Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dopey Streaker May Not Get Paid

Fat and Stupid: No Way to Go through Life

Let's face it. Nobody ever accused these Obamatons of being too bright.
The Staten Island knucklehead who streaked in front of President Obama in a wacky $1 million dare may be getting a raw deal.

British billionaire Alki David was balking Monday at paying Juan Rodriguez, 24, the cash prize for his commando-in-chief stunt Sunday in Philadelphia.

"It's still not confirmed," David, 42, told the Daily News on Monday. "Whether he was in earshot and eyesight of the President is what's being debated right now."

He said it was not clear if Obama even noticed Rodriguez dashing through the massive outdoor crowd in his birthday suit with the name of David's website, Battlecam.com, written on his chest.

In August, David promised $1 million cash to the first person who streaked in front of Obama with the website printed on his body and while shouting "Battlecam.com" six times.

"Apparently, there is a law in Pennsylvania where someone isn't able to profit from an illegal act," said David, citing another likely obstacle to Rodriguez collecting the jackpot.

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