Tell me this is a gag. Either this guy is goofing on Keith Olbermann or he really means business. What that business is we're not sure, unless it's unintentional comedy.
Update: Well, this clown wanted to see the OPD cracking more heads, so here you go.
Via Ace.
Update: The idiot is on Twitter and the name given is Robert Todd Loewen. Judging by his chiseled physique, I'd say the OPD would really have their hands full.

Nope he's a dead serious obama supporter with delusions of his messiah dancing in his head.
Hey sparky! Bring a porta potty when you come okay?
And he has a level 85 Death Knight. Don't make him use it!
Sometimes drugs are funny
Wait until the help sees he's off his meds.
Looks like he has his own "occupy" thing going on right in Mom and Dad's basement!
(Don't worry, a couple more years you'll grow hair on that manly chest)
<p>Dude, not only werer the assulted they were peppered too! You go get them, I am backing you 100% and also suggest you bring a night stick and brandish that about wildly - that way they will come to you and you won't have to run all over looking for them.
cripes! maybe I need to go to OWS as pennance for that spelling job...
Oh, and while you're at it - Leave! Britney! Alone!
OMG he looks like a Doozer from the old Fraggle Rock show on HBO!
With that Leonidis physique maybe he should get a man-bra to OccupyThoseManBoobs.
His mom's got nice furniture in the basement.
Resist we much!
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