How dominant is the Fox News channel? This dominant. Of the 64 cable news shows listed in the ratings Fox has the top 13 and in fact the only show they have that is not at the top is the 3 AM show called "Red Eye". It still outdraws many of the other cable news channels prime time shows and all of the financial shows, but that is what we term absolute dominance.
Let me repeat that. At any time of the day or night, more people are watching Fox News then any other cable news channel. The ratings do not even show ratings for most of the other channels for what they have on 3 AM.
If more people had DVR's or worked as night shift security guards Red Eye could very well surpass the others and make every single hour of the day with a Fox News show at the top of the ratings. And still Barry O won't grace them with his presence.
For folks that don't know about Red Eye, it is basically a panel style show with Greg Gutfield as host and his sidekick Bill Schultz and ombudsman Andy Levy with different guests each night which discuss, actually snark on the news of the day. For those old enough, think of Fernwood 2 Night on steroids. Well okay Red Eye ain't exactly like Fernwood but the fun is there and sometimes the discussions with the guests can sort of go off track, but that is half the fun of watching. You would be amazed what comes out of the mouths of folks like Ann Coulter or former UN Ambassador John Bolton or Christopher Hitchens.
For those who aren't familiar with Fernwood 2Night here is a clip from 1977.
For those not watching Red Eye they do re air shows from the week on the weekends at midnight on Saturday and Sunday which is normally when I watch it.
And meanwhile CNN is fact checking a Saturday Night Live skit.
Larwyn’s Linx: Do We Have 677 Unelected Presidents?
22 hours ago
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