Monday, October 10, 2011

Ed Rendell: Yeah, It's Probably Time for These Protesters to Go Home

One of those rare sane Democrats.
@3:15 - Rendell: Probably a good analogy, Laura, is 1968, when someone finally channeled college kids' energies into electoral politics. And they went up to New Hampshire and they put on ties and jackets and they went door to door and they talked about the war and Gene McCarthy got 43% of the vote and brought down Lyndon Johnson. So yeah, I think that's Rich Trumka is trying to do. And again, look, I don't agree with their message. I mean the guys in Philadelphia said they're going to be here all winter. Well that's silly. You've made your point, you've gotten about all the publicity you're going to get. Now get on with your lives and if you really care about this stuff, organize at the ballot box. You know, we can yell and--our side, we can yell and scream about the tea party, but the tea party folks understood how to make change in 2010. They got out and voted.

@4:41 - Laura: If you don't connect this to the lives of regular people and they sort of see you encamped, the porta-johns being turned over in New York, now Bloomberg's even saying it's hurting small businesses and police overtime and it's costing a lot of money to the city. When that starts to happen, I think people start to get ticked off. And I think it could have a boomerang effect the other way.

Rendell: There's no question. What happened--the protests--the anti-war movement in 1968 was doing well electorally until the convention in Chicago. And everything blew up at the convention in Chicago. Poor Hubert Humphrey had absolutely zero chance coming out of that convention because the protests turned ugly, it was violent, it wasn't productive, it wasn't peaceful anymore and it turned people off dramatically. And I think there is a risk here. There's a real risk here if it goes that way. And that's why the Rich Trumkas and all those people should be talking to the protesters and saying 'look, you made your point. You don't think by sitting here you're going to bring about change in law by just sitting here. No legislative body is going to be blackmailed. But you've made your point, you've gotten publicity for the things you've wanted to say. Now let's get out there and organize. Go home, clean up, organize, and go.'
Kind of let's the cat out of the bag citing Obama's buddy Richard Trumka, huh?

Thanks to Matt Wolking for the clip.

1 comment:

richard mcenroe said...

Look at those dregs squatting in their own excrement out there.  You think they're capable of getting organized, putting on ties and jackets and going to work for anything?