What, you expect him to do
his job or something? Come to think of it, campaigning and golf are about the only thing he does.
Yesterday President Obama flew from Los Angeles back to Washington, arriving at Andrews Air Force Base around 4:15 PM. The President returned to Andrews AFB today not to set off for a new destination, but for a round of golf. Here is the pool report as posted on GretaWire:
Despite sprinkles just before we left the White House, the president is playing golf at Andrews AFB. Motorcade left the White House at 12:32 p.m. and arrived at Andrews at 12:56 p.m. Ben Finkenbinder, David Katz and Marvin Nicholson round out the foursome. Pool holding at base exchange and will evidently see nothing of the game.
So much for transparency.
I think he should resign his crappy job and go on the "tour" with the rest of the serious golfers.
Which number is growing faster: The national debt or number of holes of golf playedm by Obama since taking office?
five more years!
Or something.
I'm convinced we're better off with Barry out on the back nine- no worries
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