Monday, May 02, 2011

Sean Penn Shows His Patriotic Side

Did I say patriotic? Sorry. It's Sean Penn we're talking about, after all.
They say Washington, DC, is "Hollywood for ugly people," but the Beltway got a major infusion of good looks Saturday night at the annual White House Correspondents Association dinner. Staid Washingtonians also got a dose of Hollywood-style drama.

Sean Penn caused a stir right off the bat when he wouldn't follow everyone else in putting his hand over his heart as the room stood and sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the Hilton International Ballroom. The surly star then spent dinner all over new flame Scarlett Johansson. "She plopped down in his lap, and they were kissing," described a shocked witness. The two left the room for "an hour," sources said, and Penn came back to the table with his tie askew.
I'll chalk up Johansson's stupidity to being young and naive. Let's just hope she's got the common sense to flee the first time he punches her in the face.

4 comments: said...

She may be young (and I haven't a clue who she is) but she aint naive.

The Reaganite Republican said...

Ingrateful prick

Toejam said...

Sean Penn = douchebag to the extreme.

Don't know the babe, but I hope she gives the shithead A.I.D.S.

B said...

They forgot to mention she's pregnant.