Saturday, October 16, 2010

Shocker: NY Teachers Donate Heavily to Democrats

Memo to the children: Expect them to be in a foul mood on November 3.
The Donkeys are the teachers' pets.

Teachers and professors statewide have donated $1.6 million to congressional candidates for the 2010 elections -- and 90 percent of the largesse has gone to Democrats.

Sen. Charles Schumer was the most popular politician of all. He received $174,175 in contributions from educators -- tops among all federal officeholders running this year -- according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics.

In general, the study shows that educators are a rock-solid constituency for Democrats. Teachers unions overwhelmingly favor Democrats, but so do professors from elite colleges.

Staffers at Columbia University -- who ranked seventh among colleges nationally in contributions -- plowed 78 percent of their $122,290 to Democrats and 22 percent to Republicans.

Those at NYU donated 88 percent of their $107,809 to Democrats and 12 percent to Republicans.

Professors at The New School took the cake -- giving 100 percent of their $107,809 in donations to Democrats.

New School instructor and Democratic activist Phillip Munger was the top individual donor, giving all of his $105,000 donations to Democrats.
Munger's a real class act and blogs at Daily Kos. Democrats should be really proud to have him on their side.

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