In the immortal words of John McEnroe, you cannot be serious! Are we to expect this imperious, arrogant woman just decided on a whim she had to make a run to Target? Is there anyone with a pulse buying this nonsense? The photo here is linked to this pablum-puking puff-piece on how wonderful she is and how toned her arms are, yet makes zero mention of any midday forays to Target.
ABC News has some actual details.
Accompanied, naturally, by an army of Secret Service. But don't forget, she's just one of us, making the sacrifices. Let's all just suffer amnesia and forget her global jetsetting and separate planes to Martha's Vineyard. She's saving us money by shopping at Target!First Lady Michelle Obama was spotted this afternoon on a recession-friendly shopping trip at the Target in Alexandria, Va. A casually dressed Mrs. Obama was snapped by Associated Press photographers wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses pushing her cart and carrying shopping bags.
While the White House does not provide details about the First Lady’s personal activities, “It is not uncommon for the First Lady to slip out to run an errand, eat at a local restaurant or otherwise enjoy the city outside the White House gates,” her Communications Director Kristina Schake said.
Moochelle Antoinette slumming with the prols. How quaint.
Well, isn't that special. We're supposed to believe that she's does this occasionally. That's a bunch of crock. She's as stupid as her old man. Hey, captain obvious, you put your bags in the buggy and then push the buggy. Why are you pushing an empty buggy? I bet the bags are filled with ding dongs and candy bars.....what else would be responsible for her wide butt?
What, they don't have internet in the WH? Target.com...
She is just warming up them (real republicans) and they love her! The stringy haired rat face racist white kneegars on here are not true republicans just, some white racist infatuation with the Obamas!
This shit is about as genuine as the asshole who cried out to Omama to be taxed more the other day.
I was born at night but it wasn't last night.
Is she supposed to be one of us in that ugly ass outfit? How much did the dumb bastard have to pay her to do this?? I hope she hated every minute of it. This is what these people think of us, they think they can pretend to be just jonesin for Target with an AP reporter right there? I can't wait to send Michelle back to where she can go to Target all she wants! .This will not bode well with the women in this country, no, not at all.
You can't stand a black family in the whitehouse, that is really the source of your beef. Racism is the highest level of ignorance. Thank God there is a cure for it. Get over it. Only racists find this insulting to women.
Michelle's stopping! Oh my God! She's insulting women everywhere! She's an embarrasment! Get over it, racists!
Yes, it's racism. You've got it all figured out.
I guess someone told her handlers that $55k braclets and going jetsetting was ruining her husbands image. So she needed to go out to the markets with the peasants, and so she's just a 'common' women.
<span><span>Ahh, Cortney plays the race card. Don't leave home without it...</span>
FYI Cortney I despise Omama's white half too.</span>
How incredibly lucky that an AP photographer just happened to be there. With his camera...
Why do you refer to the President's wife as "Moochelle"?
Real classy, calling the First Lady "Moochelle." You must be very proud of yourself.
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