Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shocker: Obama To Campaign Against Basketball Player

After campaigning at Alonzo Mourning's lavish estate the other night, Barack Obama will soon be stumping against another retired NBA player.

It must be racist or something.
The Democratic Party of Oregon is taking reservations on its website for President Barack Obama's appearance next Wednesday in Portland to support John Kitzhaber's campaign for governor.

The event begins at 4 p.m. at the Oregon Convention Center.

The Register-Guard reports the audience will have to go through airport-like security. No signs or banners will be permitted.

Former Gov. Kitzhaber is in a close race with Republican Chris Dudley.
Dudley was a longtime NBA player and an Ivy Leaguer. You'd figure those qualifications would merit Obama's support. Except he's a Republican in a tight race with a Democrat, of course.

Obama's brother-in-law is the coach at Oregon State. If the Democrats can't win in liberal Oregon then they're doomed nationwide.

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