The Obama White House's restrictions on media access to its fundraising events makes a mockery of its claim to be the most transparent administration in history.Worse than Nixon, worse than Bush. Next thing you know they'll be talking Hitler.
If anything, there is almost a Nixonian quality to the level of control, paranoia - and lack of credibility - this White House has demonstrated on the issue of media access to President Obama's fundraisers.
Bay Area reporters will not be allowed inside the W Hotel today when the president meets with hundreds of contributors paying $7,500 or more to attend. Only Washington-based journalists were allowed in the pool - continuing a disturbing trend by this White House to severely limit access to fundraisers. Even former President George W. Bush, hardly a champion of transparency, allowed local reporters to cover his fundraising events.
Meanwhile, former Obama supporters were on hand protesting near one of the Campaigner-in-Chief's 437 fundraisers this week.

In a powerful display of profound disappointment with President Obama, some of the Democratic Party's biggest donors gathered Tuesday - not inside his tony San Francisco fundraiser at the W Hotel, but outside on the sidewalks carrying signs in protest of his policies.Wait, I thought Media Matters was an tax-exempt independent group (cough, cough)?
"I don't even know what he stands for," said Susie Tompkins Buell, a co-founder of the Esprit clothing company and one of the most generous Democratic Party donors in the nation - instrumental in backing such powerhouse progressive organizations as the Democracy Alliance and Media Matters.
In case you had any doubt remaining he's 100% in campaign mode, Obama made sure to reinforce that image Tuesday. Nobody else is capable of caring for the children other than The One. Isn't he Onederful?

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