peace to Afghanistan, and their fighters will continue to die to achieve a victory they say is around the corner.

At a conference in London last month, Afghan President Hamid Karzai invited the Taliban to a peace council and set out plans to lure fighters down from the hills in return for cash and jobs.

But in a statement posted on the Islamists' website yesterday, the Taliban vowed to "collude" with no one.

The statement made no specific reference to Karzai's proposed talks.

The Taliban had initially said they would decide "soon" on whether to take part in talks.

The Islamists have repeatedly rejected previous offers of talks before all foreign troops are withdrawn.

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