A sheriff's deputy in central Arizona was shot Friday afternoon by a suspected drug trafficker, authorities said.Well, I think this certainly reinforces the need for that "tough" new law.
The Pinal County deputy, who was not immediately identified, contacted authorities after being wounded in the desert, saying he had been shot by an illegal immigrant with an AK-47, said Lt. Tammy Villar, a sheriff's spokeswoman.
The deputy radioed that he had encountered five men, some wielding long guns and handguns, and said they were carrying a large amount of marijuana.
At one point the deputy lost radio contact with authorities, leading to a search by foot and by air for him and the shooter, according to CNN affiliate KNXV. Video from the scene shows that the deputy was located while sitting in desert brush, surrounded by cactus. He was able to walk to a helicopter that airlifted him to a hospital.
A spokeswoman at Casa Grande Regional Medical Center confirmed that the deputy was being treated there Friday evening. He was in good condition with stable vital signs, conscious and comfortable, she said.
The deputy was shot in the left abdomen and suffered a superficial wound, law enforcement sources said.
The search for the shooter continued into the evening.
The shooting comes amid a national debate over Arizona's tough new immigration law, which allows police to demand proof of legal residency. Arizona lawmakers say the law is needed because the federal government has failed to enforce border security with Mexico, allowing more than 450,000 illegal immigrants to move into the state.
Friday, April 30, 2010
AZ Sheriff's Deputy Shot By Illegal Alien
I blame Barack Obama and the liberal climate of hate.
illegal aliens
Stunner: Michelle Obama Fashion Designer Goes Belly-Up

Fashion and politics are seasonal and unpredictable, yet the two came together quite well here for the hometown designer Maria Pinto and Michelle Obama, whose first memorable bursts onto the national scene were often in Pinto creations.Sure, blame it on the recession and not the garish style or the dreadful woman wearing these catastrophic fashion trainwrecks.
Remember the purple sheath Mrs. Obama wore the night of the fist bump heard round the world? The teal number at the Democratic National Convention? Or the red dress she wore to meet the Bushes on their way out of the White House? Maria Pinto all, designed right here where both women were born and raised and, over the course of one remarkable election, became stars.
So when Ms. Pinto abruptly put up a “closeout sale” sign in the window of her West Loop boutique and announced that she was folding her fashion business, Chicago — and Pinto devotees all over — reacted with disbelief: What in sartorial heaven happened? “I pushed as far as I could,” Ms. Pinto, 53, said in her first lengthy interview since the demise of her store and wholesale operations in mid-February.
Just back from a month’s break in Barcelona, she pointed to the strain that a sour economy had placed on her business just as it was expanding and gaining major traction beyond a loyal Chicago following.
But Ms. Pinto acknowledged having made some typical startup mistakes in building her brand, in areas like financial management and operations.
After 16 years of designing out of a somewhat anonymous atelier, she opened the boutique, named after herself, in August 2008, capitalizing on a wave of enthusiasm for her work, as displayed mostly by Mrs. Obama on the campaign trail. She also increased her wholesale operations and had been maintaining a showroom in New York.
While Mrs. Obama diversified her style after becoming first lady (she has been drawn to high-end designers like Jason Wu and Narciso Rodriguez, as well as brands like J. Crew), she still sported Maria Pinto every now and then. But even high-profile support of the brand, priced in the hundreds and thousands of dollars, could not save it from the reality of the Great Recession.
After all, who wouldn't want to look like a gigantic layer cake?

Michelle Obama
Legal Immigrants Fed Up With Illegal Immigrants
I wonder if the liberals can make a connection between the high unemployment rate and number of illegal aliens in the workforce? Of course their counter argument is these people are just doing the jobs regular Americans won't.
All of it is hogwash and while identifying and taking action against illegal immigrants is important, it is only one piece of the puzzle. Employers must also be targeted and I have no heartburn with that.
Evidence has come forward about contractors hiring illegal immigrants to do work at the airport expansion in Atlanta. The project is full of graft and corruption anyway because of the way contracts are awarded, but now with the revelation of the hiring of illegals apparently running amuck it is just another black eye.
The state was made aware of this practice, liberals please sit down, by a Hispanic who was not only in this country legally, but had done all the things necessary to become an American citizen.
You see not everybody from south of the border is exactly in love with illegals taking jobs and dodging taxes either. I think liberals have a word for people like Mr Alvarez.
All of it is hogwash and while identifying and taking action against illegal immigrants is important, it is only one piece of the puzzle. Employers must also be targeted and I have no heartburn with that.
Evidence has come forward about contractors hiring illegal immigrants to do work at the airport expansion in Atlanta. The project is full of graft and corruption anyway because of the way contracts are awarded, but now with the revelation of the hiring of illegals apparently running amuck it is just another black eye.
“Years ago they used to check but now they don’t check anything,” Galloway said. “The federal government puts all these rules on us but when federal and state money gets on a job and they do their own building it seems like they throw their own rule book away.”
The state was made aware of this practice, liberals please sit down, by a Hispanic who was not only in this country legally, but had done all the things necessary to become an American citizen.
Alvarez, the Jobs for Georgia worker who taped the airport conversations, thinks the government should be doing more if it’s serious about enforcing immigration law and protecting legal workers’ jobs. He moved to the United States from Mexico more than 20 years ago, and he said he has watched employers push wages down and force more workers to lose their protections by hiring them as independent contractors. Employment of illegal immigrants exacerbates this practice, he said.
“I’ve been an American citizen for 10 years and before that I was a resident for 10,” Alvarez said. “I went through the process and worked hard to become a citizen and I was paying my taxes from day one.”
You see not everybody from south of the border is exactly in love with illegals taking jobs and dodging taxes either. I think liberals have a word for people like Mr Alvarez.
illegal immigration,
illegals aliens
Hey, How About Rahm Emanuel For Senate in Illinois?
Not that far-fetched. The current Democrat candidate is damaged goods and it would be quite embarrassing to see Barack Obama's Senate seat fall into Republican hands after The Swimmer's seat went GOP in Massachusetts. I guess the current occupant of the seat isn't an option.
We're hearing that Team Obama is increasingly eager to throw the Democratic Senate candidate from Illinois, Alexi Giannoulias, under the bus and replace him with someone who can win. The news gets worse and worse for the former wonderboy of Illinois politics. Mr. Giannoulias's family bank, Broadway Bank, collapsed and was seized by federal regulators. Now there are allegations of bank fraud. No wonder Democrats in the state are hyperventilating.
Mr. Giannoulias lags behind Republican Mark Kirk in money and in the polls, though he still has the support of the senior senator from Illinois, Dick Durbin. But the White House wants the "Obama seat" to remain in Democratic hands. Mr. Giannoulias is unmistakably seen as damaged property.
One intriguing idea being considered: Force Mr. Giannoulias out of the race and replace him with . . . Rahm Emanuel. Mr. Emanuel is still popular in Illinois and there was a big push to get him handpicked as the Obama successor back in late 2008. Democrats have used the shaft-and-shift strategy before, as in New Jersey in 2002 when they dumped a walking wounded Bob Torricelli as their Senate candidate a few weeks before Election Day.
Republicans, of course, are perfectly happy with the current field. "We want Giannoulias to be the Democratic candidate," says Republican Illinois House member John Shimkus. "We hope he doesn't dive too much in the polls at this point." But he also adds: "Our biggest worry would be that they replace him with Lisa Madigan." Ms. Madigan, the state's attorney general and daughter of the long-time speaker of the Illinois House, has so far said "no" to constant entreaties to run for Senate. Mr. Kirk has told me: "Lisa is the one Democrat I would not want to run against."
Rahm Emanuel
Hmm: The Return of Vera Baker Rumors

Via a Swiss newspaper, apparently.
Le Matin, the Swiss newspaper has revived its older claims that Obama was involved with Vera Baker. The newspaper has claimed the existence of such video surveillance tapes that show President Barack Obama in a compromising condition with young Vera Baker. The newspaper goes further in its claims by adding that software engineers have succeeded in digging up email interaction between Obama and Vera Baker, since Obama’s presidency.There could be clear video evidence and it wouldn't matter. Republicans would get the blame or something.
Anyone know French?
Update: Uh oh, the National Enquirer is on the trail. Remember, everyone scoffed when they busted John Edwards and it wound up being true.
Barack Obama,
Vera Baker
Feel-Good Second Amendment Story of the Day

A bank robber in Palm Bay couldn't get away from a bank Thursday, because a customer of the Space Coast Credit Union on Malabar Road had a gun and a concealed weapon permit. The customer used his gun to stop the robber.Of course had this robbery taken place in New York, Torres would have been at the mercy of the criminal.
Police identified the suspect as 23-year-old Floyd Francis. He's facing robbery charges.
The man who stopped him, Ruben Torres, actually had his gun in his car in the parking lot. He had enough time to go out to his car, get his gun and then go back in and hold Francis for police.
"Me, being from New York, I’m always on alert," Torres explained.
Torres went to the Space Coast Credit Union to pick up some cash for a cruise this weekend and was on his way out when he noticed a man walk in, give him a weird look, pull out a Walmart bag and put it on his head. It was the first sign it wasn't going to be just any visit to the bank.
"It's not Halloween. You don't walk in and put a bag over your head unless you’re going to do something," Torres said.
Torres, a trained, professional security guard with a concealed weapons permit said he didn't even think twice about what he was about to do. He went to his car, grabbed his handgun and went back inside.
Francis was sitting, waiting for the cash he was trying to steal. Another teller confirmed for Torres that Francis was trying to rob the bank and, when Torres saw an opportunity, he drew his weapon.
"As he was walking out, I put him down with the gun in the back of his back," Torres said.
The Palm Bay man said Francis didn't fight back or try to run. Torres said he was never scared, just a little nervous, and was surprised to hear what Francis had to say.
"He apologized to me and I said, 'That doesn't matter now,'" Torres described.
Palm Bay police arrived moments later. Police said, while they don't encourage people to take matters into their own hands, they said what he did was appreciated and courageous.
Second Amendment,
Stupid criminals
Palin Email Hacker Convicted on Two Counts
May he be punished to the full extent of the law.
He'll probably wind up on probation.
He'll probably wind up on probation.
A federal jury this afternoon convicted Sarah Palin e-mail intruder David C. Kernell of felony destruction of records to hamper a federal investigation and misdemeanor unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer.The judge will decide sentencing.
The jury acquitted Kernell, 22, of wire fraud.
It remains deadlocked on felony identity theft.
It’s unclear if U.S. District Judge Thomas W. Phillips will order the jurors, in their fourth day of deliberations, to continue.
The obstruction of justice conviction makes Kernell a felon.Kernell's father is a Democrat who's served in the Tennessee House since 1974.
The case is a mistrial on count one, the charge of identity theft.
The jury found Kernell not guilty on count 2, the charge of wire fraud.
Unauthorized access is a misdemeanor lesser included charge from count three, which accused Kernell of felony unlawful computer access.
The jury found Kernell guilty of obstruction of justice. That carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, with a fine up to $250,000.
David Kernell,
Sarah Palin
Nazi-like Apartheid State of Illinois Rounds Up Illegals
Why, this is just un-American, fascistic and eerily reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
Transnational street gang members were the target of a series of arrests this week in the Chicago area, federal officials announced today.I guess they couldn't show us their papers. They sound like a charming bunch.
Of the 28 gang members arrested, 27 were in the U.S. without documentation and face deportation, either directly or after facing charges in the United States, according to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office.
Of those arrested, 25 were from Mexico, one from Honduras and one from El Salvador, with one U.S. citizen arrested on an outstanding warrant.
The arrested men were documented gang members, representing at least 10 different gangs, according to the ICE statement.
One of the arrested was a Mexican national previously deported in 2005, who now faces federal charges that upon conviction could result in a 20-year prison sentence. Another man was facing warrants in DuPage County and Kane County, who will face those charges under local jurisdictions, ICE said.
The 25 men now in ICE custody were charged with administrative immigration violations and are pending removal from the United States, according to the ICE statement.
All but one of the men were foreign-born -- 25 from Mexico, one from Honduras, and one from El Salvador, the release said. All were gang members or associates affiliated with the Latin Kings, Maniac Latin Disciples, Sureno 13s, Insane Deuces, Norteno 14s, Spanish Cobras, Latin Counts, Spanish Gangster Disciples, Latin Eagles and OMC Street Crew, the release said.In no small irony, Thursday pro-illegal "activists" protested Arizona laws ... in Chicago. Looks like more Mexicans were deported this week from Illinois than in Arizona.
The sole U.S. citizen, Carols Gonzalez, 18, of Elgin, was arrested Sunday on an outstanding warrant for drug possession, the release said.
All but two of the 28 arrested had prior criminal histories, including arrests and convictions for robbery, aggravated battery with a weapon, aggregated battery resulting in bodily harm, aggregated battery on a government official, residential burglary, mob action and domestic battery, the release said.
illegal aliens
Democrat 'Show Us Your Papers' Plan Hits ACLU Roadblock
All week the Democrats and their media lapdogs have been parroting the 'show us your papers' meme in response to Arizona's SB 1070. Yet now here they come with a plan for a national ID. Needless to say, the ACLU caterwauls.
The national ID program would be titled the Believe System, an acronym for Biometric Enrollment, Locally stored Information and Electronic Verification of Employment.Nice to see some on the left suddenly concerned with government being in the center of our lives. Before today those us us with such concerns were ridiculed.
It would require all workers across the nation to carry a card with a digital encryption key that would have to match work authorization databases.
“The cardholder’s identity will be verified by matching the biometric identifier stored within the microprocessing chip on the card to the identifier provided by the cardholder that shall be read by the scanner used by the employer,” states the Democratic legislative proposal.
The American Civil Liberties Union, a civil liberties defender often aligned with the Democratic Party, wasted no time in blasting the plan.
“Creating a biometric national ID will not only be astronomically expensive, it will usher government into the very center of our lives. Every worker in America will need a government permission slip in order to work. And all of this will come with a new federal bureaucracy — one that combines the worst elements of the DMV and the TSA,” said Christopher Calabrese, ACLU legislative counsel.
“America’s broken immigration system needs real, workable reform, but it cannot come at the expense of privacy and individual freedoms,” Calabrese added.
The ACLU said “if the biometric national ID card provision of the draft bill becomes law, every worker in America would have to be fingerprinted.”
A source at one pro-immigration reform group described the proposal as “Orwellian.”
'This is What Happened in Nazi Germany. This is Exactly What Happened'
It'c come to this in the debate over Arizona's illegal alien legislation. Obscure Canadian musicians chiming in with their keen politcal insights.
Meanwhile, NYC Comptroller John Liu of the Working Families Party compares Arizona to apartheid South Africa. I wish these people would corrdinate their message a little betetr. Is it Nazi Germany or South Africa? Can someone maybe work in a Pol Pot or Stalin analogy?
Arizona music lovers won't be seeing Stars anytime soon.Closet hipsters. Can there be a more nefarious, terrifying force?
The Canadian indie-popsters are boycotting the state over its controversial new immigration law allowing police to ask anyone for proof of U.S. citizenship — a situation that frontman Torquil Campbell likens to Nazi Germany.
"This law is the thin end of an extremely frightening wedge," he charged. "Anybody who can't see that, I think, isn't looking closely enough."
"This specific law is the turning point in a growing sense of underlying racism — anger at there being a black president, anger at minorities beginning to become a part of the economic life in America. There are some scary forces in that country, and they are starting to be legitimized by the media, and it is important that right now, people start to take extremely strong stands against those people. Because this is what happened in Nazi Germany. This is exactly what happened.
"If we don't stop this s--- right now, I really fear for North America in general," he said. "I think it's terrifying."
Torquil revealed the band's stand via their Twitter account earlier this week. In the days since, he's been bombarded with reaction from people on both sides of the issue.
"I'm getting a lot of letters from the Latino community in Arizona and they are in support of what we're doing almost unanimously," he said. "And I've also had a lot of abuse from closet racists disguised as hipsters."
Meanwhile, NYC Comptroller John Liu of the Working Families Party compares Arizona to apartheid South Africa. I wish these people would corrdinate their message a little betetr. Is it Nazi Germany or South Africa? Can someone maybe work in a Pol Pot or Stalin analogy?
Nearly two dozen New York City Council members and other city officials gathered on the steps of City Hall Thursday to announce a resolution to condemn the law.
"This is the ugly head of apartheid rearing its head in Arizona," city controller John Liu said. "And for the same reason that New York boycotted South Africa more than 20 years ago, some kind of boycott needs to take place now to send a message."
left-wing idiocy,
'I'm Not An Expert on the Constitution But I Know the Constitution Exists for a Reason'
Just what we need: Some bubbleheaded singer weighing in on issues they clearly know nothing about. At least she admits she doesn't have a clue.
My advice? Shut up and sing.
Latina pop star Shakira condemned Arizona's new law targeting illegal immigration, saying it promotes discrimination and robs Latinos of human dignity.Uh, what about the impact on law-abiding citizens?
Visiting Phoenix City Hall on Thursday, the Colombian-born entertainer told more than 100 members of the media: "I'm in opposition to this law because it is a violation of human and civil rights. It goes against all human dignity, against the principles of most Americans I know.
"As a person and Latina who believes in equal opportunities and who believes that this country has values that I have always admired and defended," she added, "I'm worried about the impact that implementation of this law will have on hard working Latinos."
Shakira was joined by Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon and local Hispanic leaders.Can you please cite for me anything in the Constitution that says undocumented aliens have any rights?
"I'm not an expert on the Constitution but I know the constitution exists for a reason," she said. "It exists to protect human beings, to protect the rights of people living in a nation, with or without documents. We're talking about human beings here."
The singer and dancer, sporting stiletto boots, diamond earrings, a wifebeater tank top and black zippered jacket, later visited CPLC Carl Hayden Youth Community Center.Yes, I resent people who don't have a clue telling Americans we have to let hordes of illegal marauders run rampant.
Before a City Hall news conference, Shakira met privately with Gordon, Vice Mayor Michael Nowakowski, Police Chief Jack Harris and other city officials to raise concerns about the law. She argued that Hispanic immigrants have generated economic growth for decades in this country.
"Let's not foster division but unity. Let's not foster chaos but safety," Shakira said. "This law goes against all the principles of prosperity that we know and promotes discrimination and resentment."
illegal aliens,
'This Is Going to Get Nasty'
Could there be anything worse for Obama and his thin-skinned crew than to be compared unfavorably to his predecessor? Well, it appears the slobbering love affair between him and his lapdog media may be coming to a screeching halt. Of course most reporters will still shamelessly suck up as long as they're not the targets.
If this were the Bush Justice Department, though, there's be 24/7 howls of outrageously outrageous outrage.
The Justice Department's decision to subpoena a New York Times reporter this week has convinced some press advocates that President Obama's team is pursuing leaks with the same fervor as the Bush administration.For the most part the White House press corps is shying away from criticizing their hero, since they crave a daily pat on the head and being given inside access, so in the end they could care less if one of their own is thrown under the bus.
James Risen, who shared a Pulitzer Prize for disclosing President George W. Bush's domestic surveillance program, has refused to testify about the confidential sources he used for his 2006 book "State of War: The Secret History of the C.I.A. and the Bush Administration."
"The message they are sending to everyone is, 'You leak to the media, we will get you,' " said Lucy Dalglish, executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. In the wake of the Bush administration's aggressive stance toward the press, she said, "as far as I can tell there is absolutely no difference, and the Obama administration seems to be paying more attention to it. This is going to get nasty."
Kurt Wimmer, a Washington lawyer who helped win White House approval for a proposed federal shield law, called the move against Risen "disappointing" after "we had positive discussions with the Obama administration" on the need to give journalists a legal foundation for protecting their sources in most cases.
In the Risen case, Attorney General Eric Holder had to approve the subpoena under Justice Department procedures. The subpoena, disclosed Thursday by the Times, comes two weeks after the administration obtained an indictment of a former top National Security Agency official, Thomas Drake, for allegedly providing classified information to a Baltimore Sun reporter.
If this were the Bush Justice Department, though, there's be 24/7 howls of outrageously outrageous outrage.
Barack Obama,
Eric Holder
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Obama Zombies Invade Wall Street
These idiots are down there whining about lost jobs? How about blaming their man Obama for making about five million of them disappear the last 15 months?
Of course as we predicted earlier today nowhere is it mentioned this "diverse mixture" was organized primarily by an Obama "economic adviser" and assorted Obama-supporting groups. Here's some of that "diversity":
Meanwhile, one thug was picked up for robbing a Wall Street worker.
Thousands of workers and union leaders marched on Wall Street on Thursday to express their anger over lost jobs, the taxpayer-funded bailout of financial institutions and questionable lending practices by big banks.Could you imagine the uproar if Tea Partiers brazenly invaded some businesses and began making demands? This instead is met with stifled yawns.
The rally was organized by the AFL-CIO and an association of community groups. It included a diverse mixture of union workers, activists, the unemployed, and homeowners threatened by foreclosure.
"These guys are like pirates," said small business owner Karen Casamassima, of New York, who called for "economic patriotism" and held up a jewel encrusted skull with the words, "Financial Terrorists."
The protesters, carrying signs saying "Wall Street Overdrafted Our Economy" and "Reclaim America," rallied at City Hall Park, then marched down to the Merrill Lynch Bull statue demanding good jobs and accountability from banks.
"I think Wall Street is responsible for the collapse of our economy," said Bennett Silverstein, an attorney from Brooklyn who said his savings were depleted by the recession.
Earlier in the day, noisy protesters with signs took over two bank building lobbies on Manhattan's Park Avenue in a prelude to the rally.
More than 100 people entered a midtown building housing JPMorgan Chase offices. They handed a bank executive a letter requesting a meeting with the CEO, and chanted "Bust up! Big banks!" and "People power!"
A half-hour later, they were calmly escorted outside by officers, who remained expressionless as the protesters chanted, "The police need a raise."
They then walked a few blocks up the avenue and crowded into the lobby of the Seagram Building, where Wells Fargo and Wachovia, the bank it merged with in 2008, have offices.
Of course as we predicted earlier today nowhere is it mentioned this "diverse mixture" was organized primarily by an Obama "economic adviser" and assorted Obama-supporting groups. Here's some of that "diversity":
Associated Groups: Diversity4Obama, Downtown West Side Manhattan for Obama, Flight Attendants for Obama, Grandparents for Obama, Group Administrators for Obama - Collaboration Group, New York Petition Drive 8th Congressional District, New York Union Members for Obama, NY Seniors for Obama, NYC4Obama (New York Coordination), NYCLabor4obama, Organized Labor for Obama, TriBeCa 4 Obama, Tribeca For Change, Union members for Obama, USA.CAN, Writers for ObamaAn amazing array of diversity.
Meanwhile, one thug was picked up for robbing a Wall Street worker.
A man protesting alleged corruption on Wall Street Thursday himself was arrested by police for stealing from a bank worker during the rally.Update: Someone in the media finally notices what a sham this was.
Police said the man was caught stealing a backpack belonging to the fire safety director at JP Morgan Chase along Park Avenue.
The supsect was followed in the crowd by witnesses. He was arrested by police as he began to protest outside the offices of Wells Fargo.
Police said the stolen knapsack was recovered. The suspect, Paul Barber, was taken to the Midtown North precinct and charged with grand larceny, police said.
The rally was meant to look like a spontaneous explosion of workers, rising up to tackle the big, bad banks. It was nothing of the kind.Thanks to Instapundit for the link.
This was a carefully orchestrated demonstration meant to give strength and credibility to President Obama's reform legislation aimed at Wall Street. These people are pawns.
union thugs
Jessica Alba's Mensa Candidacy Goes Up in Smoke

It was a not-so-fine kettle of fish at the trendy Smyth Hotel in TriBeCa when Jessica Alba tried cooking herself an early dinner.I imagine she tried to put the blaze out but couldn't figure out how to turn the faucet on.
Alba, in town for the Tribeca Film Festival premiere of her new movie, "The Killer Inside Me," was attempting to heat up some fish sticks at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday -- but she couldn't figure out how to work the oven.
According to a source at the hotel, "She ended up almost causing a fire in her room. Fire alarms ended up going off throughout the hotel. The smoke was so bad that fire trucks had to come. The other guests in the hotel were pretty pissed."
Jessica Alba,
Oops: Another Gaffetastic Fox 5 Moment
What is it with these Fox 5 anchors?
A debate about what to call soy milk on "Good Day New York" this morning took an odd turn when veteran Fox 5 anchorwoman Rosanna Scotto pulled a Sue Simmons on live TV.An truly immortal moment that was.
Scotto and her fellow anchors were debating the National Milk Producers Federation's arguement that products should only be called “milk” when it comes from an animal, not soy or rice.
When the topic of what to call soy milk came up, Scotto blurted out, “Soy ji---um!"
Scotto's confused co-anchor, Greg Kelly, looked on in disbelief as the banter continued during the live show.
"Rosanna!" Kelly said in a reprimanding tone.
This is not the first time a TV anchor has gotten into hot water for their salty comments.
WNYW/Channel 5 brass apologized last year after Ernie Anastos' chicken-flavored cussing during the 10 o'clock news. The popular anchorman, a colleague of Scotto's, blurted out, "Keep f- - -ing that chicken" to the shock of viewers last September.
Neda Agha Soltan Was Unavailable for Comment
Yesterday we learned women in Iran who dare to get a little sun face imprisonment. As a reward, the UN named them to the Commission on Women's Rights. How sick are these people?
Without fanfare, the United Nations this week elected Iran to its Commission on the Status of Women, handing a four-year seat on the influential human rights body to a theocratic state in which stoning is enshrined in law and lashings are required for women judged "immodest."This is how they treat women in Iran.
Just days after Iran abandoned a high-profile bid for a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council, it began a covert campaign to claim a seat on the Commission on the Status of Women, which is "dedicated exclusively to gender equality and advancement of women," according to its website.
Buried 2,000 words deep in a U.N. press release distributed Wednesday on the filling of "vacancies in subsidiary bodies," was the stark announcement: Iran, along with representatives from 10 other nations, was "elected by acclamation," meaning that no open vote was requested or required by any member states — including the United States.
United Nations
The Least Influential People of 2010
This begs the question: Why does the media pay any attention this waste of oxygen?
Others making the list: Michael Steele, David Paterson, David Shuster, Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Chris Dodd, Patrick Kennedy, Bertha Lewis and Carrot Top.
Levi's in good company.
For some reason Clarence Thomas is on the list. I guess they never got over a black conservative being on the Supreme Court.
They Taste Just Like Chicken
Yummy, sounds like a great dish.
Indonesian police have arrested a couple who made meatballs from the flesh of protected monkeys, an animal conservation group said on Wednesday.
The pair poached dozens of rare Javan langurs, also known as silver-leaf monkeys, from Baluran National Park in the east of Java island, according to a statement released by Indonesia-based animal protection group ProFauna.
"Police found 30 kilograms (65 pounds) meat estimated to come from 20 - 25 individuals, two rifles and a live langur," the statement said.
"The couple admitted that they had known what they did was against the law and they hunted the monkeys for their meat because beef and chicken were more expensive than the protected monkeys."
Meatball soup, known locally as bakso, is a popular dish in Indonesia.
The statement said police were now broadening their investigation to include checks on vendors suspected of selling the monkey meatballs, while ProFauna was in talks with the national park caretakers to prevent further poaching.
Diminutive Jocksniffer Wants MLB to Blackmail Arizona
Why not just recommend Major League Baseball to revoke the charter of the Arizona Diamondbacks? While we're at it, why not urge the NFL to cancel any games scheduled in Arizona this fall and make the Cardinals play all their games on the road?
I don't think the miniature sportswriter turned political analyst thought this one out too well. Probably just an emotional reaction to not getting his way, like most petulant children. Buffoons like Lupica are quick to call people racist and idiotic, but what should we call someone who urges blackmail in order to get his own way? Is he even aware an overwhelming majority of Arizona residents and Americans support this law?
Now suppose Mikey Lilliputian gets his way. Where would he like the 2011 All-Star game to be held? Maybe St. Louis? Atlanta? Cleveland? Cincinnati? Houston? Arlington? Kansas City? Baltimore? Denver?
Well, I've got some disturbing news for him and the rest of the boycott blackmailers. Those cities are all in states that may soon be passing laws similar to those of Arizona. So that'll make ten MLB cities ineligible to host an All-Star game if this punk is to get his way.
Now since the Super Bowl is scheduled for Dallas next February, I suppose we'll have to blackmail the NFL into moving it out of there so as not to offend Mike Lupica.
In fact, this is such a slippery slope, we may as well just stop playing sports altogether since every city may have laws on the books that offend someone.
I don't think the miniature sportswriter turned political analyst thought this one out too well. Probably just an emotional reaction to not getting his way, like most petulant children. Buffoons like Lupica are quick to call people racist and idiotic, but what should we call someone who urges blackmail in order to get his own way? Is he even aware an overwhelming majority of Arizona residents and Americans support this law?
Arizona's idiotic new immigration law does not officially go into effect until August, 90 days after the current legislative session ends in that state. That means for the next three months, a big new sport in this country will be watching big politicians try to run away from this issue, starting with the President of the United States. Maybe all of them are waiting for the whole thing to end up in front of the Supreme Court.So no matter how many times Brewer reminds people that the law will prevent profiling, a closed mind like Lupica just refuses to believe her. Barack Obama could tell him the moon is made of green cheese and he'd believe it, but anything out of a Republican's mouth is to be ignored. When did this myth about liberals being open-minded start?
In the short run, however, the only way to stop a political hustler like Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer is for other politicians in her state - and that ought to start with Sen. John McCain - to come to their senses about a bad law that invites racial profiling even though Brewer insists it will not.
There is nothing that needs to be done in the moment, other than issue the warning. But if both Democrats and Republicans really are going to run from this until after the November elections, trying to appease the white voters who love Gov. Jan Brewer and somehow not scare off the Hispanic vote at the same time, Commissioner Bud Selig - who owns a home in Arizona - has a chance to be better than all of them.I'm going out on a limb and suggesting Lil' Mikey hasn't read the law. If he did he might learn something.
Selig has a perfect right to say that if the law stands, then the All-Star Game goes somewhere else.
The law will allow police to engage in racial profiling. Actually, Section 2 provides that a law enforcement official “may not solely consider race, color or national origin” in making any stops or determining immigration status. In addition, all normal Fourth Amendment protections against profiling will continue to apply. In fact, the Arizona law actually reduces the likelihood of race-based harassment by compelling police officers to contact the federal government as soon as is practicable when they suspect a person is an illegal alien, as opposed to letting them make arrests on their own assessment.But hey, why pay attention to the guy who actually wrote the law when you've got your mind made up already?
Now suppose Mikey Lilliputian gets his way. Where would he like the 2011 All-Star game to be held? Maybe St. Louis? Atlanta? Cleveland? Cincinnati? Houston? Arlington? Kansas City? Baltimore? Denver?
Well, I've got some disturbing news for him and the rest of the boycott blackmailers. Those cities are all in states that may soon be passing laws similar to those of Arizona. So that'll make ten MLB cities ineligible to host an All-Star game if this punk is to get his way.
Now since the Super Bowl is scheduled for Dallas next February, I suppose we'll have to blackmail the NFL into moving it out of there so as not to offend Mike Lupica.
In fact, this is such a slippery slope, we may as well just stop playing sports altogether since every city may have laws on the books that offend someone.
left-wing idiocy,
Mike Lupica
Obama's Union Thugs to Tie Up Lower Manhattan
I guess doing this on a weekend won't give these goons maximum exposure, so instead they'll just inconvenience anyone working in Lower Manhattan today. No doubt this is being coordinated directly out of the White House, especially since the guy running the show is one of Obama's economic advisers. Of course the media won't mention any of that.
One day after Republicans agreed to allow debate on financial regulatory reform—and two days after Goldman Sachs executives were pilloried on the Hill—protesters will try to bring their fight to New York this afternoon. In a rally organized by the AFL-CIO and activists, protesters will march on Wall Street itself. They're calling for "Wall Street accountability, the creation of good jobs now, and an end to predatory lending practices."Who are these "activists" they speak of? Well, have a look at Obama's home page and see for yourself.
Associated Groups: Diversity4Obama, Downtown West Side Manhattan for Obama, Flight Attendants for Obama, Grandparents for Obama, Group Administrators for Obama - Collaboration Group, New York Petition Drive 8th Congressional District, New York Union Members for Obama, NY Seniors for Obama, NYC4Obama (New York Coordination), NYCLabor4obama, Organized Labor for Obama, TriBeCa 4 Obama, Tribeca For Change, Union members for Obama, USA.CAN, Writers for ObamaHow many news stories will mention the obvious coordination by the Obama stormtroopers?
'Levin Sounded More Like Snooki After a Night Out Than a Senator'

Embarrassed politicos and angry Wall Streeters yesterday denounced the "shi- -y" way Sen. Carl Levin and other senators treated Goldman Sachs executives testifying before Congress this week.
"He turned the Senate proceedings into an episode of 'Jersey Shore' -- a lot of yelling, expletives flying and no conclusion," a Republican aide said. "Levin sounded more like Snooki after a night out than a senator."
"It was Congress at its worst," said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), adding that he was shocked when he first heard the curses Tuesday from Levin (D-Mich.), who spewed the word "shi- -y" 18 times during the hearing.
"I thought, 'What is he doing? Why is he doing that?' " Hatch said. "I thought Senator Levin did a yeoman job of trying to get over his point."
On Wall Street, hedge fund executive Clifford Press said he was "horrified at the spectacle."
It was appalling to see "major executives" called to Washington "to apologize and defend themselves for having made money," he said.
Finance worker Dan DeGroot said the senators didn't even seem interested in the answers from the Goldman execs.
"It was just grandstanding," he said. "The questions were shallow, not probing. And I think Goldman is being victimized."
Wall Street attorney Joe Glatstein said dragging Goldman big shots before a Senate panel looked like a "desperate attempt" by President Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress to blame economic woes on Goldman, a financial giant facing civil charges of mortgage investment fraud.
"It's demagoguery at its worst," Glatstein said. "I think everyone came out looking poorly, especially Carl Levin, for using the S-bomb."
Carl Levin
Lovely: Illegals Threaten Violence
No doubt those who wag fingers at supposedly "violent" Tea Party protesters will justify this by saying they were provoked by the harsh, racist, Nazi-like law enacted by the state of Arizona. Surely the Southern Poverty Law Center has a file on these charming folks, right?
I expect to see plenty of similar nonsense at the May 1 protests around the country, but don't expect to see it covered by the media. It'll just upset the narrative.
Via Allahpundit.
illegal aliens
35 Years Ago Today

Some of us are old enough to remember this picture. Some of us were exposed to it in our history books in school. For many this picture has come to symbolize a dark period in not only American history but Vietnamese history as well.
It is a picture taken 35 years ago today in Saigon the day before the Viet Cong entered the city and signaled the downfall of the South Vietnamese government. For those in this picture that helicopter represented life or death. Those that were not able to make out of the country were soon to become part of the statistics of the estimated 2 million people who would be killed in the wake of the American withdrawal from that country. It has been the dirty little secret that the liberals don't want you to know about, after having fought so hard to end American involvement, they claim no responsibility for the massacre that happened in it's aftermath.
Here is a nice human interest story about one of those who made it out on that helicopter.
Marvin Myers of the Georgia Vietnam Veterans Alliance in Doraville knows Huynh and other Vietnam army vets. They remain anti-Communist and proudly pro-American, he said.
“They feel like they were steamrolled and wiped off the face of the earth,” Myers said. “There ain’t no blue dogs among them, that’s for sure.”
"Freedom has a taste, and for those who have fought for it, the taste is so sweet the protected will never know..." General George S Patton
Our Road Signs Aren't In Chinese
Alabama gubernatorial candidate Tim James is raising eyebrows with a recent campaign ad he made advocating to administer the driver's license test in English only. Of course the usual suspects throw all common sense out the window and immediately play the race card.
Why are they throwing common sense out the window? How many road signs in America have you seen written in Hangul (Korean), Spanish, German, or any other language? Georgia is debating the same thing and going into the last day of legislative session have a bill pending that says the same thing.
This was brought to a head in Georgia because of a spate of wrong way drivers on our roads that have caused accidents and killed innocent people. In quite a few cases the driver of the offending vehicle it was discovered could not read the signs. You know the ones that say Wrong Way, Do Not Enter. Note to the ACLU, not all of the offenders were of Hispanic heritage. Some were Asian, European, etc.
So yeah, it isn't an attempt to deny anybody the privilege of getting a drivers license. It is an attempt to make sure that those who do get one are not a threat to others on the highway.
When I was taking the test for a drivers license in Germany, granted many years ago, I had to read German so that I knew what the signs said. They didn't make any special distinction just because I was an American. And trust me, the license test in Germany is a lot harder then anything I ever faced in America.
For the lefties out there a license is a privilege, not a right.
Why are they throwing common sense out the window? How many road signs in America have you seen written in Hangul (Korean), Spanish, German, or any other language? Georgia is debating the same thing and going into the last day of legislative session have a bill pending that says the same thing.
This was brought to a head in Georgia because of a spate of wrong way drivers on our roads that have caused accidents and killed innocent people. In quite a few cases the driver of the offending vehicle it was discovered could not read the signs. You know the ones that say Wrong Way, Do Not Enter. Note to the ACLU, not all of the offenders were of Hispanic heritage. Some were Asian, European, etc.
So yeah, it isn't an attempt to deny anybody the privilege of getting a drivers license. It is an attempt to make sure that those who do get one are not a threat to others on the highway.
When I was taking the test for a drivers license in Germany, granted many years ago, I had to read German so that I knew what the signs said. They didn't make any special distinction just because I was an American. And trust me, the license test in Germany is a lot harder then anything I ever faced in America.
For the lefties out there a license is a privilege, not a right.
Noted Domestic Terrorist Afforded Security By Forces He Previously Tried To Kill

The domestic terrorist I am talking about is Obama confidante and frequent house guestn William Ayers, a co-founder of the extremist anti-war group of the 60's named the Weather Underground.
Ayers gave a speech about education at the University of Wyoming yesterday, and it wound up being yet another example of the restraint of the right in comparison to how the jack-booted, immature and, in general, threatening nature of those on the left who constantly protest conservative figures and attempt to deny them their First Amendment rights.
Compare the treatment that Mr. Ayers received to how people such as Karl Rove, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter or members of the Tea Party are treated. The differences couldn't be more stark.
But the event, which included bag and coat searches and bomb-sniffing dogs, was held without any incidents at a campus gym that normally hosts volleyball and wrestling matches.How ironic is it that Ayers availed himself of the very protection afforded him by agencies which in the 60's he railed against and indeed try to kill by the use of bombs.
Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, an anti-war group from the Vietnam Era that claimed to be responsible for a series of bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol.
The hourlong question session that followed also mainly dealt with education issues, and people began to trickle out of the gym. But to a few questions on his Weather Underground days, Ayers acknowledged that some of its actions were despicable and set a bad example. But he stressed that that was in the context of thousands of people being killed each week in Vietnam.I am glad that the reporter who penned this piece at least had the courage to include to the treatment that a former Vice President of the United States received in comparison to an avowed Socialist domestic terrorist received.
The reaction to his appearance contrasted with a visit by former Vice President Dick Cheney in September after donating $3.2 million to help build an international center on campus.
Cheney was welcomed by the college administration with open arms, but heckled during his remarks by about 100 protesters in a crowd of about 500.
When Ayers spoke, he had no interruptions from about a dozen protesters among the roughly 1,100 people who showed up.
You know if this sort of thing keeps up Americans might just begin to realize that the voices on the right are the ones which are tempered and even-handed and that they have more to fear from the left who revel in their ability to shut down free speech and engage in strong-arm tactics to silence their critics.
Also, contrary to the author's assertion that none of the attacks were fatal, unless you're a member of the Weather Underground, there were a couple of attacks linked to them that did result in the death of some police officers.
BTW, the picture used in this post is that of the cover of a book that Ayers wrote, which outlined how the Weather Underground was going to ignite a grassroots effort to overthrow the government that includes a foreword in which he describes Barack Obama as a family friend.
Weather Underground,
William Ayers
Arizona Hysteria Reaches New Low
Looks like the NY Daily News is now dragging in illegals to pen columns for them. This guy makes Frank Rich seem calm and composed.
You can virtually guarantee there will be violence Saturday and we know where it will be coming from. Will the media still be so sympathetic in their portrayal of these poor, downtrodden illegals after they run wild?
Guilty until proven innocent. Or more to the point: illegal until proven innocent.I know this is asking a lot, but could these people actually read the bill before leaping to such wild conclusions? It was specifically written so police could not be so reckless. Is there any editorial control at these newspapers that require facts to be part of these columns?
That's what the racist immigration law signed by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer last Friday does to the people of that state. Now, anyone can be stopped by the police at any time and for no reason other than the color of their skin. They can be questioned about their immigration status and forced to carry papers 24 hours a day.
Obviously, in Arizona some are willing to go as far as ignoring the Constitution, trampling human rights and becoming a police state.Why are deportations senseless? If you're here illegally, you do not have any rights and should be deported. In fact, we should treat illegals like Mexico does. Would that make them happy?
The new law forces the local police to question people about their immigration status if they suspect they are in the U.S. illegally. That's the same as saying if you "look foreign," you can be asked for "your papers, please."
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that SB1070 makes racial profiling and discrimination the law of the land in the state of the former maverick, John McCain.
While speaking about undocumented immigrants, the old senator once said, "We need to sit down as Americans and recognize these are God's children as well." It now appears McCain has joined the sorry conga line of immigrant bashers and become a big supporter of SB1070.
But let's not be too harsh on McCain's flip-flopping. He is after all fighting for his political life in a GOP primary against J.D. Hayworth, a conservative with extreme anti-immigrant views. And if in order to get Arizona Republicans to vote for him, the good senator has to betray God's children, so be it. Sad.
"Unfortunately, Arizona is just one example of the toxic climate immigrants now encounter," said Angela Fernandez, executive director of the Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights.
Yet, much to the chagrin of the menagerie of assorted proto-fascists, spineless politicians, white supremacists and professional hate-mongers that are salivating at the prospect of legal racial-profiling and discrimination against Latinos, SB1070 could be a blessing in disguise for immigrants.
For one, it has made clearer than ever that the foot-dragging on immigration reform by Congress and President Obama has to stop. Also, anger among immigrants and their supporters has injected a new militancy into the movement for immigrant rights.
Since Brewer signed the law, organizers have seen a huge rise in the numbers planning to join the nationwide demonstrations on May 1 - a designated day of activism for immigrant rights.
In New York, the two biggest rallies will take place at Union Square and Foley Square.
"The only way to respond to this un-American legislation and stem the ugly tide of criminalization of immigrants is for the President to take bold executive action to stop the senseless deportations and exert leadership on enacting just and humane immigration reform," said Chung-Wha Hong, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition.
You can virtually guarantee there will be violence Saturday and we know where it will be coming from. Will the media still be so sympathetic in their portrayal of these poor, downtrodden illegals after they run wild?
illegal aliens
Great News: Special Guest Coming to Manhattan

Iran's Holocaust-denying, America-hating President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is planning to come to New York for a nuclear conference at the UN that starts Monday.So we have a maniac who wants to nuke Israel coming for a nuclear conference?
Iran has not said when Ahmadinejad would arrive, trailing gridlock and noisy protests through Manhattan in his wake. But Iran applied at the U.S. Embassy in Switzerland for a visa for its delegation.
The visit will coincide with stepped-up U.S. efforts to win a new round of UN sanctions against Iran's nuclear programs.
Only at the UN, folks.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
United Nations
Patches Gets So Bombed He Calls Obama 'The Best President Ever'
Geez, whatever happened to family loyalty? Unfortunately his uncle's presidency was cut short, but he at least served nearly three years, twice as long as this abomination currently occupying the White House.
Must have been some incredibly strong vodka he was knocking back.
Must have been some incredibly strong vodka he was knocking back.
After a candid speech discussing his substance-abuse problems, Rep. Patrick Kennedy sauntered into a DC watering hole and ordered up so many vodka shots that the bartender refused to serve him any more, it was reported yesterday.
Kennedy, the troubled son of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, downed at least six shots of straight-up vodka before the bartender cut him off, a source told the Roll Call's Heard on the Hill blog.
He strolled into the Capitol Lounge just hours after being recognized for helping people with mental-health issues.
When a patron offered to buy him a drink, Kennedy eagerly ordered up a vodka shot, according to Roll Call.
The Rhode Island Democrat -- who is not running for re-election -- was in high spirits, calling President Obama "the best president ever," the source told Roll Call.
When the source told Kennedy he reminded him of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, the lawmaker guffawed, "Oh, yeah! Good one."
Patrick Kennedy
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
'Migrants in Mexico are Facing a Major Human Rights Crisis'
No wonder they're all moving to the Nazi-like, fascistic, police-state of Arizona.
Barack Obama and his boss Al Sharpton were unavailable for comment.
Amnesty International called the abuse of migrants in Mexico a major human rights crisis Wednesday, and accused some officials of turning a blind eye or even participating in the kidnapping, rape and murder of migrants.Kidnappings, rapes, and beatings? Why, that almost sounds like the sanctuary city of San Francisco.
The group's report comes at a sensitive time for Mexico, which is protesting the passage of a law in Arizona that criminalizes undocumented migrants.
The Interior Department acknowledged in a statement that the mainly Central American migrants who pass through Mexico on their way to the United States suffer abuses, but attributed the problem to criminal gangs branching out into kidnapping and extortion of migrants.
Rupert Knox, Amnesty's Mexico researcher, said in the report that the failure by authorities to tackle abuses against migrants has made their trip through Mexico one of the most dangerous in the world.
"Migrants in Mexico are facing a major human rights crisis leaving them with virtually no access to justice, fearing reprisals and deportation if they complain of abuses," Knox said.
Central American migrants are frequently pulled off trains, kidnapped en masse, held at gang hideouts and forced to call relatives in the U.S. to pay off the kidnappers. Such kidnappings affect thousands of migrants each year in Mexico, the report says.
Many are beaten, raped or killed in the process.
Barack Obama and his boss Al Sharpton were unavailable for comment.
'I'm Incredibly Disappointed With the Obama Administration in Their Efforts to Promote the Census'
Considering we've spent $14 billion on the 2010 Census and the airwaves have been saturated for months urging people to spend five minutes filling it out, you have to wonder what planet this guy is living on.
From the first link:
Now, on to the fun part. Guess which two ultra-blue Democratic states appear to wind up being the biggest losers when it comes to redistricting? Why, New York and California, of course.
For comic relief:
And in supreme irony, the home of the evil Michelle Bachmann had one of the highest response rates.
Of course the Democrats will surely be creative when it comes to re-drawing the districts, so don't get your hopes up.
From the first link:
Census Director Robert Groves estimated that between 46 million and 49 million households did not return questionnaires. Temporary census takers hired by the agency will hit the streets starting this week and will visit those addresses up to six times to get answers. The agency will further outline those plans at a news conference Monday.So despite idiotic suggestions it would be Republicans refusing to participate, it appears the base of the Democratic Party--the less educated--are the ones who were too lazy or stupid to participate. They also mention lower income, and since we know Republicans are all rich, it couldn't be them.
Groves said he anticipates critics will question why this year's results only matched the 2000 response rates despite a multimillion-dollar advertising and outreach campaign, but he called this year's results "unbelievable" because survey response rates have dropped significantly in the past decade.
Socioeconomic concerns rather than race or ethnicity appeared to drive lower response rates, Groves said. Less-educated, lower-income households appeared to respond less. The nation's foreclosure crisis also contributed to the lower rates, he said.
Now, on to the fun part. Guess which two ultra-blue Democratic states appear to wind up being the biggest losers when it comes to redistricting? Why, New York and California, of course.
Of the five states on the cusp, the biggest potential losers are California and New York, which could have a net loss of one and two House seats, respectively. Texas may end up gaining just three House seats instead of four.Sure, let's blame a law enacted just five days ago and now to take effect for nearly three months with the low response rate among Latinos over the past several months. That makes sense. Just a thought: Maybe if they really want to become Americans thought ought to participate in the process. I know, I know, I'm a racist, fascist Hitler clone for merely suggesting that, but it had to be said.
Arturo Vargas, executive director of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, said he was concerned about some skittish Latinos who may refuse to answer their doors, particularly given Arizona's new immigration law.
For comic relief:
"I'm incredibly disappointed with the Obama administration in their efforts to promote the census," Vargas said, citing the government's failure to halt immigration raids during the count as it did in 2000. "It may have the impact of shooting people in the foot if Arizona ends up losing out on a House seat."It's not often I'll defend Obama, but it's just not humanly possible to promote the Census any more than he did. Did this clown even watch television the last four months? Has he checked his mail? Did he not notice the series of alerts, not to mention the actual Census form itself?
And in supreme irony, the home of the evil Michelle Bachmann had one of the highest response rates.
States such as Minnesota and Oregon are next in line to pick up seats. Minnesota had the nation's second-highest mail response at 80 percent — a clear boost in its effort to avert the loss of a seat, even after Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., made clear her view that the 10-question census was an invasion of privacy.So maybe we can have another Bachmann and another conservative representative from North Carolina while shedding some dead weight from New York and California.
North Carolina, which snatched a seat from Utah in 2000 when overseas missionaries were excluded from the count, also remains in play to gain a seat.
"It would be a bit ironic if Minnesota ends up a winner," said Kimball Brace, president of Election Data Services, a Virginia-based firm that crunches political numbers. "With the immigration concern, that's going to have an impact. Both New York and California are in the position of losing seats, but they haven't done as much as they could in spending to improve on outreach."
Of course the Democrats will surely be creative when it comes to re-drawing the districts, so don't get your hopes up.
2010 census
Hypocritical Sanctuary Cities Refuse to Take Arizona Illegals: It's Time for Action
You've just got to marvel at the hypocrisy of the liberals. While they've finally found a "war" they're willing to wage--upon fellow Americans, of course--when it comes time to put the money where their big mouths are, suddenly they're unavailable for comment.
Here's the reality: These cities are likely overwhelmed by the burden and costs of paying for all the illegals they idiotically allowed to overrun their cities but are just too stubborn to admit their policies have failed miserably. In other words, liberalism in a nutshell. But since they're the ones who set the policy, let's help them out.
It's time to start the ball rolling by helping Arizona relieve themselves of their illegals and allowing these loudmouths to put up or shut up. Before the law actually begins this summer, how about a program be set up where illegals can come forward and be given temporary amnesty and they can be given a choice of sanctuary cities to relocate to?
(Note: A one-way ticket to their homeland is preferred, but play along.)
Once they select the destination of their choice, they can be provided with a one-way bus ticket to their new home, along with food vouchers (including AriZona Iced Tea, natch) and they're on their way. Surely some enterprising motor coach operators in Arizona would be glad to pitch in and do their civic duty to help provide transit. Once they arrive in San Francisco, surely a host committee will be there to welcome them with open arms and they'll be feted with a party by their new best friends.
Following that they be shown to their new home, a concrete slab somewhere where they'll get to fight it out with the other hundred thousand new arrivals who'll now be at war with all the other bums living on the street that have made San Francisco a hellhole during the disastrous Gavin Newsom administration.
Should San Francisco not be an option, there's always New York City, but remember, subway grates come at a premium up this way and it gets pretty cold half the year (heck, last night it was around 35 degrees--so much for global warming). Not only that, but when you're welcomed by the host committee keep in mind all the meals will be salt-free.
To help out I'm willing to pay the cost of one adult from Phoenix to San Francisco, and have taken the liberty to provide the bus schedule here. The cost for one adult is a mere $124, which I'll gladly pay via my PayPal account (hint to prospective advertisers--time to buy a new ad).
Perhaps if we can pass the word around we can help Arizona solve their illegal alien problem while also allowing the do-gooders to welcome their future residents with open arms, all while minimizing the relocation costs. Maybe get things rolling here and perhaps other can join in and we can get a blogospheric telethon of sorts going. Who knows, maybe some radio hosts can join in an sponsor an Adopt an Illegal For a Day program and make it a nationwide effort to seamlessly relocate all these "victims" of modern-day Hitlerian oppression.
Now relocating the estimated 400,000 Arizona illegals via one-way ticket would cost around $50 million, but we figure San Francisco's Nancy 'Fountain of Youth' Pelosi could sacrifice a month's worth of air travel to help defray the tab in case we can't raise the necessary funding. It's the least she could do to help those brave San Franciscans win this war with a minimum of casualties and bloodshed.
There's also Barack Obama's pal Al Sharpton, who's quite expert at shaking down sponsors for his usual hijinx. Since he's ready to befoul the desert air, maybe he can get some of his usual victims to help with the effort. Perhaps even the Hollywood and music communities can chip in and take in some of the illegals who cannot find ample space on a San Francisco or New York City sidewalk.
C'mon folks, do it for the illegal children.
Update: It looks like the law may already be having an effect.. Damn Nazis!
They may call themselves "sanctuary cities," but very few of them are offering sanctuary to the illegal immigrants in Arizona who now face possible arrest and deportation.Of course it hadn't been considered since these kneejerk twits didn't stop to think that declaring war comes at a price. Sure, it feels good to flap your gums and call people fascists without having the slightest clue what you're talking about, but when you're in a war you might want to have a battle plan and think about the possibility the other side comes armed.
As San Francisco and other "sanctuary cities" declare war on Arizona over its new law cracking down on illegal immigrants, most state and local governments that provide a safe haven to undocumented workers refused to publicly roll out a welcome mat for the estimated 440,000 illegals in the Grand Canyon state.
Several mid-size cities and states with policies that seek to protect undocumented workers either declined to comment to FoxNews.com on whether it would accept Arizona's illegal immigrants or said the possibility had not been considered.
"We don't have any actions planned," said Jillian Schoene, a spokeswoman for Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski. "If I have a chance to take this up with the governor, I'll call you back."There's a surprise.
Schoene didn't call FoxNews.com back.
Bill Begley, a spokesman for Mayor Mike Moncrief of Fort Worth, Texas, told FoxNews.com that he couldn't comment on whether the city, with its population of more than 700,000, would take in any of Arizona's illegal immigrants.He's probably quick to call people a Nazi off the top of his head.
"We'd have to sit down about any overt offer that would address that issue," he said. "That's not something I can talk about off the top of my head."
Here's the reality: These cities are likely overwhelmed by the burden and costs of paying for all the illegals they idiotically allowed to overrun their cities but are just too stubborn to admit their policies have failed miserably. In other words, liberalism in a nutshell. But since they're the ones who set the policy, let's help them out.
It's time to start the ball rolling by helping Arizona relieve themselves of their illegals and allowing these loudmouths to put up or shut up. Before the law actually begins this summer, how about a program be set up where illegals can come forward and be given temporary amnesty and they can be given a choice of sanctuary cities to relocate to?
(Note: A one-way ticket to their homeland is preferred, but play along.)
Once they select the destination of their choice, they can be provided with a one-way bus ticket to their new home, along with food vouchers (including AriZona Iced Tea, natch) and they're on their way. Surely some enterprising motor coach operators in Arizona would be glad to pitch in and do their civic duty to help provide transit. Once they arrive in San Francisco, surely a host committee will be there to welcome them with open arms and they'll be feted with a party by their new best friends.
Following that they be shown to their new home, a concrete slab somewhere where they'll get to fight it out with the other hundred thousand new arrivals who'll now be at war with all the other bums living on the street that have made San Francisco a hellhole during the disastrous Gavin Newsom administration.
Should San Francisco not be an option, there's always New York City, but remember, subway grates come at a premium up this way and it gets pretty cold half the year (heck, last night it was around 35 degrees--so much for global warming). Not only that, but when you're welcomed by the host committee keep in mind all the meals will be salt-free.
To help out I'm willing to pay the cost of one adult from Phoenix to San Francisco, and have taken the liberty to provide the bus schedule here. The cost for one adult is a mere $124, which I'll gladly pay via my PayPal account (hint to prospective advertisers--time to buy a new ad).
Perhaps if we can pass the word around we can help Arizona solve their illegal alien problem while also allowing the do-gooders to welcome their future residents with open arms, all while minimizing the relocation costs. Maybe get things rolling here and perhaps other can join in and we can get a blogospheric telethon of sorts going. Who knows, maybe some radio hosts can join in an sponsor an Adopt an Illegal For a Day program and make it a nationwide effort to seamlessly relocate all these "victims" of modern-day Hitlerian oppression.
Now relocating the estimated 400,000 Arizona illegals via one-way ticket would cost around $50 million, but we figure San Francisco's Nancy 'Fountain of Youth' Pelosi could sacrifice a month's worth of air travel to help defray the tab in case we can't raise the necessary funding. It's the least she could do to help those brave San Franciscans win this war with a minimum of casualties and bloodshed.
There's also Barack Obama's pal Al Sharpton, who's quite expert at shaking down sponsors for his usual hijinx. Since he's ready to befoul the desert air, maybe he can get some of his usual victims to help with the effort. Perhaps even the Hollywood and music communities can chip in and take in some of the illegals who cannot find ample space on a San Francisco or New York City sidewalk.
C'mon folks, do it for the illegal children.
Update: It looks like the law may already be having an effect.. Damn Nazis!
Nancy Pelosi, Photoshop Edition

If Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears get flak for airbrushing their photos, why not the speaker of the House?She's come a long way, baby.
If you haven't managed to score a copy of the May/June 2010 edition of Capitol File magazine (typically flanked on every table or bathroom at any D.C. social function) you'll notice the cover girl Nancy Pelosi looking particularly young.
Celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Ayman Hakki of Luxxery Medical Boutique in Waldorf, Md., said although he believes Pelosi has had work done (specifically Botox of the frown lines, fat injections, a mini face-lift), the image is not the product of additional plastic surgery.

Nancy Pelosi
Suntans of Blasphemy
Those idiotic Iranian cavemen are at it again.
Women with suntans are violating Islamic law and will be arrested in Iran, the capital city's police chief was reported by The London Daily Telegraph as saying Wednesday.First the earthquakes, now the suntans. What might happen if they show some leg?
"The public expects us to act firmly and swiftly if we see any social misbehavior by women, and men, who defy our Islamic values," Brigadier Hossien Sajedinia said.
"In some areas of north Tehran we can see many suntanned women and young girls who look like walking mannequins," he continued. "We are not going to tolerate this situation and will first warn those found in this manner and then arrest and imprison them."
The warning follows recent comments made by a hard-line Iranian cleric, who claimed women dressed in revealing clothing were disturbed young men and causing earthquakes.
Pathetic: Dingy Harry Calls GOP Anti-American, Kerry Calls Wall Street Unpatriotic
Goodness, can these desperate Democrats sink any further into the gutter. On the losing side now of every issue, they're flailing about wildly, smearing Republicans and American businessmen with impunity now. I recall it wasn't long ago that is was bad form to question someone's patriotism and gutter politics to call someone un-American? Well, I guess those days are over. Funny how silent Bill Clinton is these days now that Republicans are being accused of being un-American. Isn't he concerned someone on the left might act out now and take all this hate speech as a cue?
First, there's Lerch, speaking of unpatriotic, lashing out at Wall Street.
Then we have the soon-to-be former Senator of Nevada whining like a little bitch because he can't break a filibuster.
First, there's Lerch, speaking of unpatriotic, lashing out at Wall Street.
Wall Street officials suffered from a "lack of patriotism" in their practices during the financial crisis, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) said Wednesday.So says the guy living off his rich wife.
Kerry, a senior Democrat in the Senate, suggested that Wall Street showed a disregard for the public good during the run up to the financial crisis in the fall of 2008.
"I think people really just sense that there's a lack of patriotism in it -- there's a lack of concern about the country," Kerry said on "Imus in the Morning" on the Fox Business Network. "It's just, 'Hey, let's just make our money and run. Devil be damned what the implications are.'"
Then we have the soon-to-be former Senator of Nevada whining like a little bitch because he can't break a filibuster.
Republicans efforts to block Wall Street reform are "anti-American," Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said today.Amazing how much money this hypocrite is taking from fat cats.
The GOP has successfully blocked Democratic efforts to begin debate on the bill.
"But all the talk of the Republicans about wanting to do something about this before it gets on the floor is really anti-Senate and anti-American," Reid told reporters.
"They keep stalling and they keep stalling," he added. "And it appears that they're more concerned about taking care of the fat cats on Wall Street than they are the people who aren't so fat, the people who have been hit so hard, the consumers of America."
corrupt Democrat,
Dingy Harry,
John Kerry
It's Come to This: Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer and Mental Illness
Actually, I think it's a mental illness if you believe in the global warming scam.
So how can this cause mental illness? By driving people nuts with endless stories about this hoax? Driving them insane when they realize they've been had by the warmers?
A new government report says global warming could lead to an increase in both cancer and mental illness worldwide, and it calls for more federally funded research to determine how that might happen.Oh yeah, let's dump more money down the government research rathole trying to justify this massive hoax.
The report, A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change, was published by the Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Health – a combination of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NIH, State Department, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Agriculture, the EPA, and the Department of Health and Human Services.
So how can this cause mental illness? By driving people nuts with endless stories about this hoax? Driving them insane when they realize they've been had by the warmers?
The possible mental health conditions that could be caused by global warming range from irritability to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, sexual dysfunction, and drug abuse.It's official. Global warming is responsible for everything.
“The most common mental health conditions associated with extreme events range from acute traumatic stress to more chronic stress-related conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, complicated grief, depression, anxiety disorders, somatic complaints, poor concentration, sleep difficulties, sexual dysfunction, social avoidance, irritability, and drug or alcohol abuse,” reads the report.
Comedy Alert: Democrats Claim They Want Border Security
If Republicans are dumb enough to fall for this bait-and-switch scam they deserve no mercy. We're actually to believe the open borders crowd all of a sudden has found Jesus and wants to lock down the borders?
Democratic senators writing an immigration bill are circulating details about their emerging proposal that would secure the border before illegal immigrants could become legal U.S. residents.Oh, sure, we can trust Dingy Harry, Schmucky Schumer and the oily Bob Menendez, right?
The plan would increase the number of border and immigration enforcement agents, and lays out security benchmarks. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the draft legislation on Wednesday that is being developed by Sens. Harry Reid of Nevada, Charles Schumer of New York and Robert Menendez of New Jersey.
Charles Schumer,
corrupt Democrats,
Dingy Harry
Heh: WaPo Confuses Obama With Malcolm X

The obvious difference in telling them apart was Malcolm X wasn't dependent on a TelePrompter.
Thanks to Gateway Pundit for the link.
Update: Cuffy Meigs thinks it's simply an honest mistake. He has a good point.
Barack Obama,
Washington Post
Texas Next for Anti-Illegals Legislation
Let's hope this is a growing trend. Naturally the Associated Press shows their rank bias with this headline:
Texas lawmaker to introduce anti-immigration bill
Nothing in the story says the proposed legislation is anti-immigration. They're opposed to illegal immigration.
Let's hope this trend spreads to other border states. I have little hope for California, but maybe New Mexico can get in on the act, though that's doubtful as long as Guillermo Richardson is governor.
What will really get the ball rolling is if northern states overrun by illegals sign on.
Are you listening, Governor Christie?
Texas lawmaker to introduce anti-immigration bill
Nothing in the story says the proposed legislation is anti-immigration. They're opposed to illegal immigration.
A Texas lawmaker says she plans to push for a law similar to Arizona's get-tough immigration measure.Curiously it will be a crime according to ObamaCare legislation to not have health insurance. It's illegal to drive without a license or insurance. So why are Democrats so opposed to these common-sense laws? Well, because they want to legalize all the illegals so they'll vote for them.
San Antonio Express-News and Houston Chronicle report Wednesday that Republican Rep. Debbie Riddle of Tomball says she will introduce the measure in the January legislative session.
The new Arizona law would require local and state law enforcement to question people about their immigration status — and make it a crime for immigrants to lack registration documents.
Riddle says if the federal government did its job "Arizona wouldn't have to take this action, and neither would Texas."
Let's hope this trend spreads to other border states. I have little hope for California, but maybe New Mexico can get in on the act, though that's doubtful as long as Guillermo Richardson is governor.
What will really get the ball rolling is if northern states overrun by illegals sign on.
Are you listening, Governor Christie?
Associated Press,
illegals aliens,
media bias,
Surge: Arizona Governor Brewer's Approval Rises 16 Points
Looks like Nazism, fascism, Jim Crow and apartheid is overwhelmingly popular in Arizona. Despite the media and Barack Obama's best efforts to misinform the public, the good people of Arizona aren't listening.
Can you say blowback, boys and girls?
H/T Allahpundit.
Back to the drawing board.
Governor Brewer is a lot more popular in Arizona than Barack Obama is nationwide. No wonder he's acting like such a baby.
The most recent poll numbers for Obama in Arizona were even more bleak.
Can you say blowback, boys and girls?
Last week, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed an immigration law that launched a national debate. It has also at least temporarily helped her own chances of remaining Arizona’s governor.Well, that isn't good for the leftwing haters trying to portray supporters of the law as racists.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state shows that 56% now approve of the way Brewer is performing her role as governor. Two weeks ago, just 40% offered their approval.
The new figure includes 22% who Strongly Approve of the governor’s performance. That’s up from five percent (5%) before Brewer signed the law that authorizes local police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant.
The bounce in the polls is also evident in new numbers on the November election. If Brewer is the Republican nominee, she would get 48% of the vote while her likely Democratic opponent, State Attorney General Terry Goddard, would attract 40%. Two weeks ago, it was Brewer 44% and Goddard 40%. Goddard is an outspoken opponent of the new law.
As with all poll bounces, it remains to be seen whether this is a temporary spike in support for the governor or if it signifies a lasting change in the race.
Data on the immigration law itself will be released soon. The law is popular with the state’s voters, and a plurality believe it will be good for the state’s economy. The numbers indicate anger at the federal government rather than illegal immigrants.
H/T Allahpundit.
Back to the drawing board.
Governor Brewer is a lot more popular in Arizona than Barack Obama is nationwide. No wonder he's acting like such a baby.
The most recent poll numbers for Obama in Arizona were even more bleak.
A new statewide poll shows 41 percent of Arizonans approve of the way Barack Obama is performing as U.S. president. That is compared with a 47 percent approval rating for George W. Bush at same point in his second term, in 2005. Bush ended his presidency with a 31 percent Arizona approval rating, according to PollingReport.com.That story was from April 3. I'd suggest his numbers are even lower today after all his misinformed demagoguery.
Hang Tough Arizona. The Liberals Will Move On

I have been watching the whole kerfuffle, expressions of angst, and liberal hand wringing over the recent legislation signed into law in Arizona granting their law enforcement wider authority to determine the immigration status of people they detain. Everybody knew what the reaction of those cry babies on the left would be, but what amused me the most is that Arizona is simply doing on a statewide level what a couple of counties in Georgia have been doing for some time to good effect.
For all of the screaming about jack booted thugs dragging people out of homes in the dead of night, to the best of my knowledge not a single case in Georgia has risen to this level. In other words, Americans need to put a little confidence in their fellow Americans to not abuse the power they are given.
If the only effect of the law is to relocate the illegals from Arizona to the neighboring states it will relieve the taxpayers of Arizona of big burden and then we will see how long it takes for the other states to take action. That has been the experience in Georgia. Cobb county was the first to take the tough stance and it wasn't long before the neighboring county of Gwinnett followed suit. Arguably two areas of the metro Atlanta area viewed as conservative, and now that the financially crippled and non functioning liberal counties of Dekalb and Clayton have absorbed the fugitives from the law, and refuse to do anything, they are suffering the expected consequences.
Metro Atlanta is the story of two sides, and makes a great lab for viewing the effects of conservative versus liberal policies. On the one side is schools which are the envy of the state, with local governments, which while not immune from the recent economic downturn, are weathering the storm as best as can be expected, while on the other side are counties which have school systems losing accreditation, the highest foreclosure rates in the state, and in some cases the nation, higher then average unemployment, and crime rates which make the people living there virtual prisoners in their own homes.
So kudos to Arizona for taking the steps necessary to look out for it's citizens and please don't buckle. LIberal outrage burns hot but their attention span is that of gnat. Weather the initial firestorm and soon they will be on to something else to vent their rage on. No doubt the latest posting from Sarah Palin on Facebook or Karl Rove book signing.
Now if Georgia could just make statewide what they are doing in a few counties we might be able to take the lead for a change instead of waiting to see how the wind blows and then jumping on a bandwagon.
Cobb County,
illegal aliens,
illegal immigration
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