Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Blair's Last Gift To The British

From Across the Pond.
In a dramatic softening of the law on prostitution, only 'persistent' street offenders will face any police action.

The term 'common prostitute' will be banished from English law. Instead, sex workers must be referred to as 'persons'.

In the final act of the Blair Government, Ministers also announced that tens of thousands of convicts who re-offend will receive softer punishments or escape jail altogether.

It is yet another attempt to reduce prison overcrowding, only days after ministers ordered the early release of 25,500 burglars, thieves and drug dealers.
Great move for the legacy, Tony. You'll be remembered fondly by hookers, junkies, thieves and 'rent boys'.
Meanwhile, over at The Daily Mail, columnist Mark Hastings offers a prayer of sorts, May God judge Blair more kindly than British history.

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