Thursday, October 08, 2009

It's Official - Georgia Is Zombieland

Consider this a sort of public safety notice and especially a message to Ace, who loves all things zombie.

Two recent movies now out in the theaters are "Zombieland" and "Halloween II" and both were filmed in Georgia and both relied on one of our local haunted house attractions for help with costumes and makeup and even acting lessons on how to be a zombie.
Ben Armstrong is the co-owner of Netherworld. Among other things, he acted as a zombie expert for Zombieland.

"I taught a class on zombie behavior. I kind of wrote a little treatment," he said. "You have to think about what your whole face and body are doing. They [zombies] are kind of blind and sniffing around, and not knowing what was going on. Then they would sniff their prey and just distort into this attack mode and go absolutely crazy."

Besides the movies, during the recent Dragoncon convention here in Atlanta the participants also tried to set a new world record for the most folks in doing a recreation of the zombie dance from the video "Thriller". We are being over run by zombies I tell 'ya.

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