Friday, August 31, 2007

Singing Out Against Uncle Joe

Well, he's getting old, so maybe he feels it's time to repent. Now if only the rest of the left would admit Stalin was a monster.

Pete Seeger Sings Out Against Stalin
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Pete Seeger has the Joe Stalin blues.

Decades after drifting away from the Communist Party, the 88-year-old banjo-picker has written a song about the Soviet leader that's as scathing as any tune in the folk legend's long career.

"I'm singing about old Joe, cruel Joe. He ruled with an iron hand. He put an end to the dreams of so many in every land," Seeger wrote in "The Big Joe Blues."

Seeger said he left the Communist Party around 1950 and apologized years ago for not recognizing that Joseph Stalin was a "very cruel misleader." But he told The Associated Press on Friday that the song he finally finished this year is a first for him, despite three visits to the Soviet Union beginning in the '60s.

"It's the first overt song about the Soviet Union," Seeger said during a phone interview from his Hudson Valley home in Beacon. "I think I should have though, when I was in the Soviet Union—I should have asked, `Can I see one of the old gulags?'"

Seeger calls it a yodeling blues song, and sings the chorus so it sounds like "I got the Big Joe Bloo-ew-ew-ews!" He said it's the sort of song his old buddy Woody Guthrie might have written in the '50s.

The song's existence also touches on a sensitive political issue: the view by critics on the right that the left recognized Stalin's tyranny only belatedly. Partial lyrics were cited Friday by author Ron Radosh in a New York Sun column.

Radosh, an adjunct senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank, accused Seeger in the newspaper two months ago of failing to criticize the communist regimes he once backed.

Radosh took banjo lessons from Seeger in the '50s—two dollars for three hours—though Radosh took a very different political path from his childhood hero.

In a follow-up column Friday, Radosh said he was tickled to receive a warm letter last week from his old idol with a copy of the song attached. He provided a copy of the song to the AP on Friday, and said he still admires Seeger.

"I think he is a man of principle," Radosh said. "He's often wrong."

Seeger said he hopes to publish the song in the folk magazine "Sing Out." Though Seeger's voice has been reduced to a throaty croak, he said he has performed the song for friends.

Fugitive Clinton Donor Turns Himself In

Fugitive Norman Hsu, sugar-daddy to the Democrats, has turned himself in.

In a stunning development, the Associated Press used the word Dem in the headline.

Top Dem fundraiser turns himself in
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - A top Democratic fundraiser whose criminal past has roiled the campaigns of top presidential candidates turned himself in Friday in California, where he had been a fugitive for more than 15 years.

Judge H. James Ellis ordered Norman Hsu handcuffed and jailed on $2 million bail. The judge declined Hsu's request to immediately reduce the bail by half, instead scheduling a Sept. 5 hearing to consider the request.

Hsu pleaded no contest in 1991 to a felony count of grand theft, admitting he'd defrauded investors of $1 million in a bogus investment scam. He was facing up to three years in prison when he skipped town before his 1992 sentencing date, Deputy Attorney General Ronald Smetana said outside court.

Hsu also resigned from the board of trustees of The New School and from the board of governors of The New School's Eugene Lang College. The college received a federal appropriation secured by Clinton last year, but a spokesman for the school said Hsu was not involved in seeking money for the school.

Friday's 10-minute hearing in San Mateo County Superior Court was the culmination of a stunningly quick fall from grace for a disgraced California businessman who remade himself in New York apparel executive and benefactor of Democratic causes and candidates, including presidential contenders Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose campaign designated Hsu a "HillRaiser" — a title given to top donors.

Federal Election Commission records show Hsu donated $260,000 to Democratic Party groups and federal candidates since 2004. Though a top fundraiser for Clinton, he also donated to Obama's Senate campaign in 2004 and to Obama's political action committee.

After reports surfaced this week of his fugitive status, politicians at all levels scrambled to distance themselves.

Obama's campaign said Thursday it would give to charity the $2,000 Hsu contributed to his 2004 Senate campaign and the $5,000 Hsu gave to his political action committee, Hopefund.

Hsu's $43,700 in donations to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and $2,500 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee also will go to charity, both groups announced.

Clinton joined the other candidates, returning $23,000 in contributions that Hsu made to her presidential and senatorial campaigns and to her political action committee, HillPac. But his close association with her campaign put Clinton on the defensive just as she prepared to ramp up for an intense post-Labor Day campaign stretch.

California officials who said they would get rid of donations from Hsu include Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and House members Mike Honda and Doris Matsui.

Earlier this week, Hsu said he thought the criminal charges had been taken care of when he completed his bankruptcy proceedings in the early 1990s.

"I have not sought to evade any of my obligations and certainly not the law," Hsu said in a prepared statement.

According to Smetana, Hsu told investors he had a contract to buy and sell latex gloves, but he never purchased the gloves and had no contract to sell them.

After he failed to show up for sentencing, investigators believed Hsu had fled to his native Hong Kong, Smetana said.

Smetana said he has agreed to let Hsu post $1 million cash bail, He also said prosecutors are likely to again argue for a prison time when Hsu finally keeps his sentencing date with the judge.

"He stole $1 million," Smetana said.
That $2 million bail could have made for a lot of dubious $2300 donations to Democrats.

Oh well.

Now instead of Democrats pretending to be magnanimous and donating Hsu's dirty money to charity, let's find out where the money came from in the first place.

The Democrats will be desperate to put this burgeoning scandal aside, and will proclaim it "old news" by next week. But they need to be held accountable and the GOP needs to remind the public of this every day between now and November 8.

Previously: The Mysterious Norman Hsu.

Tony Snow Resigns

We knew this was coming and we wish him the best.
NBC News has learned that White House Press Secretary Tony Snow will step down Sept. 14 as the president's chief spokesman and the public face of the White House. Dana Perino is expected to replace him.

He is expected to make his announcement during today's on-camera White House briefing at 12:45pm. President Bush is expected to make a statement at the briefing. Snow formally informed the president yesterday.
NBC apparently learned it from ABC, where I first heard it.

Of paramount concern is his health and family, obviously.

The announcement is already being met with compassion from the usual circles.
collapse DeloresDeVries (See profile | I'm a fan of DeloresDeVries)
Good Riddance to another piece of shit LIAR.
Log in | posted 12:13 pm on 08/31/2007
NEW expand collapse KarlRoves3rdchin (See profile | I'm a fan of KarlRoves3rdchin)
Dolores -you took the words right out of my mouth!! Snowjob has been LYING thru his teeth EVERY SINGLE DAY to cover-up all the criminal activity of the Bu$h/Halliburton Cheney Regime for years! All the stress from LYING is more than likely what caused his cancer. I say good riddance to the co-conspirator and propaganda spewing asshole!
Log in | Parent | posted 12:28 pm on 08/31/2007
These people are evil.

More from Hot Air and Michelle Malkin.

Pharmacy school graduate...Uh not so fast

Got to work from home today so while looking around at various news sources I found this little tidbit. This just gives you another reason to hate the University of GA. (GO TECH)

The organization that oversees licensing of U.S. pharmacists has suspended use of its licensing exam, and accused a University of Georgia professor of providing the test's questions to his students.

The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy made the decision last week and suspended use of the tests from Aug. 25 onward. The decision was first reported by The Red and Black, an independent student newspaper at the University of Georgia.

But there is some good news, sort of.

The decision is not expected to cause an immediate problem for most pharmacy students, said officials at some universities.

At the University of North Carolina's School of Pharmacy - that state's largest training center for apothecaries - most students take the exam in the spring. The next group of UNC students isn't expected to take the exam until December, said David Etchison, a school spokesman.

"We expect the problem to be worked out by then," he said.

Craig Likely to Resign

Time to hit the road.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Several well-placed GOP sources in Washington and Idaho have told CNN that embattled Republican Sen. Larry Craig is likely to resign soon, possibly as early as Friday.

Republican Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho was arrested in June at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

A GOP source with knowledge of the situation told CNN's Dana Bash that the Republican National Committee was poised to take the extraordinary step of calling on Craig to resign.

However, that move was put on hold, the source said, because top party leaders have received indications that Craig himself is preparing to step down.

Sources have confirmed that high-level meetings on the matter were being conducted in Idaho on Thursday.
It would be a welcome change if Democrats would also call on their lawbreakers to also resign.

But there's a difference between the parties. One has integrity, while the other tolerates criminals.

More from Hot Air.

Media Recoils at Good Economic News

Here's some economic data that should enrage the anti-U.S. mainstream media.

Inflation remains moderate in July
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Inflation remained cool while household incomes and spending strengthened in July, before market turmoil in August shook Wall Street and Fed policymakers, according to Commerce Department figures released Friday.

Inflation was milder than expected in July, with total inflation rising 0.1%, matching the 0.1% gain for core inflation excluding food and energy costs.

In the past year, the Federal Reserve's preferred measure of core inflation has risen 1.9%, just within the Fed's unofficial target zone of 1% to 2%.

Total consumer inflation (including all items) was 2.1% over the past year.
I would expect the Fed's to further ease the Fed Funds rate via open market operations to expand the money supply. Yes, there are real concerns out there about failed loans and the housing market, but it's not exactly "buddy can you spare a dime" time yet.

Incomes are still growing, although you don't want to read too much into monthly macroeconomic figures.
All told, the figures suggest that consumers were in generally good shape before the credit crunch in August sent financial markets reeling, forcing the Fed to conclude that risks of slower growth had risen substantially.
Expect a flurry of negative articles from the MSM predicting economic destruction to counter the actual real good news out there.

The Mysterious Norman Hsu

Sure looks like mystery fugitive and Clinton supporter has led an interesting life.

It also appears he's picked up where Johnny Chung, Charlie Trie, and Maria Hsa left off.

Does this imply guilt by association? Of course not.

It's just the fact so many people the Clintons are associated with always wind up being guilty.

UPDATE: Allahpundit notes the New York Times is also investigating. Looks like this story may have legs.

More also at Right Wing Nut House.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

GOP Outrage Over Islamic Society Convention

We noted Monday that the Department of Justice was sponsoring a convention held by the Islamic Society of North America.

Finally, some lawmakers have spoken out about it. Republicans only, of course.

What, you expected Democrats to speak up?
Republican lawmakers are urging the Justice Department not to participate in a convention held by the Islamic Society of North America -- a group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in an ongoing terrorism-financing case.

In a letter to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, Reps. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and Sue Myrick of North Carolina called the Justice Department's involvement a "grave mistake."

"In light of the threat that our nation is currently facing from radical jihadists, and because of the president's commitment to fighting the war on terror on all fronts, we believe it is a grave mistake to provide legitimacy to an organization with extremist origins, leadership and a radical agenda," the lawmakers said.

Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, said he agrees that Justice officials should not attend the conference.

"It is absolute insanity for the federal government, especially the Department of Justice, to be giving any credibility at all to a group like the ISNA, which has such strong links to Islamic extremism," Mr. King said.
The Washington Times notes there will be a complete story to follow.

Let's hope the DoJ snaps out of it and puts the kibosh on this lunacy.

UPDATE: More at Michelle Malkin and LGF.

The Last Bastion Of Free Speech

This is an update to an earlier post

Much is said about the First Amendment to the Constitution, especially by those claiming to be the last best hope for its preservation.

While they shriek about their status of being the true defenders of free speech, it's done so while hoping that activities done otherwise slip under the radar.

We saw this Monday morning

Then we saw this

Then there was this piece of brain surgery a month ago

Which shortly became

Until this past weekend, The Northern Star, student newspaper of Northern Illinois University, had a letter written by then-student Markos Carlos Alberto Moulitsas [Zuniga], today's new face and voice of the Democrat Party.

So, why would Zuniga's letter disappear, only to be found by Orlando?

Perhaps it's the subject matter.

Or, it's merely damage control so the Salvadoran oligarch doesn't come off as a wild-eyed loon.

Just a little bit late for that, doooood.

H/T Weasel Zipper, Francis L. Holland, Esq.

Also at: Fort HardKnox, LGF, DiggeralToolz, The Jawa Report.

Some screenshots: Kokonut Pundits, Orlando/Ft. HardKnox

Other screenshots courtesy: Stasi, StB & KGB

Hair of the Dog Now a Fashion Statement

Just in time for winter.
A German woman has begun making clothes for customers out of the hair of their dogs.

Bettina Menkoff, 50, has made scarves, gloves and other items.

"I regularly brush my dogs and keep the hair for processing. It's warmer than sheep wool," she said.
This is, apparently, a fashion craze I was unaware of.

Notorious dog-lover Michael Vick was unavailable for comment.

Hillary's Fugitive Problem

With all the talk about the most recent fugitive donor to the Clinton campaign, I had completely forgotten about another dubious donor who was on the lam earlier this year.

Of course, the media for the most part ignored the story, just as they're doing so now.

Thanks to Michelle Malkin, Noblesse Oblige, and Hot Air for the reminder.

I'm still puzzled why none of the Democrat candidates are mentioning any of this. Are they quivering in fear from the Clinton Attack Machine?

Flight Grounded, CAIR Springs Into Action

Here we go again.

Arabic spoken? Plane grounded
A woman who complained that some fellow passengers spoke Arabic and "had odd behavior" prevented a Chicago-bound American Airlines flight from departing San Diego, police said Wednesday.

Flight 590, scheduled to depart at 11 p.m. Tuesday, left its gate about 11:15 but returned to the boarding area after the woman, who was traveling with at least one child, indicated she wanted to get off the airplane. The flight then was unable to make Lindbergh Field's 11:30 p.m. curfew for departures, said Irene McCormack, a spokeswoman for the San Diego Harbor Police.

The flight, carrying 126 passengers, was rescheduled for midmorning Wednesday and arrived in Chicago in the afternoon, an American Airlines spokesman said.

McCormack said it is unusual for planes to return to the gate. She said it's usually for medical and mechanical problems or a disturbance.

The woman first complained to the flight crew that four to seven men were possibly speaking Arabic in the boarding area. The woman added that they "had odd behavior." The crew decided to return to the boarding area because the woman indicated she wanted off the plane.

The American Airlines spokesman indicated the plane returned to its gates because of a dispute between passengers. The spokesman didn't provide details on the dispute.

A Transportation Security Administration spokeswoman said it returned because of "suspicious activity on board the plane."
Enter the unindicted co-conspirators from CAIR.
Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Chicago, was upset about the airline's actions. He said television reporters told him that six Iraqi Americans were detained after a passenger became uncomfortable with the men speaking Arabic.

"It is one thing to flag suspicious behavior, but to flag a global language? We are deplaning people for who they are, not what they do," Rehab said.
So who is Rehab? Well, FrontPage Magazine has this in an article by Joe Kaufman titled Death of a Terror Lobby.

This wasn’t the first time that Ahmed Rehab toyed with the subject of ‘Jewish dominance.’ In his piece entitled, “‘Double Standardism’: The Case of the Two Books” – a rant against author of The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie – Rehab openly complains about the American media’s criticisms against books that question the validity of the Holocaust. In the article, Rehab attributes this to “Jewish control over the media.” He further writes, “The Muslims protesting ‘Satanic verses’ were given little credibility as they were seen as being biased for their religion. On the other hand the Jews and the Jewish subjects were not seen as such but rather as credible professionals…” He then points to an American journalist’s Jewishness as being the reason for his bias. Rehab writes, “…he is of course Jewish…”

In a follow-up article, “‘Double Standardism’: The Case of the Two Films,” Rehab ridicules Hollywood for having what he considers to be a pro-Jewish slant. He states, “…the movies exploiting the Arabs and Muslims are ‘a bold and uncompromising look behind the closed doors of a hidden world’… On the other hand, a movie which glorifies the other Semites, the Jews, is a ‘great American classic’, ‘an untimely epic’, ‘a movie-making masterpiece’, and ‘an all-time family favorite’, well whoop-di-di-doo.” Rehab calls the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) a “big mouth organization.” He ends the piece by railing against Jewish filmmakers. He writes, “…the history of the Jewish film producers in particular have shown that they predate on weak minorities by default.”
I wonder what Rehab's nickname is at Kos and HuffPo.

Bush Goes Hardcore

No doubt this guy will be a big hit with the arts crowd. Frankly, I could care less, as it's obvious the guy is looking for attention.

'Porn Bush' Angers Republicans

British artist Jonathan Yeo had every reason to be offended. The Bush Library in Texas had yet again rescinded a commission it had given him to paint a portrait of United States President George W. Bush. In the end, though, the artist decided to go ahead with his artistic portrayal of the 43rd president, even if he wasn't getting paid for it -- and created a portrait of Bush using a collage of pornographic images.

The tribute has not gone over well with Bush's supporters. A spokesman for Republicans Abroad International described the portrait as a "cheap stunt" in an interview with the British tabloid The Sun. Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Republican Party in Bush's home state of Texas didn't find much humor in the portrait either. "This picture is very distasteful," he told the paper, adding angrily, "Why would anyone want to make a picture of our president from pornographic material?"
Um, because they hate him?
For his part, artist Yeo has reacted calmly to the furore over the smutty visage. "I did it for fun, not to offend," he told the paper, adding that he was "pleased with it."

Nor has Yeo always been so cruel to politicians. He recently completed a portrait of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair -- without the help of nudity, sexual acts or graphic displays of genitalia.

The artwork, titled "Bush 2007," is currently being shown as part of an exhibition at London's Lazarides Gallery and is available in a limited edition run of 150 prints, each measuring 86 by 56 centimeters.

Mullah Brother Iced

Judging by this cat's name, he sounds like an aspiring rapper. Maybe he'd have had more street cred if he went by the name Mullah Brutha.

Well, anyway, it's too late, since he's been dispatched to see some virgins.

Wanted Taliban leader killed in raid: Afghan ministry
KABUL (Reuters) - A wanted Taliban insurgent leader in Afghanistan, Mullah Brother, was killed on Thursday in a U.S.-led raid in the southern province of Helmand, the Afghan Defence Ministry said, citing ground commanders.

Brother served as a top military commander for the Taliban government until its removal from power in 2001 and was a member of the movement's leadership council led by its fugitive leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar.

Mullah is a title for a Muslim cleric that many senior Taliban use. It was not clear if the name Brother, which other Taliban leaders have used to refer to him, was a nom de guerre.

Taliban members were not immediately available for comment and there was no independent verification of the ministry report.

The raid was launched after Taliban insurgents ambushed an Afghan army convoy between Sangin and Sarwan districts of Helmand, the ministry said in a statement.

Air support from U.S.-led troops was called in, said ministry spokesman, Zahir Azimi.

"He was killed, probably in ground fighting," he said.

"Brother was on the black list," Azimi said referring to a wanted U.S. list involving Taliban leaders and al Qaeda members.

If confirmed, Brother's killing would represent another blow to the Taliban insurgency which has had several of its top leaders either killed or arrested in the past nine months.

Mullah Dadullah, the Taliban's top operational commander in southern Afghanistan, was killed in May.

The Last Bastion Of Free Speech

Much is said about the First Amendment to the Constitution, especially by those claiming to be the last best hope for its preservation.

While they shriek about their status of being the true defenders of free speech, it's done so while hoping that activities done otherwise slip under the radar.

We saw this Monday morning

Then we saw this

Then there was this piece of brain surgery a month ago

Which shortly became

Until this past weekend, The Northern Star, student newspaper of Northern Illinois University, had a letter written by then-student Markos Carlos Alberto Moulitsas [Zuniga], today's new face and voice of the Democrat Party.

So, why would Zuniga's letter disappear, only to be found by Orlando?

Perhaps it's the subject matter.

Or, it's merely damage control so the Salvadoran oligarch doesn't come off as a wild-eyed loon.

Just a little bit late for that, doooood.

H/T Weasel Zipper, Francis L. Holland, Esq.

Also at: Fort HardKnox, LGF, DiggeralToolz, The Jawa Report.

Some screenshots: Kokonut Pundits, Orlando/Ft. HardKnox

Other screenshots courtesy: Stasi, StB & KGB

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

No, I Can't Be It

Good Lord, the sissification is nearly complete.

I'd heard tales of this before, but c'mon, are these kids total pussies?

Red Rover, Red Rover, tag's all over
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - An elementary school has banned tag on its playground after some children complained they were harassed or chased against their will.

"It causes a lot of conflict on the playground," said Cindy Fesgen, assistant principal of the Discovery Canyon Campus school.

Running games are still allowed as long as students don't chase each other, she said.
So what now, they just run in circles? That'll help build up self-esteem.

Actually, it's probably not so much the poor kids, who'll now just be subject to merciless verbal ridicule.
Fesgen said two parents complained to her about the ban but most parents and children didn't object.
So because two parents have issues, a children's game we've all enjoyed for generations now must stop.

UPDATE: Thankfully, someone else noticed this.

Dems Flee From Fugitive Clinton Donor

As troubles mount for The Pantsuit and fugitive donor Norman Hsu, Democrats are running for the tall grass and are rushing to return possibly suspect donations.

Democrats Give Away Fundraiser's Cash
WASHINGTON (AP) - Democrats began distancing themselves Wednesday from a fundraiser who is wanted in California for failing to appear for sentencing on a 1991 grand theft charge.

Al Franken, a Senate candidate in Minnesota, Rep. Michael Honda of California and Rep. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania said they would divest their campaigns of donations from Norman Hsu, whose legal encounters and links to other Democratic donors have drawn public scrutiny in the past two days.

Hsu is a fundraiser for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and is described as a devoted fan of the presidential candidate and New York senator. He planned to co-host a money event for Clinton on Sept. 30. In a statement Wednesday, Hsu said he believed he had resolved his legal issues and was unaware that he faced a warrant.

Reports in The Wall Street Journal and The Los Angeles Times this week have caused numerous Democratic candidates and organization who have benefited from Hsu's contributions to reconsider the donations.

Franken's campaign received $2,300 from Hsu and Sestak and Honda each received $1,000 for their re-election efforts.

The Clinton campaign did not immediately comment on Hsu's legal situation. But in a statement issued Tuesday, the campaign defended Hsu in response to the Journal report about a San Francisco family whose contribution patterns tracked Hsu's.

``Norman Hsu is a longtime and generous supporter of the Democratic Party and its candidates, including Senator Clinton,'' Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said in a statement Tuesday. ``During Mr. Hsu's many years of active participation in the political process, there has been no question about his integrity or his commitment to playing by the rules, and we have absolutely no reason to call his contributions into question or to return them.''

Federal Election Commission records show that Hsu has donated $260,000 to Democratic Party groups and federal candidates since 2004. Though a fundraiser for Clinton, he also donated to Sen. Barack Obama's Senate campaign in 2004 and to Obama's political action committee.

In 1991, Hsu pleaded no contest to a single felony count of grand theft but failed to show up in court for sentencing, according to Ronald Smetana, a California deputy attorney general who prosecuted the case.

Smetana said there is an outstanding warrant for Hsu's arrest. A clerk at the San Mateo County courthouse where Hsu was prosecuted said the warrant was issued in 1992 and orders were for $2 million bail for Hsu if he were arrested.

Smetana said Hsu collected about $1 million from investors by falsely claiming he had a contract to import latex gloves. Smetana said he planned to ask a judge to sentence Smetana to prison.

Smetana said he figured Hsu, a Hong Kong native, had fled the country.

``We would obviously like Mr. Hsu to return and face justice,'' said Smetana, who said he had assumed Hsu, a Hong Kong native, had fled the country.
Showing how feckless and pathetic they are, not a single Democrat presidential candidate has even dared mention this brewing scandal, nor does much of the media have interest in it.

UPDATE: Well, what do you know, now Mrs. Clinton is, ahem, giving the money back. Or playing cute, actually, by donating it to charity.
WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton will give to charity the $23,000 in donations she has received from a fundraiser who is wanted in California for failing to appear for sentencing on a 1991 grand theft charge.

The decision came Wednesday as other Democrats began distancing themselves from Norman Hsu, whose legal encounters and links to other Democratic donors have drawn public scrutiny in the past two days.
This is a woman who itemized Bill's underwear when last seen "donating" to charity.

Next time anyone mentions this, we'll be told it's old news.

Burning Man an Arson Victim

A premature burn, I guess you could say.

Burning Man Torched Early; Artist Held
SAN FRANCISCO - Burning Man became Burnt Man four days early on Tuesday, and a San Francisco performance artist was arrested on suspicion of igniting the signature figure of the counterculture festival in the remote Nevada desert.

The early morning fire scorched about 85 percent of the structure, Burning Man spokeswoman Andie Grace said. Event engineers decided it would be best to dismantle it and rebuild a less elaborate version, accomplishing in two days what normally takes weeks so the figure would be finished in time for Saturday night's scheduled burning, she said.

The approximately 40-foot-tall wood and neon structure was supposed to go up in flames in the ceremonial climax of the weeklong annual event. Burning Man, an art, music and performance festival that draws thousands of people, began in San Francisco in 1986 and moved to Nevada's Black Rock Desert in 1990.

Many festival-goers who were awake watching Tuesday's lunar eclipse said they saw a man deliberately ignite the figure at about 3 a.m., Grace said.

"It was in plain sight of many people," she said. "Everyone is looking at it this morning, this big black figure in the sky and that wasn't supposed to burn, saying, 'Now what do we do?'"
Now what do you do? Either pack the bong again or get a life, maybe.

Get a load of the freak who sparked it up.
Paul Addis, 35, of San Francisco, was booked into the Pershing County, Nev., jail on suspicion of arson, illegal possession of fireworks, destruction of property and resisting a public officer, according to the sheriff's department. He posted a $25,632 bond, a sheriff's dispatcher said.

Sheriff's officials did not know whether he had a lawyer. No one answered at two phone numbers listed in his name.

Addis is an actor and writer who is active in the San Francisco arts scene and recently portrayed Hunter S. Thompson in a play about the late journalist known for his drug-fueled lifestyle, according to entertainment listings posted on the Internet.

French Moonbat Sued for Comment

Get your popcorn and watch the European moonbats react to this one.

French star sued for hero comment
French actress Fanny Ardant is being sued by the son of a former Italian policeman killed by the extremist Red Brigades group in the 1970s.

The actress sparked a controversy when she told an Italian magazine she considered the jailed founder of the Red Brigades her "hero".

She has since apologised for causing offence but the policeman's son, Piero Mazzola, has said that is not enough.

In Italy it is illegal to praise someone who has committed a crime.

Ardant said she admired the founder of the Red Brigades group, Renato Curcio, because he had never abandoned his leftist ideals, adding she "considered the Red Brigades phenomenon to be very moving and passionate".
So this moonbat thinks that murdering Marxists are something to be admired, eh? So how about she agrees to a 100% income tax rate on herself if she loves it so much? I bet she would feel a bit different if they came after her wealth and life.

So who is taking this legal action?
Mr Mazzola, a lawyer whose father was shot along with a colleague near Venice in 1974, said her apologies were not enough.

"Curcio was convicted for killing my father, among other crimes. So, together with my family, I have filed legal proceedings against Ardant because she is praising a murderer," Mr Mazzola told Reuters news agency.

"I just can't see how killing people can be called heroism," he said. "She may see the Red Brigades as passionate while sipping champagne in Paris, but for us it's very different."
I wonder what Ardant's nickname is on Kos and HuffPo?

For Members Only

Competition may be stiff, but someone may just rise up for the challenge.

Penis museum in manhunt
The world's only penis museum has appealed for a human specimen.

Curator Sigurdur Hjartarson opened the museum in 1974 in Husavik, Iceland, and has collected 195 penises from various animals.

His collection includes penises from hamsters, horses and whales.

But now he is appealing again for a human organ.

He said people from the UK, Germany and the US had contacted him offering their penises in the past but that none of the offers had ever been serious.
This one may be diminutive, but he's the biggest tool on the planet.

BBC Contributor Prays For Nuke Attack on Israel

Sure, nuking Israel he doesn't have a problem with. Just don't show him any cartoons depicting Allah unfavorably.

Then he might be offended.

London editor prays for nuclear attack on Israel
The editor of an Arabic daily newspaper published in London said in an interview on Lebanese television that he would dance in Trafalgar Square if Iranian missiles hit Israel.

Talking about Iran's nuclear capability on ANB Lebanese television on June 27, Abd Al-Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper, said, "If the Iranian missiles strike Israel, by Allah, I will go to Trafalgar Square and dance with delight."
I wonder what he'll do if the Iranians get whacked? Will there be any dancing?

Apparently, his statements don't offend the delicate sensibilities of the BBC or Sky News, where he is a contributor.
Bari Atwan founded the pan-Arab daily in London in 1989, and today the paper has a circulation of around 50,000. He is also a regular commentator on Sky News and BBC News 24.

Sky News refused to comment specifically on his comments.

"It is not our policy to comment on what contributors may or may not say on other channels," said Adrian Wells, head of foreign news at Sky.

A BBC spokesman told The Jerusalem Post that editors make decisions based on the following BBC guidelines.

"We should not automatically assume that academics and journalists from other organizations are impartial and make it clear to our audience when contributors are associated with a particular viewpoint."

"The BBC is required to explore a range of views, so that no significant strand of thought is knowingly unreflected or underrepresented."

"The BBC will sometimes need to report on or interview people whose views may cause serious offense to many in our audiences. We must be convinced, after appropriate referral, that a clear public interest outweighs the possible offense."

"We [the BBC] must rigorously test contributors expressing contentious views during an interview."

Also at Weasel Zippers.

Breck Girl: Give Up Your SUVs

Such an absurd suggestion from a clown living in a 28,000-square-foot mansion.

But when you pander for a living, you'll say the dumbest things.

Edwards: Americans should give up their SUVs
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. - Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards told a labor group Tuesday that he would ask Americans to make a big sacrifice: their sport utility vehicles.

“I think Americans are actually willing to sacrifice,” Edwards said during a forum held by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. “One of the things they should be asked to do is drive more fuel efficient vehicles.”

The former North Carolina senator was asked specifically if he would tell them to give up their SUVS, he said, “Yes.”
So what would everyone do with their vehicles after he tells them to get rid of them? What will he tell us to drive? What about those with large families who can't afford two vehicles in order to get around?

What will he tell us to do then?

I guess back in in 2001, he didn't have any problem with people driving SUVs.
Back in spring 2001, when I spent two days in an SUV with Edwards driving the back roads of his state and going to town meetings, he was already honing his populist I’m-the-son-of-a-millworker speech.
I'd like to know how he gets around these days.

UPDATE: Damn, didn't take long for this one to blow up in his face.

Brothers to be Retried in Honor Killing

Two members of the Religion of Peace will be retried in a German court for the "honor killing" of their sister, who was shot point-blank in the face because the savages disapproved of her lifestyle.

Cultural differences, I guess.
A German court has ordered the reopening of the trial of two Turkish immigrants who were acquitted of charges related to the honor killing of their sister, who apparently led a lifestyle that was too Western for her conservative siblings.

Germany's Federal Court of Justice in Leipzig on Tuesday ordered the 26- and 28-year-old brothers of Hatun Sürücü to be retried. Sürücü's youngest brother, who was 18 at the time, was convicted of shooting and killing the 23-year-old single mother.
"The Whore Lived Like a German" screamed the headline at the time of the killing, which fueled an intense debate in Germany.
Hatin's crime, it appears, was the desire to lead a normal life in her family's adopted land. The vivacious 23-year-old beauty, who was raised in Berlin, divorced the Turkish cousin she was forced to marry at age 16. She also discarded her Islamic head scarf, enrolled in a technical school where she was training to become an electrician and began dating German men. For her family, such behavior represented the ultimate shame -- the embrace of "corrupt" Western ways. Days after the crime, police arrested her three brothers, ages 25, 24 and 18. The youngest of the three allegedly bragged to his girlfriend about the Feb. 7 killing. At her funeral, Hakin's Turkish-Kurdish parents draped their only daughter's casket in verses from the Koran and buried her according to Muslim tradition. Absent of course, were the brothers, who were in jail.

The crime might be easier to digest if it had been an archaic anomaly, but five other Muslim women have been murdered in Berlin during the past four months by their husbands or partners for besmirching the family's Muslim honor. Two of them were stabbed to death in front of their young children, one was shot, one strangled and a fifth drowned. It seems hard to fathom, but in the middle of democratic Western Europe -- in Germany, a nation where pacifism is almost a universal mantra -- murderous macho patriotism not only exists but also appears to be thriving. It may even be Germany's liberalism -- and its post World War II fear of criticizing minority cultures -- that has encouraged ultra-religious families to settle here.

The problem is that much of this insular and ultra-religious world is out of public view, often hidden in inner-city apartments where the most influential links to the outside world are satellite dishes that receive Turkish and Arabic television and the local mosque. Tens of thousands of Turkish women live behind these walls of silence, in homes run by husbands many met on their wedding day and ruled by the ever-present verses of the Koran. In these families, loyalty and honor are elevated virtues and women are treated little better than slaves, unseen by society and often unnoticed or ignored by their German neighbors. To get what they want, these women have to run. They have to change their names, their passports, even their hair color and break with the families they often love, but simply can no longer obey.
Read the rest.

Spokespersons from NOW were unavailable for comment.

Clinton Fundraiser on the Lam

Wealthy businessman Norman Hsu, who has a connection to the Paw family, as noted Tuesday, just so happens to be wanted on swindling charges.

I know, it's difficult to fathom how the pristine Clintons could happen to have a connection with a fugitive, but that's what the Los Angeles Times, certainly no member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, is reporting.
WASHINGTON -- For the last 15 years, California authorities have been trying to figure out what happened to a businessman named Norman Hsu, who pleaded no contest to grand theft, agreed to serve up to three years in prison and then seemed to vanish.

"He is a fugitive," Ronald Smetana, who handled the case for the state attorney general, said in an interview. "Do you know where he is?"

Hsu, it seems, has been hiding in plain sight, at least for the last three years.

Since 2004, one Norman Hsu has been carving out a prominent place of honor among Democratic fundraisers. He has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions into party coffers, much of it earmarked for presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.

In addition to making his own contributions, Hsu has honed the practice of assembling packets of checks from contributors who bear little resemblance to the usual Democratic deep pockets: A self-described apparel executive with a variety of business interests, Hsu has focused on delivering hefty contributions from citizens who live modest lives and are neophytes in the world of campaign giving.

On Tuesday, E. Lawrence Barcella Jr. -- a Washington lawyer who represents the Democratic fundraiser -- confirmed that Hsu was the same man who was involved in the California case. Barcella said his client did not remember pleading to a criminal charge and facing the prospect of jail time. Hsu remembers the episode as part of a settlement with creditors when he also went through bankruptcy, Barcella said.
The Wall Street Journal, a recent acquisition of the VRWC, has more.
Mr. Hsu supports other Democrats besides Mrs. Clinton. On June 23, he helped throw a "6th Anniversary of his 60th Birthday fund-raiser" for California Rep. Mike Honda. A few days later, he joined Blackstone Group Chairman Stephen Schwarzman and lawyer David Boies to host a $1,000-a-plate 40th-birthday bash for Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island.

In the email to the Journal, Mr. Hsu listed several Democratic politicians to whom he has given money, and said he has never asked any for favors. They include Pennsylvania Gov. Edward G. Rendell; New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine; Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy; California Sen. Dianne Feinstein; and Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown.

Representatives for each of the Democrats declined to comment for this story.
Marc Rich was also unavailable for comment.

Also at Hot Air, Riehl World View, Michelle Malkin, Wizbang!, Captain's Quarters, Right Voices, Liberty Pundit, Don Surber.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

He's Not Gay, Just a Little Wet

Just in case you weren't aware, he's a Republican.

Senator arrested in toilet says he's not gay
BOISE, Idaho (Reuters) - Republican Senator Larry Craig said on Tuesday he is not gay and had made a mistake in pleading guilty to disorderly conduct after he was arrested in a men's toilet at a Minnesota airport in June.

First elected to the Senate in 1990, the Idaho senator was arrested by a plainclothes police officer investigating complaints of lewd conduct in the men's public restroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

"I am not gay, I never have been gay," Craig told a news conference in Boise, Idaho, and apologized to the people of Idaho for what he said was a "cloud" over the state because of the incident. "I did nothing wrong," he said.

The conservative Republican, who has spoken out against gay rights and same-sex marriage, said he would announce next month, as planned, whether to seek re-election next year.
Jim McGreevey was unavailable for comment.

Poverty Rate Drops, Democrats Hardest Hit

Well, the good news lasts for a couple of paragraphs, then we get into the gloom and doom from the Associated Press and typical insipid insight from Democrats.

US poverty rate declines significantly
WASHINGTON - Five years into a national economic recovery, the share of Americans living in poverty finally dropped.

The nation's poverty rate was 12.3 percent in 2006, down from 12.6 percent a year before, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday. Median household income increased slightly, to $48,200.

The numbers provided some good economic news at a time when financial markets have been rattled by a slumping housing market. But they were tempered by an increase in the number of Americans without health insurance, from 44.8 million in 2005 to 47 million last year.
Naturally, Castro buddy Charles Rangel (Socialist-NY), lamented the news of declining poverty.
"Too many Americans find themselves still stuck in the deep hole dug by economic policies favoring the wealthy," House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel, D-N.Y., said in a statement. "Income remains lower than it was six years ago, poverty is higher, and the number of Americans without health insurance continues to grow."
Not all people insanely see declining poverty as higher poverty.
Douglas Besharov, a resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, said there is a lot of good news in the numbers.

"We're looking at a situation where unemployment was down, and it was down for single mothers, who make up a substantial portion of the people in poverty," Besharov said. "We need a good economy. That's not all we need, but we should not complain when it helps lower poverty."

Fidel Loves Jimmah

Another tale from the crypt.
HAVANA - A new essay by ailing leader Fidel Castro accused U.S. presidential candidates of "submission" to his exiled foes in Florida and offered a favorable assessment of only one of the 10 presidents he has known: Jimmy Carter.
The dead man knows his useful idiots.
The column — the second published so far this week — made no reference to recent rumors that Castro had died or was dying. Nor did it reveal any information about his exact ailment or condition. Castro has not been seen in public in the 13 months since he announced he had undergone intestinal surgery and temporarily ceded power to his younger brother Raul.

Castro also described his relations with other U.S. presidents he had dealt with since 1959.

"I only knew one who for ethical-religious reasons was not complicit to the brutal terrorism against Cuba: James Carter," Tuesday's essay read — though it noted that a law banning U.S. attempts to assassinate foreign leaders such as Castro took effect during Gerald Ford's administration.
Via Hot Air.

We're Locked and Loaded

Can't say for sure whether their stats are legit, but according to a new study out of Switzerland, the United States is the most heavily armed country on the planet.

Which I have no problem with. Though you're sure to see the quivering left whining about being "awash" in guns and basically badmouthing gun owners.

Charles Schumer will probably trip over his own ego running to the nearest camera calling for more gun control.

U.S. most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people
GENEVA, Aug 28 (Reuters) - The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world, a report released on Tuesday said.

U.S. citizens own 270 million of the world's 875 million known firearms, according to the Small Arms Survey 2007 by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies.

About 4.5 million of the 8 million new guns manufactured worldwide each year are purchased in the United States, it said.

"There is roughly one firearm for every seven people worldwide. Without the United States, though, this drops to about one firearm per 10 people," it said.

India had the world's second-largest civilian gun arsenal, with an estimated 46 million firearms outside law enforcement and the military, though this represented just four guns per 100 people there. China, ranked third with 40 million privately held guns, had 3 firearms per 100 people.

Germany, France, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil and Russia were next in the ranking of country's overall civilian gun arsenals.

On a per-capita basis, Yemen had the second most heavily armed citizenry behind the United States, with 61 guns per 100 people, followed by Finland with 56, Switzerland with 46, Iraq with 39 and Serbia with 38.

France, Canada, Sweden, Austria and Germany were next, each with about 30 guns per 100 people, while many poorer countries often associated with violence ranked much lower. Nigeria, for instance, had just one gun per 100 people.

"Firearms are very unevenly distributed around the world. The image we have of certain regions such as Africa or Latin America being awash with weapons -- these images are certainly misleading," Small Arms Survey director Keith Krause said.

"Weapons ownership may be correlated with rising levels of wealth, and that means we need to think about future demand in parts of the world where economic growth is giving people larger disposable income," he told a Geneva news conference.
Great news for gun manufacturers.

Who Let the Dogs In?

I never imagined there would be consecutive posts talking about Paws, but when you're talking dogs and Hillary Clinton ... well, let's just leave that one alone.

Anyway, this is relatively local news for me, as I'm familiar with the park in question.

Dogs to take over NY swimming pools
RAMAPO, N.Y. - Every dog has its day, and for those in this suburban town it's Sept. 9: That's when the pooches will have a pool party.

For the fourth year, Ramapo will mark the end of the dog days of summer with a canine swim at the town pools at the Spook Rock Park.

The event raises money for animal care, educates people about dogs, and gives the dogs a chance to have some doggone fun, organizers said Monday.
Michael Vick was unavailable for comment.

Never a Paws To Clinton Money Grubbing

No doubt they'll blame Rupert Murdoch, or the "right-wing smear machine," or whoever they can find.

But isn't it curious how creative the Clintons get when it comes to raising suspicious campaign funds and skirting the law?

Big Source of Clinton's Cash Is an Unlikely Address
DALY CITY, Calif. -- One of the biggest sources of political donations to Hillary Rodham Clinton is a tiny, lime-green bungalow that lies under the flight path from San Francisco International Airport.

Six members of the Paw family, each listing the house at 41 Shelbourne Ave. as their residence, have donated a combined $45,000 to the Democratic senator from New York since 2005, for her presidential campaign, her Senate re-election last year and her political action committee. In all, the six Paws have donated a total of $200,000 to Democratic candidates since 2005, election records show.

That total ranks the house with residences in Greenwich, Conn., and Manhattan's Upper East Side among the top addresses to donate to the Democratic presidential front-runner over the past two years, according to an analysis by The Wall Street Journal of donations listed with the Federal Election Commission.

It isn't obvious how the Paw family is able to afford such political largess. Records show they own a gift shop and live in a 1,280-square-foot house that they recently refinanced for $270,000. William Paw, the 64-year-old head of the household, is a mail carrier with the U.S. Postal Service who earns about $49,000 a year, according to a union representative. Alice Paw, also 64, is a homemaker. The couple's grown children have jobs ranging from account manager at a software company to "attendance liaison" at a local public high school. One is listed on campaign records as an executive at a mutual fund.

The Paws' political donations closely track donations made by Norman Hsu, a wealthy New York businessman in the apparel industry who once listed the Paw home as his address, according to public records. Mr. Hsu is one of the top fund-raisers for Mrs. Clinton's presidential campaign. He has hosted or co-hosted some of her most prominent money-raising events.
Naturally, Clinton spokes-hack Howard Wolfson offered up a heaping helping of doubletalk.
A Clinton campaign spokesman, Howard Wolfson, said in an email: "Norman Hsu is a longtime and generous supporter of the Democratic party and its candidates, including Senator Clinton. During Mr. Hsu's many years of active participation in the political process, there has been no question about his integrity or his commitment to playing by the rules, and we have absolutely no reason to call his contributions into question."
But that dog don't hunt.
Kent Cooper, a former disclosure official with the Federal Election Commission, said the two-year pattern of donations justifies a probe of possible violations of campaign-finance law, which forbid one person from reimbursing another to make contributions.

"There are red lights all over this one," Mr. Cooper said.
Read the rest.

This stinks to high heaven, but likely nobody outside the WSJ will pursue it out of fear of retribution.

More from Don Surber.

Naturally, some HuffPost clowns are calling it a smear, without even addressing the facts of the case.

Empty Suit: No Hacks For Me

It's clear John Edwards has lost his mind. Get a load of this one.

Edwards wants law against "Brownies"
NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - Former Sen. John Edwards said at a Hurricane Katrina conference he would propose what he called "Brownie's Law" requiring that qualified people, not political hacks, lead key federal agencies.

Edwards, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, drew laughter when he spoke on Monday of the proposal at the "Hope and Recovery Summit" ahead of the two-year anniversary of the storm on Wednesday.

"It's an absolute travesty to have people who are essentially political hacks in a very responsible position," he told the audience at the University of New Orleans."
So what are you Mr. Edwards, if not the ultimate in an empty suit political hack?

Dealing with natural disasters is a local jurisdictional issue. Yes, the Fed's can come in and help, but only to the extent allowed by the local authorities.

In the case of Katrina, the New Orleans local officials have screwed it up from the very beginning, trying to grab as many Federal dollars as they can in the process.

But they're Democrats, so the media blames the White House instead.

Taliban to Release South Korean Hostages

At least they say they will. Once can only wonder what the payoff was.

Taliban to release SKorean hostages
GHAZNI, Afghanistan - Taliban militants in Afghanistan agreed to release 19 South Korean church volunteers held captive since July 19, a spokesman for the insurgents and the South Korean government said Tuesday.

Qari Yousef Ahmadi, a Taliban spokesman, said South Korean and Taliban delegates at face-to-face talks Tuesday in the central town of Ghazni had "reached an agreement" to release the captives.

In Seoul, South Korean presidential spokesman Cheon Ho-sun confirmed a deal was reached.

"We welcome the agreement to release 19 South Koreans," said Cheon Ho-sun.

No other details on the agreement were immediately available.
Also at Hot Air.

Market Goes Negative on NY Times

This is big.

Moody's changes New York Times outlook to 'negative'
Moody's Investors Service on Monday affirmed the New York Times Co.'s senior unsecured and Prime-2 commercial paper ratings and changed the rating outlook to negative from stable. The agency said the negative rating outlook results from "increased pressure on the company's retail and classified advertising from cross media competition and the downturn in the housing market." Shares of New York Times fell 35 cents to close at $22.10 on Monday.
For those of you not familiar with how rating agencies work, this is big news. They don't change a rating to negative over minor changes and the stock price is already plummeting on the market.

More from Fortbes.
The negative rating outlook is a result of the increased pressure on the company's retail and classified advertising from industry competition and the downturn in the housing market, Moody's said.

"These pressures along with the 31 percent increase in the company's quarterly dividend in March 2007, tax payments on recent asset sales and continued heavy capital spending through early 2008 will challenge the company's ability to generate sufficient free cash flow" required to reduce debt-to-earnings ratio in 2008 to the level previously anticipated, Moody's said.

The Case of the Disappearing Kos Kid Post

Monday we linked to an incredibly immature post by a Kos Kid calling for the seizure of President Bush's property and for him to be sent to Club Gitmo for waterboarding.

Well, if you go there now, it seems to have mysteriously disappeared, as noted by Radical Ron.
Sorry. I can't seem to find that story.
Nice to see the "mainstream" home of the Democrat Party practicing censorship.

Daily Kos: If we delete it, it never happened.

UPDATE: Thanks to Kokonut Pundits, we have a screencap of the original post here.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Guard at Nuke Plant Found Sleeping on the Job

They have enough problems at Indian Point, and this sure as hell doesn't help their image.

Armed Guard Was Asleep at NY Nuke Plant
An armed guard was found asleep at the gate of an inner security ring around the Indian Point nuclear power plants, officials said Monday.

The inspector who found the snoozing guard spent two minutes trying to rouse him before the guard "stood up and opened his eyes," said Neil Sheehan, spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The guard was alone on the second of three security rings around the two plants in Buchanan, Sheehan said. He said other security measures at the gate remained in operation during the guard's Sunday afternoon nap and tapes showed there was no breach, "but that doesn't make it any less serious."

Jim Steets, spokesman for Indian Point owner Entergy Nuclear, said the other measures included a palm-print reader. To get through the gate, a person's palm and his badge would be scanned, and if they matched, the gate would click open, he said, allowing access to "general plant areas."

Another security ring would then have to be breached to get to critical areas including the reactor buildings and the spent-fuel pool, Sheehan said.

He said the guard, a five-year veteran whose name was not made public, was found sleeping by an NRC inspector performing a "backshift" inspection - focused on night and weekend operations. Steets said the guard carried a sidearm.

The inspector saw that the guard "appeared to be inattentive, with his eyes closed," Sheehan said. The inspector then "tried several times to get his attention from eight to 10 feet away, and after about two minutes the guard stood up and opened his eyes," Sheehan said.
Homer Simpson was unavailable for comment.

Sen. Larry Craig Busted on Lewdness Charge

Details here, via Hot Air.
Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) "was arrested in June at a Minnesota airport by a plainclothes police officer investigating lewd conduct complaints in a men’s public restroom," according to an arrest report obtained by Roll Call.

"Craig’s arrest occurred just after noon on June 11 at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. On Aug. 8, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct in the Hennepin County District Court. He paid more than $500 in fines and fees, and a 10-day jail sentence was stayed. He also was given one year of probation with the court that began on Aug. 8."

"A spokesman for Craig described the incident as a 'he said/he said misunderstanding,' and said the office would release a fuller statement later Monday afternoon."
What I can't figure is how this, ahem, went down June 11, and was adjudicated nearly three weeks ago and nobody knew about this?

Especially since he's a Republican.

More to follow on this case, no doubt.

UPDATE: A likely story.
Craig said in a statement issued by his office that he was not involved in any inappropriate conduct.

"At the time of this incident, I complained to the police that they were misconstruing my actions," he said. "I should have had the advice of counsel in resolving this matter. In hindsight, I should not have pled guilty. I was trying to handle this matter myself quickly and expeditiously."

Craig, 62, is married and in his third term in the Senate. He is up for re-election next year. He was a member of the House for 10 years before winning election to the Senate in 1990.

Health Police Go Code Red in Texas

Man, if they tried something like this in New York City, Michael Bloomberg would be apoplectic.

Can you just imagine if someone has a smoke with their deep-fried latte?

The trans-fat footprint will be sizable.

Fried foods rule Texas fair contest
DALLAS - The entries in this year's Big Tex Choice Awards could entice State Fair visitors back to the deep fryer for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

There are Deep Fried Lattes for a morning jump-start, plus fried chili pie, fried guacamole, and a range of crispy desserts including Fried Cookie Dough.

The third annual Big Tex Choice Awards contest on Labor Day tests the fair grub ingenuity of State Fair of Texas concessionaires. Past Big Tex awards have offered nonfried options, but none of this year's seven entries escaped the fryer.

"I think they're good products," said Ron Black, the fair's senior vice president of food service and novelties. "We've got experienced concessionaires, and their products all taste really good."

Michael Levy will debut his family's new Deep Fried Latte, which is a fried pastry topped with cappuccino ice cream, caramel sauce, whipped cream and instant coffee powder.

"We have gained about 10 pounds trying this. I'm not kidding," Levy said. "I've probably eaten 300 of these trying to get it right."

Concessionaire Allan Weiss is offering up Zesty Fried Guacamole Bites, a variation on the Fried Avocados he created last year. The bites are a scoop of guacamole, breaded, fried and served with ranch dressings or salsa.

"The Fried Avocado went over so well, and I think people like guacamole even more than they like avocado," Weiss said.

Gigi White invented Country Pride Peach Cobbler on a Stick, which is a peach cobbler with dumplings rolled in pastry dough and fried, and then covered in brown sugar and cinnamon and skewered. It's this year's only entry on a stick.

"I'm a food engineer," White said. "You really got to work it."

The other entries include Fernie's Fried Chili Frito Burrito, Mama's Fried Sweet Potato Pie and B.W.'s Original Fried Banana Pudding.

"I'm not sure we have another Fried Coke," Black said, referring to the smash hit of last year's State Fair. The dish has been imitated at fairs across the country.
I'm getting hungry.

Perfecting the Art of Surrender

This is too rich.

France ready to apologise to Iraq
Last week Mr Kouchner said the Iraqi government was "not functioning" and was quoted saying he had told the US that there was strong support in Iraq for Mr Maliki to resign and he "has got to be replaced".

In an interview with RTL radio on Monday, Mr Kouchner said: "I think that he [Mr Maliki] misunderstood, or that I was not clear enough that I was referring to comments I heard from Iraqis I talked to."

"If the prime minister wants me to apologise for having interfered so directly in Iraqi affairs, I'll do it willingly," he said.
My gosh, this is a good example of why many people see France as a bunch of wishy-washy surrender-monkeys. Express an opinion or don't, but don't be blaming others for the opinion you expressed. Stand up and be a man about it for once.

You can bet the left will see this as great foreign policy management by France.

Vick Pleads Guilty

Anticlimactic, since the deal was already done.

Now we brace for the sympathy tour with fawning media, if any can be found.
Michael Vick pleaded guilty Monday to a federal dogfighting charge and a judge is to set a sentencing date that could send the fallen NFL superstar to prison.

The suspended Atlanta Falcons quarterback entered his guilty plea before U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson. He asked Vick whether he knew what evidence the government had against him and whether he had gove over the facts of the case with his legal team.

Vick agreed.
I agree he's one of the biggest idiots to ever come along.

Stephon Marbury was unavailable for comment.

Haider: Ban Mosque-Building

Expect plenty of seething to follow.

By the way, why is it always "rightwingers" who are considered "firebrands"?

Arent't there any leftwing firebrands?

Austria's Haider says to ban mosque-building
Austrian right-wing firebrand Joerg Haider said on Monday he plans to change building laws to prevent mosques and minarets being erected in his home province of Carinthia.

Haider, Carinthia's governor, said he would ask its parliament to amend the building code to would require towns and villages to consider "religious and cultural tradition" when dealing with construction requests.

"We don't want a clash of cultures and we don't want institutions which are alien to our culture being erected in Western Europe," Haider said in a statement.
Oooh, those are fighting words. How insensitive of him, wanting to actually preserve his own culture.
"Muslims have of course the right to practice their religion, but I oppose erecting mosques and minarets as centers to advertise the power of Islam," he said.

His spokesman, Stefan Petzner, said that there were no plans to restrict Muslim prayer rooms, as this would violate Muslims' human rights, and the planned change applied only to dedicated mosques and minarets.

Muslims in Europe are meeting increasing resistance to plans for mosques that befit Islam's status as the continent's second religion after Christianity, with petitions in London, protests in Cologne, a court case in Marseille and violence in Berlin.

However, while all those places have significant Muslim minorities, Haider's Carinthia has the second lowest share of Muslim citizens of all Austrian provinces -- 11,000 out of a population of around 400,000, a Muslim spokesman said.

"It's a ridiculous statement to say he fears a clash of civilizations (in Carinthia)," said Omar al-Rawi, a centre-left lawmaker who is spokesman for the Austrian Muslims' Initiative.
I guess if you're "centre-left," you don't qualify for firebrand status.
"We don't know of any mosque plans there. His move is meaningless, populist, racist and anti-Islamic," he added.
You forgot "Islamophobic," Omar.

Whatever the case, Haider isn't exactly the best spokesman to come out with this, considering his history. Especially this part:
Despite his rhetoric against Islam at home, Haider also praises himself for his close ties to Muslim leaders including Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, whom he calls a personal friend.